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Jul 16, 2008
Started this a few days ago. I've noticed a few things:

-At the beginning of Ratchet's first level (Zolar Forest), the sound of the fire from the crashed ship just cut out. I could hear it at first but I took a while to actually approach it, and then I noticed the sound was gone. The fire sound seems to play fine if I run straight ahead at the start of the level, but if I hang around and explore behind me first (away from the fire, like around the inactive teleporter) for a while, it cuts out. Does anyone else get this?

-A few times when I went to a weapon vendor shop, if I have the cursor on the Full Ammo option, it displays text in the description box that has nothing to do with ammo. It looks like it's displaying descriptions of weapons that aren't available yet, and it's not even the weapons that are "Coming Soon". Just...totally random weapons.

-I got the Zoni and I'm pretty sure I got the Gold Bolt on the Kothros Alpha moon (it's in the sector with the Battle Arena), and when I put the cursor over that moon on the map (the one brought up by pressing Select), it says "Complete". If I missed something, it would say "Incomplete". However, the dot on the radar is still green instead of gray. Is there something else there, or is it a bug?

I'm wondering if these things are normal and if anyone else experienced them.


Jul 16, 2008
I found someone else's video that had the same thing I had with the ammo description.
It's at around 6:20 here. If you pause it and read it, it seems like it's describing the Omni Soaker.

I did find the mission to finish that moon, thanks.

Now I'm having audio problems with this game. Has anyone experienced any of these?

-A couple of times, dialogues during gameplay didn't finish. One person will say something, then another person is supposed to respond back...but they don't. And I didn't do anything or go anywhere that would've interrupted the dialogue.

-Sometimes sound effects will be delayed/out of sync. This usually happens when I warp to a location or another Sector in my ship; the jet sound will be out of sync, and the "warping" sound will be out of sync with the white flash of your ship warping. Occasionally, I also get out of sync audio when Ratchet jumps out of his ship; the sound of his feet landing on the ground will be delayed.

-One time in the Valkyrie Citadel, I heard static over the music after hitting/but not jumping off of) one of those 'X' pad things used during Hoverboot sections. The static didn't go away until I just died and respawned.

-When you talk to that guy near the start of Gimlick Valley, his dialogue repeated. It went something like "Praise Orvus! I have visi-Praise Orvus!". It only happened one time and it played fine the next time.

-One time in an Agorian Battleplex event, the music sounded like it was having trouble starting. It would play the beginning part over a few times then just stopped altogether. This only happened once.

-Sometimes music doesn't play. It might start playing if I die and respawn (or it might STOP when I die and respawn).
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