
Aug 12, 2021
Info on GTA 6

GTA 6 hasn’t been officially announced, but according to leaks it’s been in development for many years now. That shouldn’t come as much of a surprise though, as GTA 5 and its associated online multiplayer component, GTA Online, continue to be one of the most-played and most -purchased games of all time.

According to a Kotaku report, “a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series,” is early in development as of April 2020. That report also suggested we can expect to see a smaller launch, with the game expanded through updates in the manner of an MMO or GTA Online.

The development timing means expecting the game to be a PS5 and Xbox Series X title is a sure bet, and the release of a remastered GTA 5 for PS5 in 2021 suggests we could be waiting quite a while for a new GTA title.

If you want more info on this, check out this LINK