
Plane Driver
Jun 9, 2001
How do you feel about that?

I might consider it, but I hope at least 3 months free come with the purchase. I'm not technically sold yet, as I am not sure how well this platform will transfer to an MMO, but I am definitely interested. I haven't really gotten into an MMO since EQOA on the PS2.


Destiny Deserter
Aug 10, 2003
Canada, eh?
Definitely a franchise I've wanted to see as an MMO for a long time, but they need to focus on the quests and gameplay and not make it super-dialogue heavy.

$15/mo is standard and I don't mind paying it if the game is good.


Destiny Deserter
Aug 10, 2003
Canada, eh?
MMOs definitely aren't for everyone, but I've always wanted some kind of co-op aspect with Elder Scrolls games. I mean, they're amazing single player experiences, but that big world can get lonely sometimes.


Destiny Deserter
Aug 10, 2003
Canada, eh?
WoW is $15/mo as well. Like I said, that rate it's pretty standard. WoW offers 1 free month of play for new players, as well as being free to play up to level 20(with restrictions).

WoW is easily the biggest MMO out there, and it's still a strong competitor for any new comers. Any new MMO that comes out needs to offer some kind of benefit of it wants to strive. Maybe a $10 monthly fee or something for starters.



Eternal noob
Jun 18, 2013
Like YanxFan I'm also a "weirdo gaming hermit" so I'll definitely want to try before I buy. Even not counting the price of the game itself (whatever that ends up being), the $15 a month subscription is the equivalent of 3 new games a year, assuming $60US for new games. Given that games are often marked up to and beyond $100US here in Australia I hate to think what they'd be charging us.

I've also always enjoyed single player more than multiplayer, both competitive and co-op. Unless you're playing with friends then multiplayer can just turn into everybody racing around full pace doing what they want and getting in the way. I like to take my time to explore and just generally stuff around. I've not played a MMO before and don't know how this will work but given how much I enjoy The Elder Scrolls this game sounds interesting. If it looks any good I may get it but $15 a month (or more) is making me cautious...


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Like YanxFan I'm also a "weirdo gaming hermit" so I'll definitely want to try before I buy. Even not counting the price of the game itself (whatever that ends up being), the $15 a month subscription is the equivalent of 3 new games a year, assuming $60US for new games. Given that games are often marked up to and beyond $100US here in Australia I hate to think what they'd be charging us.

I've also always enjoyed single player more than multiplayer, both competitive and co-op. Unless you're playing with friends then multiplayer can just turn into everybody racing around full pace doing what they want and getting in the way. I like to take my time to explore and just generally stuff around. I've not played a MMO before and don't know how this will work but given how much I enjoy The Elder Scrolls this game sounds interesting. If it looks any good I may get it but $15 a month (or more) is making me cautious...
I only got myself an x-box one last week (well I have a 360 games and a Gold account) I've never played an MMO before either, and, as a bonus, I got ESO, and their was no subscription [face_dancing], I was totally blown away at the amount of people tear arsing around Daggerfall ! [face_shock][face_hypnotized] it was like the old 'tinpots' on high plains drifter going in to town


Eternal noob
Jun 18, 2013
Like YanxFan I'm also a "weirdo gaming hermit" so I'll definitely want to try before I buy. Even not counting the price of the game itself (whatever that ends up being), the $15 a month subscription is the equivalent of 3 new games a year, assuming $60US for new games. Given that games are often marked up to and beyond $100US here in Australia I hate to think what they'd be charging us.

I've also always enjoyed single player more than multiplayer, both competitive and co-op. Unless you're playing with friends then multiplayer can just turn into everybody racing around full pace doing what they want and getting in the way. I like to take my time to explore and just generally stuff around. I've not played a MMO before and don't know how this will work but given how much I enjoy The Elder Scrolls this game sounds interesting. If it looks any good I may get it but $15 a month (or more) is making me cautious...
I only got myself an x-box one last week (well I have a 360 games and a Gold account) I've never played an MMO before either, and, as a bonus, I got ESO, and their was no subscription [face_dancing], I was totally blown away at the amount of people tear arsing around Daggerfall ! [face_shock][face_hypnotized] it was like the old 'tinpots' on high plains drifter going in to town

Played this a little but got distracted. I had a horrible 2015 but now things are looking up I'll have to get back into it some time.