Jun 1, 2013
This is the story of my brush with Colonel Irving Lambert, though first I do have to start with a reference to the new Batman film so you can understand the context of my story:

In the new Batman film, Batman has gone in hiding and the city has turned to crap basically and when he decides to come out of hiding, Alfred (the butler played by Michael Caine) urges him not to. He refuses to bury any more members of the Wayne family. Anyway he explains when he goes on holiday, he goes to a little cafe in Paris, it's his dream that Batman runs away and one day when he goes to that cafe, drinks his coffee and looks up to see Batman a few tables away, with a wife and maybe a child. They wouldn't say anything to each other, they'd just give each other a nod and that would be all that was needed, so show the mutual respect they have for each other and for all that they've done for each other over their years (Alfred adopted Bruce when his parents died).

Anyway I had a moment that reminded me of this. I went down south, after playing Splinter Cell a few days earlier (Double Agent, where Lambert gets shot) and we were at this service station with only a few cars in the car park; I got out to get some fresh air and leant up against the car bonnet. A Mitsubishi family car turned up and parked about three spaces away, out got three little black kids and an older brother. Out of the other side, a black girl and her supposed boyfriend got out and walked towards the service station, then I saw their dad watching them. The dad was the spitting image of Lambert, a plump black man with a bushy moustache, leaning against the car with his arms folded, wearing a woolen vest and tie and balding hair (although he grew more hair in Double Agent). We both looked at each other and nodded at each other to be polite but it was like that scene in Batman, like a mutual understanding - with a sense of finality between colleagues and friends. The only thing that would've made it any better would be if he'd said "Thank you Sam."


Jan 9, 2008
I thought this was going to be a lame story (I'm a cynical bastich! sorry for judging early!) but I enjoyed it! Good story, well described too.
Jun 1, 2013
Thank you! It was awesome when it happened! I should've gone over to talk to him but I think he would've just thought I was some weirdo


Jan 9, 2008
I should've gone over to talk to him but I think he would've just thought I was some weirdo

But if he knew the S.C. series it would have been epic! I wonder if anyone has ever told him he looked like Lambert before. He might have even been like "yeah yeah, I hear it all the time".
Jun 1, 2013
Have you noticed how Lambert always sings the word "Saaam!" and always says in his deep black man voice: "All over the world...", maybe his children try using it in sentences to tease him.
I might have seen the guy Lambert was based on!


Jan 9, 2008
[at Heathrow Airport Customs]

"Excuse me sir, is that a gumbo stain on your vest? I'm afraid we can't let you in, you'll have to go back on the next flight out."


Oct 3, 2005
haha you guys are making me laugh so hard!!! but yea when you said you went down south england was the last place on my mind haha.
Jun 1, 2013
It's Lambert so it would be a coffee stain on his vest, then he would turn to the camera and go "SAAAAAMMMMM!!" and the credits roll up