
John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
. ~ * * * M a r i o . B r o s . . B o a r d ' s . G e n e r a t i o n . P r o j e c t * * * ~ .
The Generation project was created by DaBest13 and Linguine. The goal is to show the history of the Mario Bros. Board, who posted when, and what that time in the board's history was like. It is constantly being tweaked and revised. Any input is welcome!
* = Currently On MU

* * * 1 s t . G e n e r a t i o n : . T h e . B e g i n n i n g * * * .

The Mario board started from humble beginnings, a slow board yet it had devout members like mustang7000 and mtomato determined to make it grow. During this time the Community Thread was created by PSO347, it is one of, if not the oldest Community Threads on the IGN boards that is still active. The board began gaining popularity towards the end of this generation when suddenly the outsider lockout struck, banning most board members from posting and setting the board back to a slow pace once more.

Key Users: Anazo, andor3, AznTiger168, Behnom, cusideabelincoln, DaBest13, FF_Barret, ImpendingBurden, jericholic, Mr. Hero624, mtomato, mustang7000, PSO347

@Anazo, @AznTiger168, @andor3, @Baller_, @Behnom, @Boshi_The_Great, @bowen11, @cLEARsILVER, @cusideabelincoln, @DaBest13, @FF_Barret, @ImpendingBurden, @jericholic89 , @mariooooooooooooo2, @Mgoblue201 , @Mr. Hero624 , @mtomato, @mustang7000, @nestclop, @PSO347, @Rudeman64, @The_Pikas_Elbow2, @Traptor25, @uwvark, @VideoGamerX19

* * * 2 n d . G e n e r a t i o n : . T h e . R i s i n g * * *

With the outsider lockout over and the boards free again those users who were seeking a better board then the vestibule flocked to the various game boards, during this time period the board grew like in member size like it never had before. MUs, Award Shows and other community events became common things in this time.

Key Users: Dark_Stryker, deathcom7000, FF_Barret, ImpendingBurden, GAMECUBEFAN7, gateway_gamer, kevpod, X-pert74, xtremegamecubefan, zeldahoolin

@AvocadoGenesis, @avscube , @bobbyboy1211, @bpolak, @cokeiscool, @cruddy00, @DaKyng, @Dark_Stryker, @deathcom7000, @Eisenhower18, @FF_Barret, @GAMECUBEFAN7, @gateway_gamer, @ImpendingBurden, @ItsOnlyCarlyle, @jammo2000, @Jim7g , @kevpod , @KingofRedLions, @Lighted_warrior48, @Nitman99, @patper, @RocketGuy3, @ShadowLink28, @the_devils_son88, @Twizt082, @wizokraut , @worldwide1504, @X-pert74, @xtremegamecubefan, @yesiamjamesparsons, @zeldahoolin

* * * 3 r d . G e n e r a t i o n : . T h e . G o l d e n . A g e * * *

The height of civilization on the Mario Bros. Board! It was almost a renaissance time for the board, quality fanfics scattering the board, specifically Jovelo and kevpod's masterpiece. Regular MUs, Award Shows, Quizes, Contests and still a steady stream of users coming in, and quality posters at that. Yet no board is perfect, and with great civilizations comes great problems as well. It was in this generation that so called villains struck the board, the likes of v-rod47, TheCanCollector, and axemblue4 tormented some users, yet it only added to the character of the board in the end.

Key Users: 22world, axemblue4*, Commander_Cool, diddy_is_the_monkey, goldenbob2, Jovelo, Linguine, lovsamonkesuncleyaya, TheCanCollecter, Twex5, v-rod47

@22world, @axemblue4*, @Commander_Cool, @CubeBoyNES, @darkness35, @daviji, @diddy_is_the_monkey, @driley1, @drumman82, @goldenbob2, @Jovelo, @Linguine, @lovsamonkesuncleyaya, @marioandsonic, @Marios_apprentist , @mitchman16, @ntabruzzo89, @qwertymallow26, @SamooXIV , @Shine-Get, @StealthPanda90 , @stoney556_3000 , @TakutheSamuraiX , @TanookiBob, @TheCanCollecter , @Twex5, @v-rod47, @zww0

* * * 4 t h . G e n e r a t i o n : . T h e . D e c l i n e * * *

And then, it all began to fall apart, users began to lose interest and leave for other boards, the Award Show was canceled due to lack of participation, users were coming in at a slower rate then ever. Slowly activity was dying. There were a few good users that appeared during this generation but unfortunately they could not pull the board back to the status it was once at.

Key Users: Booster37, Kirby-Star, moogleman89, scottyijoe, therockster12

@birdo8, @Booster37, @crashmaster14, @deku100, @Dillo64, @Fishandchips, @incarn8word, @invader_matt, @Kirby-Star, @Lugi2000 , @moogleman89, @nickthestinkycheese , @oceankirby, @Packattack99, @scottyijoe, @SuperDuperMario14, @supermariostar, @therockster12, @Twilight_Prince12, @ultimatecartman, @UnanimousPrime, @vikings84245

* * * 5 t h . G e n e r a t i o n : . T h e . D a r k . A g e * * *

The fifth generation was indeed a rough time in the Mario Board's history. In this generation, the board had less users than ever before. Community feel was at an all time low, and topics were less then intriguing. There were glimmers of hope in the bunch however with some users, and they laid the foundation for when Mario Galaxy hit bringing rush of new users and board activity in.

Key Users: Maverick_Driver, o_hail_da_king, puffteam*, Sporky77, stryder25.0*, Toad_allstar2, Quiet_Giant*, tropicguin*

@elslobotissimo, @ice_water_dragon, @Hardkirby, @Maverick_Driver, @MetaKirby, @o_hail_da_king, @puffteam*, @Quiet-Giant*, @robomasterofgames, @ShyGuy_Pal_101, @Sporky77 , @stryder25.0*, @tallool, @Taz92397, @thethrone, @Toad_allstar2, @tropicguin ,* @WhiteFlameDragon, @YoshiAndMario*

* * * 6 t h . G e n e r a t i o n : . T h e . R e c o n s t r u c t i o n * * *

The 6th generation came shortly after the release of Super Mario Galaxy, a game that did what many in earlier generations hoped Mario Sunshine would have done for the board when times were rough. Board activity blossomed like no time else, with new users flocking in to the Mario Bro's board.

Key Users: chris2fast38*, ClammyJim, IlikeToadso2bad, Jeff_Extreme_Hardy*, marioisdabomb, ultra_shadowcannon, Word_Life100

@5crossyolip, @5greenbunnies*, @Axemrangers05 , @BabyYoshi2420 , @Bloo-Toof [face_rose] , @ClammyJim , @chris2fast38*, @CrazyScorpion.*, @CrusherMania1592*, @DallasJR, @drummertilldeath , @GamerZX101, @Hang_10, @IlikeToadso2bad, @Jeff_Extreme_Hardy*, @marioisdabomb, @nosloneb8*, @shoseyler, @StealthySnake, @ultra_shadowcannon, @Word_Life100

* * * 7 t h . G e n e r a t i o n : . T h e . N e w . C h r o n i c l e s * * *

The 7th Generation came shortly after the release of Super Mario Galaxy 2. With many new things such as games and community began to rise with users from other boards, it is safe to say that the Mario Bros Board is once again rising., @hallowseven, @ILUVGames0920, @Kazekage_GaaraGX ,* @kingbooba, @Marco_732 ,* @mygamecube2, @Mehdi2277 ,* @nikedunks77 ,* @PaperLuigiFanatic ,* @robsull14 , @Rohawn55 ,* @rssp1 ,* @the_moons_falling, @The-New-Poison, @video_game_master47*, @Wartotle312
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John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
I was talking about this with @CrusherMania1592 earlier, so I thought I would repost the copypaste from the old MU, but cleaned up.

Board updates broke a lot of the coding, highlights don't work anymore, etc.:

I took the liberty of replacing old profile urls (which don't work anymore, since they were based on usernames instead of ID codes as they are now) with @ mentions as a substitute to access their profiles.

That being said, I didn't want to bug a bunch of people, so I initially posted this without the mentions, then edited those back in. Last I checked, mention alerts don't work if they're edited into the post. (But I guess we'll see if I'm wrong if a bunch of people come in here.)

Some mentions don't work anymore, probably a lot of those usernames got @legacyAccount'd. Also some usernames had to change (such as @Tropic-Gin's case who was tropicguin) due to account access issues, and others deleted their account (like TheCanCollecter).

I also noticed the commas and asterisks seemed to interfere with the @ link for a couple of users like rssp1 (though this oddly wasn't the case for others), so I put a space before those commas/asterisks.
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John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
Placing the years of each era: it appears that the individual gaming boards were started in summer 2001, according to the Internet Archive. The Mario Bros. Board was originally called the Mario Bros. Forum. I would guess from user registrations that that Generation 1 (The Beginning) spanned from about mid 2001 to mid 2002.

From user registrations, I would guess Generation 2 (The Rising) was about mid 2002 to mid 2003. This was still before my time though, so I couldn't say for sure.

From the description and from my own recognition of usernames, I would say Generation 3 (The Golden Age) was around midlate 2003 to about late 2005.

It's worth mentioning that a lot of users from the first two generations were still key users on the community through the third generation. Most especially AznTiger, DaBest, mustang (who was a mod during this time), Dark_Stryker, deathcom, Gamecubefan, Kevpod, wizokraut, X-pert, xtremegamecubefan, and zeldahoolin. There were some others as well but I'm not sure if they were still as prominent as these ones. But these names definitely stand out to me as still being notable names during the third generation.

There are some users I remember who didn't make this list, I'm not sure if they were overlooked or just not considered prominent enough. For example, from my perspective jameszap2 was very prominent in 2004 as he ran an RPG development project year-long. And I could name others.

Generation 4, "the Decline", I would guess was based mainly in 2006, given the slow, unceremonious disappearance of so many iconic users from the first three generations.

Generation 5, "the Dark Age", I would say is mainly 2007 from recognizing some usernames from that year + the mention of the hype for Mario Galaxy. I actually feel like this generation was more active than the 4th one, but that may just be because I started to visit a little more that year again after phasing out the year before.

I would also add that some users listed here in Generation 4 were quite prominent in the third generation. For example I was very familiar with therockster12, who ran a Cackletta RPG in 2004. So I'm not sure why he's not included in Gen 3, though maybe it's more a matter that his name started to stand out more with the disappearing of other users.

Other examples of Gen 4 users I remember during Gen 3 are Booster, Dillo, deku, supermariostar, Lugi, and incarn. Some of them only started to arise in 2005, so maybe that's why they got put in the next generation. But some like Booster were definitely around enough in 2004 that I would've thought they were Gen 3 users. Although maybe I'm just remembering Booster more from the Paper Mario Board (the "younger brother" to the Mario Bros. Board)

Axemrangers05, listed in Gen 6, I also remember him getting his start in the Third Gen in mid 2005, though it's possible he just didn't become active enough to be considered relatively prominent in later years. But he was prominent enough in 2005 that people would accuse us of being the same person due to our Axem-themed names with a number at the end.

Based on the descriptions, I would guess that Generation 6, "the Reconstruction", encompasses 2008 to earlymid 2010, and that that Generation 7, "the New Chronicles", began from that point. The MU that I got this from was posted in mid 2011. I would guess that Generation 7 continued until about the start of 2012, based on my recollection.

The interesting thing about 2012 was that was when they started deleting and merging a bunch of boards. The original community thread got locked and replaced with the Hotel Delfino community thread. The Super Smash Board was unfortunately merged with the Mario Board, which also led to some chaos. I would say 2012 should mark the start of an 8th generation.

Based on CT activity, it looks like following 2012 (which still appeared to be decently active), the board activity started to severely decline, increasing with each passing year, into a graveyard that people only occasionally would visit as the memorial that it is now.

Perhaps Generation 8 (2012, to maybe 2013 but that's pushing it) should be called "the Migration", referring to the movement to the new board server, the movement to a new CT, and the "emigration" of the Smash users into the board until their new board was made.

The years after that (2014 or at earliest 2013 to the present day) don't really seem to have any new users so much as old users coming to visit once in a while. So I'm not sure if it should be considered its own generation, unless a generation can be distinguished by the activity on the board in itself rather than by the emergence of new users in the community. Perhaps then this final generation could be called "the Lost Kingdom".


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
Some possible pictures:

The Migration

The Lost Kingdom

Although it didn't occur to me when I wrote the last message, it makes even more sense to call the 9th generation the Lost Kingdom. Based on the succession of Mario platformers in each generation's image, the 9th should be Mario Odyssey, and Mario Odyssey has a world called the Lost Kingdom.


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
Also, I just noticed a slight sentence error I made, I wanted to correct:

Axemrangers05, listed in Gen 6, I also remember him getting his start in the Third Gen in mid 2005, though it's possible he just didn't become active enough to be considered relatively prominent in later years.

That should read that he didn't become active enough to be considered prominent until later years.