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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Mega Man ZX Advent Review[/link]
by Colin Moriarty

Mega Man ZX Advent appears, on the outside, to be a yet another Capcom rehash. After all, it's a sequel to a game released not too long ago, built on an identical engine, with like gameplay mechanics and objectives. But after playing the title for only a few minutes, it quickly becomes clear that there's something special about this game. Coming off of the heels of Mega Man ZX, an old-school inspired action/RPG hybrid, Mega Man ZX Advent not only improves on the formula that made the first game a success, but finds a nook for itself amongst hardcore followers and casual gamers alike. Ultimately, Mega Man ZX Advent is a fun, stylized game that's both accessible and challenging. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Nov 25, 2004
Glad to see CoA got with the program and redubbed the game (and honestly, if they're too lazy to do that, at least leave the japanese voices in instead of replacing them with dead silence; U.S. gamers don't know what they're missing in the Lurerre boss dialogue of the first ZX).

Advent is an all-around solid title, and the only complaints I've had are minor, hardcore-ish ones (there's no "unlockable power Model" to fill the shoes that X and OX had in the first game). However it has many unique strengths to stand on. An absurd amount of character transformations (16 forms in all, 1 hidden), greater differentiation between the heroes, high challenge, lots of sub-quests to pursue, and some awesome NES-inspired goodies to reward you when it's all over. While MegaMan games aren't the heaviest on story, Advent's is a strong one. And an extra dark twist lies at the end for anybody skilled enough to defeat Maniac Mode (which is quite a feat, believe me).

Happy hunting, Buster-philes! Pick up this game, and give those Mavericks heck!


Weapon X
Jun 10, 2001
man, why can't capcom make a new mega man game starring the blue bomber himself, like in the X and original series? now that would be a game i would definitely buy.


Original poster
I loved ZX (although I haven't beaten it on hard mode yet...sorta working on that.), as well as the Mega Man franchise as a whole. Only unholy forces of awesomeness (i.e. Dethklok, or something along those lines) can stop me from getting this game.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
"man, why can't capcom make a new mega man game starring the blue bomber himself, like in the X and original series? now that would be a game i would definitely buy."

They did. It was called Mega Man Powered Up and it was fantastic.


Prime Member
Jun 7, 2002
Now if only Powered Up 2 would come out. And though it will probably never happen, I'd love to see Powered Up show up on Wii Ware (presuming some form of storage existed)
Jul 10, 2007
That's awesome. The original Mega Man ZX should have got English voice acting as well. Not only does this make the U.S. version more American but the characters sound alot more mature now. I didn't like how they were little kids in the original, even though it was supposed to be that way. The dubbing in this game sounds great.
Oct 19, 2007
MegaMan went down the toilet after X. I hope one day he can make a triumphant return, starting in Brawl just like Sonic.


Prime Member
Aug 13, 2001
"MegaMan went down the toilet after X."

Actually hes been steadly climbing out of the sewer starting with Megaman X8 and the Zero series. Powered Up, Maverick Hunter X, and the ZX series are also great examples of Mega holding on.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
i cant wait to by and paly this game. it'll be the best DS game yet. i beat megaman zx got all the secrets and i'll do the same here. disconnectedsmile you wont really miss out on major plot points. they might just make a reference to ZX but nothing really big. also there a a part that lets you battle main characters(not telling which ones) of the previous games like megaman zero and zx. you beat them and copy thier data. those are secret battles so don't reall worry


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Mega Man did go down the toilet after X.
MM2 is still the greatest MM game, while 3 and X were pretty damn solid as well.
X2 wasn't bad either, but it was just becoming too stale too fast. This game is another example of wasting your time, the same bloody experience...
I got no satisfaction out of ZX, once i beat it....I thaught, i actually wasted my time playing this crap? how depressing, and so was the music, ZX is possibly the worst MM game I've ever played, and i know i know, 6 and X6 were just terrible, but ZX is even worse.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
The old megaman x games were my favorite by far, but in relatively recent times, i greatly enjoyed megaman zero. it brought back the feel of the x games, and it had the same awesome difficulty level that made me want to throw my gba against the wall. zx was good, but not anything amazing, and im hoping that advent will be better. however, i dont think ill be disappointed.


Dec 3, 2005
Capcom definitely seems to give you your money's worth when it comes to Mega Man on the DS, even if the series is oh-so played. But I just wish they would actually offer DS graphics. This isn't the GBA...let's seem some effort put into these games if they're gonna keep shoveling them out there.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I disagree with this in the review:

"Many will remember the Stateside release of Mega Man ZX, and how it lacked voice acting of any kind (while the Japanese version had a myriad of voice tracks)."

That's not true. The US version of ZX has one Japanese voice acting clip in with a cutscene and some of the bosses taunt in Japanese. Small yes, but there WAS voice acting.

Advent sounds really awesome and even though I'm no huge Megaman fan, this looks like a game I can't miss.


Prime Member
Jan 17, 2003
The voice acting is NOT awesome. Model A sounds like a girl and all the guys that aren't Grey sound exactly the same. It's a novelty really. They should have gotten the same VA company that voiced Maverick Hunter X. They were much better.

Aside from that, the gameplay is shaping up to make this one of the best Mega Man games of all time to be truthful.
Nov 25, 2004
Well, Model A sounding as it does is actually a fairly close match to his japanese VA. Take note for future reference, all ye fanboys, sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for. Some of the english voices are good, though. Chronoforce was well cast, and I can tell you that Aeolus sounds one HELL of a lot better than his japanese VA does.

And, yeah, I wish that the actors from Command Mission, X8, and MHX had returned for this (Lucas Gilbertson does the best Zero, IMO). But alas, it was not to be. I've heard that currency exchange rates have made the Ocean Group more expensive these days.

Oh, and by the way, so far as a game starring a literal "blue bomber" goes, the first ZX game starts you off with Model X alone. Takes two playthroughs, but you can unlock the ability to use Model X by itself throughout the first game. And it is a beast in boss fights, believe me.

No, you won't be missing a whole lot. The only real need to pick up the first, storywise, is if you want to know how Vent and Aile (supporting characters you meet about 2/3 into ZXA) got started, and how the series ties into MegaMan Zero. It's in no way vital to ZXA's story, so you should be able to jump into ZXA with no trouble.

Nevertheless, if at all possible I'd recommend you track down the first ZX anyway. It's an awesome game, even if Capcom of America blew the localization, and Models X and OX are a lot of fun.


Prime Member
Jan 17, 2003
Dialogue is a bit botched and toned down I can certainly tell. But I will say that I definitely got a lot more out of ZX knowing where model's P, L, F and H originated from and it made me enjoy the game all the much more.

And when I said Model A sounded like a girl, I meant to specify as a horribly acted, whiny nails-on-chalkboard girl. Most acting is extra cheesy, with only a few voiced being well matched and not botched to being incredible. Nonetheless, really fun game.


Jan 3, 2004
Mega Man ZX was good, but not as good as the Original or X series. Anyway, I'll try this sequel out sometime.


Jan 6, 2006
Yeah Model A is supposed to be based off of Zero right? Why does sound so whiny? Grey at least sounds alright. I appreciate the VA though. It's a nice touch even if it's a little half assed.

Great game so far, by the way. I hate that the only thing left of Mega Man is his name in the title, but I'll settle for this over that battle network junk anyday. Here's hoping the true blue bomber makes a comeback in Smash Bros Brawl.


MMSF3 Battler
Jan 4, 2004
Foxelius said:
Yeah Model A is supposed to be based off of Axl right? Why does sound so whiny? Grey at least sounds alright. I appreciate the VA though. It's a nice touch even if it's a little half assed.

Great game so far, by the way. I hate that the only thing left of Mega Man is his name in the title, but I'll settle for this and those battle network games. Here's hoping the true blue bomber makes a comeback in Smash Bros Brawl.



Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2004
What are you even saying? I'll settle for Battle Network, then you just say I won't settle for Battle Network?


Prime Member
Jan 17, 2003
Multiple accounts, or mistaken identity? [face_raised_brow]

He never said anything about Battle Network to you. He's saying that Model A represents Axl (obviously).


Jan 6, 2006
Yeah I feel like a real noob for that Axl thing. I was never familiar with Axl since I didn't play the X series past X3 and I just assumed, since the game is also called "ZX" like the first one, that we were seeing the same biometal. I can see it looks different now though. Any bonuses for playing through as both characters again?

Also, you guys have to admit that this is better than Battle Network.


Jan 6, 2006
You hate the X games, but you like Battle Network?

That's not a matter of opinion. That's just poor taste.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Yeah, that is definitely poor taste. The X games are backbone of the mega man franchise. Until these decent ZX ds games came out, the mega man series has been worse than what happend to sonic.


MMSF3 Battler
Jan 4, 2004
If short games are your thing, thats you. I prefer that can last me quite a while, and the Battle Network series does that just fine. The X series on the other hand, don't.


Prime Member
Jan 17, 2003
Of course that's my opinion. There's really no need in pointing that out.

Sorry, I'm just tired, I don't mean to be rude.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 25, 2003
I haven't played the first one but started this one and I like it so far. Let's see.


Dec 28, 2007
man i miss the old mega man x im tired of these zx games. i actually dont like the open environment i just like clickn the boss and playn


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Dude under me - OuterGem - THANK YOU! I was trying to figure out why I just wasn't "feeling" this sequel and that's it! I can't stand the open environment of these games - the ZX series does nothing better than X or Zero, and the fact that you have to search out areas to play levels sucks. Just picking your stage and going to it is where it's at. I too miss the old school designs, and I'm tired of so many Metroid-vania style handheld games. Handhelds are for quicker, more arcadey experiences, not these long drawn out adventures. I guess I should just pick up Zero 4 instead...


Original poster
Why did this game get an 8 if it's better than ZX in almost every respect? Anyways, I love the structure of the game. An easy 9.0 for me.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I kind of liked the Japanese voices in the cutscenes and what not of ZX. I know they couldn't just leave the voices in for the entire game since there would be certain times when the names for the characters are different but still... And besides, "Rock On" just sounds cooler than "Mega Merge".