
Jan 30, 2013
The actual offered multiplayer for this game is abysmal to say the VERY least (tried it myself).

I understand a lot of you here play with yourselves a lot and do not focus on actually competing in online multiplayer.

This women of IGN gave it a 9.6 with ONE F%$#%#% mention of multiplayer.
Usually the IGN reviews have at LEAST a paragraph dedicated specifically to talking about the games multiplayer functionality.

I am very upset by this narrow minded review focused on single player, and I am more upset with the pathetic multiplayer offered for this game. When will the Nintendo IGN reviews meet the higher standards of the other systems games reviews? No...... Seriously?
Jan 26, 2013
I'm a fanboy so take my word with a grain of salt. Fire Emblem has always been a single player experience, but the fact that this game has a mediocre online game experience doesn't mean much considering it's more of an extra.
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Almost Not a Noob
Sep 12, 2006
The single player of Fire Emblem is better than any multiplayer experience you are ever going to find. Multiplayer is an afterthought.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
Since people are posting in this thread now, I'll post my own earlier reply.
The actual offered multiplayer for this game is abysmal to say the VERY least (tried it myself).

I understand a lot of you here play with yourselves a lot and do not focus on actually competing in online multiplayer.

This women of IGN gave it a 9.6 with ONE F%$#%#% mention of multiplayer.
Usually the IGN reviews have at LEAST a paragraph dedicated specifically to talking about the games multiplayer functionality.

I am very upset by this narrow minded review focused on single player, and I am more upset with the pathetic multiplayer offered for this game. When will the Nintendo IGN reviews meet the higher standards of the other systems games reviews? No...... Seriously?
While I would like to use the age-old "FE MP has always sucked" excuse, I think IS really missed the chance to deliver some great multiplayer with Awakening. Considering how lame SD MP was since the roster of playable units was limited to the terribly restrictive unit "tiers" from the single player campaign, the change to the Awakening system of unit customization would open the SD MP mode up to more interesting battles.

But oh well. Fire Emblem has always been a single player focused game. If you want multiplayer, find a game made specifically for multiplayer.


Jan 30, 2013
The single player of Fire Emblem is better than any multiplayer experience you are ever going to find. Multiplayer is an afterthought.
You my friend are more pathetic and ignorant than any politician, any thug/gangster, narrow minded biggets, gold diggers, gossiper, douchebag, etc.

You have been officially been banned to only playing with yourself in your litttle corner, trying to get all the little stupid upgrades and items for your single, I dont have a life, player games thus you will not hurt others lives by even TRYING to connect to the online gaming world, which lifts players lives up, only for impudents like you try to bring down to your hellish gaming level, .....................FOR LIFE!!!!



Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
I make a habit of not feeding your kind, but indulging never hurt anyone.

If you think the games industry is tailor-made for you, get that thought out of your head. Not every game is made with MLG in mind, even less so if the game is made in Japan. There is a thriving community and marketplace for the kind of games you presumably enjoy. Fire Emblem is not a part of that marketplace. It is an historically (over 2 decades) single player series, made with the Japanese market in mind. Guess who has a massive market for single player, story-driven games? Japan.

If you're upset about the game getting stellar reviews while glossing over a feature the game doesn't support, well I guess I should be angry that the Mass Effect 3 review doesn't mention how well it serves as a family mini-game collection. Oh wait I shouldn't, because that would be fucking moronic.


Fire Emblem Ike and Mia
Jun 22, 2008
This guy can't be serious.

But hey! If this place is attracting trolls for the first time in (literally) years, them that's a good sign that we're getting some mainstream exposure!


Jan 30, 2013
Fire Emblem Awakening is a GREAT GAME!

It just hurts that its actually somewhat easy, and people think they are beast's beating the CPU.
But that anti multiplayer comment cannot go unpunished.


Jan 30, 2013
Fire Emblem Awakening is a GREAT GAME!

It just hurts that its actually somewhat easy, and people think they are beast's beating the CPU.
But that anti multiplayer comment cannot go unpunished.
I'll bet you've not unlocked the hardest mode yet.

Whats the point? So I can play a harder CPU? To unlock items and characters that only I can see?
I want Hardcore PVP Online Multi-player, Id love to see your team and how well you have done Mr. XLamonteCoxX!


Well, I fail.
Jul 7, 2005
Nintendo has this thing against wireless, non-local multiplayer for some reason. (See: Brawl)

With that said, while I agree they had a really good opportunity here to include some multiplayer, it isn't like the game will die for not having it. There are plenty of multiplayer games that have an extremely short lifespan for tons of reason, so having multiplayer isn't necessarily the heart of most games.
Aug 5, 2008
The actual offered multiplayer for this game is abysmal to say the VERY least (tried it myself).

I understand a lot of you here play with yourselves a lot and do not focus on actually competing in online multiplayer.

This women of IGN gave it a 9.6 with ONE F%$#%#% mention of multiplayer.
Usually the IGN reviews have at LEAST a paragraph dedicated specifically to talking about the games multiplayer functionality.

I am very upset by this narrow minded review focused on single player, and I am more upset with the pathetic multiplayer offered for this game. When will the Nintendo IGN reviews meet the higher standards of the other systems games reviews? No...... Seriously?
The single player of Fire Emblem is better than any multiplayer experience you are ever going to find. Multiplayer is an afterthought.
You my friend are more pathetic and ignorant than any politician, any thug/gangster, narrow minded biggets, gold diggers, gossiper, douchebag, etc.

You have been officially been banned to only playing with yourself in your litttle corner, trying to get all the little stupid upgrades and items for your single, I dont have a life, player games thus you will not hurt others lives by even TRYING to connect to the online gaming world, which lifts players lives up, only for impudents like you try to bring down to your hellish gaming level, .....................FOR LIFE!!!!

Fire Emblem Awakening is a GREAT GAME!

It just hurts that its actually somewhat easy, and people think they are beast's beating the CPU.
But that anti multiplayer comment cannot go unpunished.
I'll bet you've not unlocked the hardest mode yet.

Whats the point? So I can play a harder CPU? To unlock items and characters that only I can see?
I want Hardcore PVP Online Multi-player, Id love to see your team and how well you have done Mr. XLamonteCoxX!


Jan 30, 2013
Nintendo has this thing against wireless, non-local multiplayer for some reason. (See: Brawl)

With that said, while I agree they had a really good opportunity here to include some multiplayer, it isn't like the game will die for not having it. There are plenty of multiplayer games that have an extremely short lifespan for tons of reason, so having multiplayer isn't necessarily the heart of most games.

As a standard American Gamer, multiplayer to me is no longer an add on, but a requirement for all great games that COULD very well encompass it. Fire Emblem would DEFINETLY be one of those games. As you may have noticed, I am not driven by the story, rather by competition. I know that may set myself apart from single player fanatics, but theres no changing the truth. The top selling games in the great USA are MULTIPLAYER driven games http://www.vgchartz.com/weekly/41245/USA/

But why is Nintendo so against Online Multiplayer? especially voice chat?


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
Demography plays an important role in game development. Games made for certain audiences are tailored to what that audience normally looks for in a video game. Any time and effort spent on features that aren't pushing copies off the shelves. what seems like a given for you may seem like a waste to others. The Japanese market is very specific about multiplayer features. Because the island is small and metropolitan areas are usually more compact than American cities, local wireless is a very useful feature for their area. While the rest of the world plays video games with other people at home across the internet, the Japanese gamer population is more likely to play locally.

As an example, look at your list. Black Ops is mainly bought for the multiplayer experience. It sold poorly in Japan, but is a massive hit everywhere else. Scroll down the list, and New Super Mario Bros 2 is at 15. It's sold equally well in North America and Japan. What is one of the main features in NSMB games? Local multiplayer.

I'll wrap this around with an answer to your question. Nintendo makes games primarily for the Japanese audience. Local multiplayer is an acceptable, cheaper substitute for online multiplayer in Japan. Thus, local multiplayer only. It's not rocket science, it's demography.


Jun 14, 2011
They gave it a 9.6 just to get honorable mention in the eshop. To one up Nintendo Life, though NL doesn't play dirty like that.


The Lunar Elf
Jul 9, 2012
Awakening's the only FE game with multiplayer,
so obviously multiplayer capabilities have never been a large part of the series.

I'd think of the local-multiplayer as an added bonus imo. [face_tongue]
Future online-play would be great, but it's not necessary at all.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
Awakening's the only FE game with multiplayer,
so obviously multiplayer capabilities have never been a large part of the series.

I'd think of the local-multiplayer as an added bonus imo. [face_tongue]
Future online-play would be great, but it's not necessary at all.
All of the portable FEs have had multiplayer in some capacity. The GBA games had the Link Arena, and the DS games even had wifi matches.
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The Lunar Elf
Jul 9, 2012
Awakening's the only FE game with multiplayer,
so obviously multiplayer capabilities have never been a large part of the series.

I'd think of the local-multiplayer as an added bonus imo. [face_tongue]
Future online-play would be great, but it's not necessary at all.
All of the portable FEs have had multiplayer in some capacity. The GBA games had the Link Arena, and the DS games even had wifi matches.

Ah, yes I remember those now. I'd forgotten about them since I never used them. :^O


Jan 31, 2012
The actual offered multiplayer for this game is abysmal to say the VERY least (tried it myself).

I understand a lot of you here play with yourselves a lot and do not focus on actually competing in online multiplayer.

This women of IGN gave it a 9.6 with ONE F%$#%#% mention of multiplayer.
Usually the IGN reviews have at LEAST a paragraph dedicated specifically to talking about the games multiplayer functionality.

I am very upset by this narrow minded review focused on single player, and I am more upset with the pathetic multiplayer offered for this game. When will the Nintendo IGN reviews meet the higher standards of the other systems games reviews? No...... Seriously?
I may be out of topic here but what i love to see is FE MMORPG complete new game without the turn base system but same character i like to walk around knigh with big shield that would be a super game to play


Prime Member
Feb 29, 2008
"As a standard American Gamer, multiplayer to me is no longer an add on, but a requirement for all great games that COULD very well encompass it. Fire Emblem would DEFINETLY be one of those games. As you may have noticed, I am not driven by the story, rather by competition. I know that may set myself apart from single player fanatics, but theres no changing the truth. The top selling games in the great USA are MULTIPLAYER driven games"

Man I have been playing games since I was two years old. I was a hardcore gamer when all there were was single player story games, and all the way up to the rise of the multiplayer games. I game on Wii, WiiU, X Box 360, PS3, and mainly PC. I think multiplayer is over saturated, and the idea that a great game must have great multiplayer is ignorant. Though I would like to see great singleplayer, and multiplayer in most games the fact is multiplayer can make or break a game just like single player can. Its not going to suck if it has great single player, and no, or poor multiplayer. If you wan't great multiplayer games then stop playing Nintendo systems, because your just not going to find it yet. Maybe here in a year, but I would game on PC because its wide variety of Multiplayer, and the quality of it is off the charts, or you could play crap box threeshitty, and playe Halo, Gears, and CoD. Believe me I understand the importance of a game, and its features, and multiplayer is not an afterthought. Battlefield has proved that to me time, and time again, but also just because multiplayer is not an afterthought it is not a requirement, but then again if your not about story then it might be for you, but if your not about story then why do you play on Nintendo systems? Like I said. PC has the best multiplayer selection out there, and you can't find the quality of there multiplayer games on any other platforms as far as online goes. If you wan't competition pick up Red Orchestra 2, Natural Selection 2, Garry's Mod, Counter Strike, Battlefield 3, Company of Heroes, Sins of a Solar Empire, Guild War 2 has amazing PVP, Frozen Synapse has an amazing MLG field. With PC I could go on and on, but Nintendo is really a local family oriented thing with a few online stars like Mario Kart, and Monster Hunters 3 Ultimate. Smash Bros was all right as well. Oh and I am a extraordinary American gamer, and I will die gaming weather it be singleplayer, or multiplayer.
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May 24, 2012
Nintendo has this thing against wireless, non-local multiplayer for some reason. (See: Brawl)

With that said, while I agree they had a really good opportunity here to include some multiplayer, it isn't like the game will die for not having it. There are plenty of multiplayer games that have an extremely short lifespan for tons of reason, so having multiplayer isn't necessarily the heart of most games.

As a standard American Gamer, multiplayer to me is no longer an add on, but a requirement for all great games that COULD very well encompass it. Fire Emblem would DEFINETLY be one of those games. As you may have noticed, I am not driven by the story, rather by competition. I know that may set myself apart from single player fanatics, but theres no changing the truth. The top selling games in the great USA are MULTIPLAYER driven games http://www.vgchartz.com/weekly/41245/USA/

But why is Nintendo so against Online Multiplayer? especially voice chat?

lol love how he identifies himself as a "standard american gamer." There are TONS of us who far more appreciate a compelling single-player experience than competitive multiplayer. These games don't NEED multiplayer, and devs shouldn't have to add them. Just look at a phenomenal game like Tomb Raider that tried to shoehorn in a multiplayer system. :/
Apr 25, 2013
BUT they have to make it so maybe they have community where there is one for girinding and one for different type of players like maybe one for people who have gotten far enough in the main game


Nov 19, 2012
The last time we had multiplayer in fire emblem was shadow dragon and god it was awful. unbalanced in every aspect.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
I don't like seeing this thread bumped, but I have to chime in.

Awakening would have benefited greatly by having a wifi multiplayer mode. There are many aspects of unit progression that can only be utilized by Streetpass battles, and that died out pretty quickly a month after the game released, if you were even lucky enough to get passes at all. While I understand why wifi wasn't a feature (see my demography post earlier in the thread), I feel like IS missed out on even more potential staying power for this entry.

Awakening would have been the perfect entry to really push a SD-style MP mode. The freedom that Awakening gives the player doesn't make the traditional elements of the series more compelling, but it could have propelled the series in a new direction. I'm torn because I see the potential for good multiplayer, but I really enjoy the single player experience that Fire Emblem has always provided. I'm not a big fan of half measures though.