Mar 8, 2011
Being an avid baseball fan, I am destined to purchase a baseball game for the Xbox 360. However, I am left heavy hearted seeing that IGN has yet to talk about MLB 2k12 what-so-ever and not a single post regarding the game has been made yet. What does this tell me? Either IGN is failing as a videogame information provider, or the game is going to be unimpressive yet again and lead all baseball fans wishing they had PlayStations so they could play “The Show”. In defense of IGN though, not even the 2k website is up to date. They still have ads for their 2010 and 2011 games, and want you to click links to Facebook pages regarding the game to get information. Insane. (Facebook was meant to creep on hot chicks you were in class with, not be bombarded with ads and learn about games.) At this point 2k knows the situation they are in and fans have pleaded for a better product, but I feel like they giving up and throwing in the towel. Are they accepting the fact that some Xbox users will be forced to buy their inadequate product and be content with second best in a race of two? I just can’t decide whether after years of following The 2K franchise (and IGN) if I should expect more or just settle for mediocrity.

P.S. The game comes out March 6th, 2012. And the cover athelte is Justin Verlander. The cover art can be found here!/MLB2K?sk=info.
(Hey IGN, update your page!)


Aug 15, 2011
I really hope they fixed up the My Player mode. I would like to see our players test the free agents market and let us have a number figure for our contract. Also changes the interface of the pitching make it at least possible to use the analog stick to pitch, 90% of the people that play this game play with the face buttons because it's nearly impossible to use the right analog stick.
Mar 8, 2011
I agree. The My Player definitely leaves something to be desired. Unlike other sports, rookies and newly drafted players who are in the minors don't have as much say in their current situation, so thats the only argument I could see for why they don't add those options. As far as the pitch stick, I liked when they introduced that feature a couple years ago. It makes the game more challenging and keeps the player's attention. Just pressing buttons makes an already slow sport more mundane. But what I still don't get is how they can't take their technology and make a great looking and feeling baseball game. The work they do on the NBA 2k franchise is super impressive and they win awards for not only visuals but for animation. Creating a fast pace game like basketball seems like it would be much more difficult than a game that can be broke down pitch by pitch. I just don't understand.


Aug 15, 2011
I'd like to see for My Player is when you get a Walk off hit or HR you can actually see the celebration it's always cut short and speaking of cut short. The Career is way too short it's only 12 yrs. I made my player a HOFer in that short time but it should be at least 16-18 yrs. I had one player with over 2300 hits and i averaged 200 hits a year. I was only 20 hrs from 500. Unless you sit there and play every single game and inning you probably won't get to 756.
Mar 8, 2011
My hats off to you for getting through that many games. I usually max out my guy and then get tired of the repitition. I find the actual player progression and skill building more important/rewarding than the long term achievements (again, lack of patience).

My player mode aside though, 2k really needs to deliver this year. They can't keep banking on the fact they are only game on Xbox because they are on the verge of losing a large chunk of their fan base. There are also rumors that EA is going to be bringing back MVP Baseball in 2013. If this is true, I hope that 2k doesn't fold their cards and leave their franchise's future up for grabs because I know their are a lot of people (including myself in some respects) who loved MVP baseball and would be interested to give those a try.

I still feel disappointed by IGN's lack of coverage on this game. Halo 4 won't be out til the end of 2012, yet there were articles, cover art, etc in 2011. MLB comes out in 2 months and there isn't one piece of information on it! The Show has articles, screenshots, even a preview, clearly ign has a favorite (which is fine, but at least include the other one in the conversation. Its videogame discrimination).

(MLB 2K12 Cover Reveal Teaser )

(Justin Verlander talks 'MLB 2K12' - ESPN)


Aug 15, 2011
I would switch back to MVP Baseball if EA delivers a good game again. I wish 2k could get their baseball games like they make the NBA games. EA just could not compete with 2k in NBA games. I would love to see 2k look like The Show. at least get the crowd to the most realistic as possible and The Show has warm up pitches and even added balks. 2k needs that. I actually went through two careers of getting to the HOF. One of them I played for every team in the East except Baltimore and Tampa Bay and Florida and the Mets, Won a WS with the Red Sox, Yankees, Phillies and Braves before requesting a trade to the Cubs then then to Toronto. Where I finished my career ending in the WS in a loss of my SO to end the game. I actually clintched the WS win with the Red Sox in game seven. What made it great was it was against Papolbon. 2 seam fastball down the middle. It wasn't my only HR against him even I hit a Grand Slam off him too that was a fastball down the middle.


Jan 18, 2012
I have the show (2011) I liked it at first, but it is just too boring now. The announcers are lame, its the same as 2010 in almost every respect, except now you Can't play as minor leauge teams. I don't know why their not telling us anything about mlb2k12, except that the fact that they probably have not changed anything, and don't want to lose their customers. (or you can just pretend that their not saying anything because they've made such enourmous strides)
Mar 8, 2011
Sometimes trying to fool yourself is better than dealing with reality. I'm sure you're probably dead right and they haven't made a single change worth mentioning (updated rosters and box art just wont do it). But I'd prefer to believe in a myth for the next two months before being slapped in the face by 2k. Basically what I am saying is I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS GAME TO COME OUT!
Feb 24, 2006
Well im hearing MLB 12 "THE SHOW" is better but but its only made for ps3 tho...

MLB 2k12 does look like its good also... But yeah ya rite no vids for it yet but since its out in mrach then im sure next month will have stuff being that this month is alomst done anyway...

I use to play these baseball games waaaaaaaaaay back in the days so i cant say one way or another how good the 2k are but im willing to maybe try it out since madden wasent all that great. I'm not much of a baseball watcher on tv till the playoffs but i do understand it.

So im in no position to say anything about this game till i play it myself. ~Real Talk~
Mar 8, 2011
Here are a few articles discussing MLB 2k12. Looks like this may be it for old 2k Baseball. Also includes some desciption of some hands on demo-ing. Apparently if you can get past the game's appearance, the gameplay has improved. The perfect game challenge is returning with some tweaks.
(Gameplay video included)

Finally, IGN. If you are suppose to be the best at covering these things, why do these three lesser known game sites have interviews, gameplay footage, or at the very leasts updates about the game? Shape up or ship out. (like 2k is doing with their baseball franchise. And you don't want to be compared to that)


Aug 15, 2011
I hope they fixed how they round the bases it should be at an angle and not a little turn then run in a straight line.
Mar 8, 2011
It's unreal. 1 month left and still nothing. But hey, they have time to right about how boring call of duty is (even though they love call of duty).


Aug 15, 2011
KBaseball31512 said:
Does anyone know if there will be a demo for 2k12 and if so when it will be out?

Normally the demo is out like 10 days prior to the release date. I am not sure if there will be one. Honestly I think this is a day one buy for me. Plus only 3 weeks prior to release I get my tax return so I have the money to spend.
Mar 8, 2011
Kinda makes me want to buy it a little more. Verlander and Bruce are pretty funny in this, and Kate Upton just adds another reason why I love Circle Changeups.


Aug 15, 2011
Unless they completely overhauled the pitching with the right stick/analog. Then it will still be broken. To this day I can not get it right. I do exactly what it says but when I complete the pitch i looks like a 2 yr old scribbled it. I do the up and then half circle motion down. It just a completely flawed system. I hope with less then a month away we find info out on the game.

I mainly would like real salaries for My Player. Fix the commentary where the guy doesn't say what your player did 3 times. And a pop should be recognized as a pop not a fly out. Another thing that is flawed is for the drills in My Player when you practice Tagging up and Advancing. If you need to tag up and score it should not be a shallow fly ball ten feet from the infield dirt. There was a lot good about 2k11 and a lot bad. Speaking of salaries for MP you should be able to become a free agent. Cash in on a MVP season. Go elsewhere negotiate somewhat of a contract.

Hank Aaron should be listed as the HR King as he is in realty. Actually have the chance to play for 20 yrs. It's impossible to get 3000hit and 756 HRs in only 12 yrs. Not to mention you're in the minors at least 3-4 year first. It's damn near impossible to get called up right away and be rookie of the year.
Mar 8, 2011
jayhendo said:
Unless they completely overhauled the pitching with the right stick/analog. Then it will still be broken.

I'm going to have to disagree with you there. The right stick pitching system makes the game more unique and captivating. Button pushing gets old, and quick. Reviewers of the this game, and other baseball games, have said that other games need to adapt and incorporate the pitch stick system. The announcing and gameplay controls are what make this game standout (which is not a lot to stand on unfortunately, but its something) and if those things were to be altered they would fall behind the competors completely.

P.S. If you are having trouble with your pitching (the circle change in particular), you can get Kate Upton to help you. She taught Verlander, Price, and Wilson, so I'm guessing you will be in good company when she's done with you.
Dec 21, 2008
Wrote them an email per seeing the trailer for this game and noticing that Rangers Ballpark after 2 years of being remodeled still has the same stadium. Its the things like this, among other reasons why this game will continue to be 2nd rate to MLB The Show. I have played both and it really is pathectic that Microsoft allows 2K and EA to buy exclusive rights to produce games. Its like they got it backwards. EA made better Baseball games and they got the football rights and 2K made better football games and they got the baseball rights. Every year sports fans are left eager for the next years game. MLB 2k12 will be no exception. Save the money.


Aug 15, 2011
My Player doesn't have money figures this year either. We can't test the FA Market as far as I know. The annoying guy that guides you threw is no longer there, we have to read messages from the Manager and GM. It's basically all the same thing the dude said but we have to read it instead. My first year in MP I did a dispicable .360 with 46 RBI and 5 HRs .. so far my player is a contact hitter. Unfortunately stats decay if you don't pay attention. Once your in overall of the 90's it shouldn't be too hard to keep them up. My first game outside of my player I won with real teams I was the Cubs and I beat the Twins 17-0. Sadly the achievements are damn near all the same. Overall i think it's a excellent game. 8/10


Aug 15, 2011
nope, unless its with a prexsisting team , I think you can have a draft but I don't thing you can import your created team in franchise.