No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
'Mass Effect: Andromeda' News: Producer Talks Single-Player DLC
Aug 8, 2017 | 11:21 PM


Gamers who are hoping to see more in "Mass Effect: Andromeda" in the form of downloadable content (DLC) might be in for a disappointment.

Electronic Arts (EA) put the development for the franchise "on ice" two months after the release of the game, which was not as successful as the publisher had hoped.

Eventually, BioWare Montreal, the studio that developed "Mass Effect: Andromeda," was ultimately merged with EA Motive after EA briefly had developers from the studio help with other ongoing projects.

While a sequel for "Mass Effect: Andromeda" is already hanging in the balance, some hoped that releases for single-player content could still be squeezed in. Unfortunately, EA has nothing to say on that front yet.

Asked on Twitter for the possibility of single-player DLC, game producer Fernando Melo said, "Sorry, when we can talk about it we will" and apologized for not having a "more definitive answer."

Another gamer asked if there will at least be support for "Mass Effect: Andromeda" in the near future and how that will be possible with Bioware Montreal no more.

"Inevitably at some point, as with any game. For now though we've just added new content to [multiplayer] & we'll talk about it on the stream coming up," he wrote.

Speaking of the multiplayer, Melo also answered a question about the streams being conducted for that component of "Mass Effect: Andromeda."

"We can't really talk about future stuff in general - however, we're still here," hesaid, teasing one to be held shortly after his response.

Finally, he also said that he is "not sure" about a "Mass Effect: Andromeda" patch for the Xbox One X ever materializing despite the release of one for the PlayStation 4 Pro. "Would be cool though," he said.

At the moment, it seems that the future of "Mass Effect: Andromeda" is hazy.

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Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I really don't know why they are dragging this out so much? Why play this coy game of "We have no updated as of yet" or "We will discuss it when we can" when it's become pretty obvious that the support for this game past MP was taken out back and shot in the face. Stop delaying and just say there will be no SP DLC. What is the point of leaving this kernel of hope out there?

And on the VERY rare chance that they do actually plan on doing DLC, then why not simply say that we are working on something, but at this time there is no release date. We will have more info in the future. It's enough to drive you crazy!