
No Longer a Noob
May 20, 2013
Shadow Moses
So, basically, the new Metal Gear is about soldiers-animu-style (each one with a different coolz hairstyle and a special weapon), who were left behind and now are trying to return to mother base, is it so?


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 7, 2004
I haven't posted here in years but I had to come on when I saw the trailer. It looks... interesting to say the least. I was ready to hate the Kojima-less Konami for the reaming they were about to give my favorite franchise but at least they threw in a saving grace and called it an "Alternate" time-line. At least it won't defile the canon story and having a game set with the MGS style/universe in mind but being basically a different genre will hopefully just let you understand the universe by including familiar tropes but be its own game in its own right.

I'm skeptical but still willing to give it a chance as of now. That is until they announce it's online only with micro-transactions up the wazoo, has gamestop pre-order bonuses, and day one dlc.


Original poster
If it's in an alternate storyline, then I am fine with it, as I have said many times before.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 22, 2004
I mean, Peace Walker had monsters. Maybe this was a Kojima thought that is only now being realized.

This kind of reminds me of Left 4 Dead.
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No Longer a Noob
Nov 8, 2010
The sad thing is, this is sort of a game I've always wanted, coop zombie survival. But what does it have to do with Metal Gear?


A Colloquial Formality
Aug 22, 2004
The sad thing is, this is sort of a game I've always wanted, coop zombie survival. But what does it have to do with Metal Gear?
Just pretend it's not Metal Gear and love it because it'll have some of the best gameplay to ever exist simply due to the foundations the game is built on.


Original poster
I've said before that the series is effectively over in my mind. I've wanted the series to end for a while, so that it would end on a high note. MGSV, despite its flaws, accomplished that.

That's why this doesn't bother me, and I'm largely fine with it. The series is already over. Anything afterwards does not detract because I would consider it part of another timeline, whether it is really part of another timeline or not. Will I play this game? Probably not because it appears to have little to contribute to the legacy (a legacy which is already written). Like Rising, it doesn't exist in my mind other than a punchline. This is my favorite series of all time, it has been for many years. I've simply blocked out all future games if they look bad.

In the event that this game ends up having a decent story or great gameplay, I'll buy it, but it will still be separate and not the same. Think of it like different Star Wars series. Would you let the failure of Force Unleashed detract from Knights of the Old Republic ? Would we let Super Bombad Racing take away from Rogue Squadron? Just compartmentalize, people.
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No Longer a Noob
May 20, 2013
Shadow Moses
I've said before that the series is effectively over in my mind. I've wanted the series to end for a while, so that it would end on a high note. MGSV, despite its flaws, accomplished that.

That's why this doesn't bother me, and I'm largely fine with it. The series is already over. Anything afterwards does not detract because I would consider it part of another timeline, whether it is really part of another timeline or not. Will I play this game? Probably not because it appears to have little to contribute to the legacy (a legacy which is already written). Like Rising, it doesn't exist in my mind other than a punchline. This is my favorite series of all time, it has been for many years. I've simply blocked out all future games if they look bad.

In the event that this game ends up having a decent story or great gameplay, I'll buy it, but it will still be separate and not the same. Think of it like different Star Wars series. Would you let the failure of Force Unleashed detract from Knights of the Old Republic ? Would we let Super Bombad Racing take away from Rogue Squadron? Just compartmentalize, people.
Shouldn't it be easier then to just title the game with a new name instead of using the "metal gear" name?
No? No free merchan? ok
Sep 24, 2016
Me and my friends have decided we hate this, but I think we also settled on Phantom Pain being best MGS after Snake Eater, so nevermind us. Just stay away from guys like us, we no good.


A Colloquial Formality
Aug 22, 2004
Will this game have a similar game play style to past MGS games, or is this game going to be an ongoing shooter with constant fast paced action?
It's MGS5, but with zombies.
And from what I've read, pretty much no stealth.
People only had something like half an hour to play the demo and it basically funneled them into base defense; there was no real opportunity for stealth in those hands on.
Sep 7, 2003
Kakariko Village, New York
A MGS game with no stealth? Even 5 had way more stealth than 4.

I'm not sure I'm feeling this so far.

And a side question - I have MGS Peace Walker and Ground Zero? Are these 2 games worth playing through after 90 hours of playing 5? Will they be "bad games" due to me playing 5 or are they both great games in their own respect? And what other games in the series do PW and Ground Zero compare with?


No Longer a Noob
May 20, 2013
Shadow Moses
A MGS game with no stealth? Even 5 had way more stealth than 4.

I'm not sure I'm feeling this so far.

And a side question - I have MGS Peace Walker and Ground Zero? Are these 2 games worth playing through after 90 hours of playing 5? Will they be "bad games" due to me playing 5 or are they both great games in their own respect? And what other games in the series do PW and Ground Zero compare with?
Are you loko? PW is easily one of the best MGS games, I can tell you it's totally worth playing it.
Can't say the same about Ground Zeroes tho