Sep 27, 2004
Having a lot of issues with UC3 early in the game. I have looked for other threads with the same issues I'm having and haven't been able to find many with similar issues.

The glitches start in chapter 1. Sound will cut out constantly. Textures wont load fully particularly on the guy you fight in the bathroom. He just looks like a blob of color. I'll defeat all enemies in the bar area and won't be able to advance to next area. Sometimes the sound that cut out during the fight will all play at once after I've been sitting there waiting to see if the game will let me advance to the next area. Cut scenes hardly ever play. If I try to skip a cutscene the game will lock up. I have reinstalled patches multiple times and get the same thing every time I try playing. I also tried rebuilding the database with no success. I'm playing on Slim that is 2 or 3 years old at most. Not sure on the size of HDD but it is the factory HDD. The console plays every other game I own with no problems.

Any help on a fix would be greatly appreciated. I would love to finish this awesome series.
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 26, 2012
Having a lot of issues with UC3 early in the game. I have looked for other threads with the same issues I'm having and haven't been able to find many with similar issues.

The glitches start in chapter 1. Sound will cut out constantly. Textures wont load fully particularly on the guy you fight in the bathroom. He just looks like a blob of color. I'll defeat all enemies in the bar area and won't be able to advance to next area. Sometimes the sound that cut out during the fight will all play at once after I've been sitting there waiting to see if the game will let me advance to the next area. Cut scenes hardly ever play. If I try to skip a cutscene the game will lock up. I have reinstalled patches multiple times and get the same thing every time I try playing. I also tried rebuilding the database with no success. I'm playing on Slim that is 2 or 3 years old at most. Not sure on the size of HDD but it is the factory HDD. The console plays every other game I own with no problems.

Any help on a fix would be greatly appreciated. I would love to finish this awesome series.

If you haven't found the answer already, your disc is defective. Just go to the store and ask for an exchange.