
Mar 15, 2013
Hi, I am having a difficult decision with Morgan (F) on whether making her a Manakete or a Sorcerer?

Also, I need help on the last skill slot for Morgan (F) as well. I want to prepare myself when I begin playing Lunatic[+] and I'm going to start playing Lunatic when "Limit Break" is available.

In the picture provided are the stats and skills of Morgan (F). Thanks in advance.

morgan female.png


Mar 14, 2013
Manakete,Vantage over Armsthrift. You can get unlimited Dragonstone+ stones, and Vantage Sol might just save your life. Aegis and Pavise over All stats +2 and whatever the 5th slot is, makes you a better tank.


Limit Breaker

Life taker is iffy because you already have a method of healing, and Manakete's are tanks, on harder DLC maps you may not always be able to get a kill.

If you really want to go Sorceror

Armsthrift (Aversa's night, you're breaking my heart! Keep it from breaking with Armsthrift! you knew this though)
Vantage (Again, better to hit them first to restore your health when you're at half)
Wrath/Galeforce (Wrath assists in the above regard, though it can kind of be overkill, Galeforce is ok for easy maps, but generally it's better to have something that ensures your survival, as sorcerers kill most units on the opponents turn)
Vengeance (Sorcerers do take damage, they just heal it off immediately. Vengeance almost always procs, especially with limit breaker and gets better with tougher enemies!)
Limit breaker (So.. deliciously... broken....)


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
If it's hard DLC chapters fuck Sol and Lifetaker and get Renewal. Sol healing is pitiful when pitted against high defense enemies. Galeforce is so good it's an absolute must. Armsthrift is good for grinding, and I find the sub 50% HP activation skills to be useless. Vengeance is a mixed bag honestly.

Galeforce, Renewal, Pavise/Aegis depending on the map, Limit Breaker, and Ignis/Astra/Luna/Vengeance depending on your preference.


Mar 14, 2013
Renewal doesn't heal you on the opponent's turn, it won't and can't save you in deadly situations. Renewal at best is redundant, as for it to activate your character must be alive, which means you can heal them with a staff user or chug an elixer and have better results. Sol does work on opponent's turns.

Galeforce again is redundant, as if you can kill two enemies in a map then the map is innately not troubling for you. As people have seen with Streetpass teams, Galeforce doesn't work so well against enemies stronger or as strong as you, as is the case in Lunatic+ and the latter part of the DLC. An extra enemy doesn't help in the grand scheme of FE anyways, you will be killing most units on the enemy's turn. Unless you're using a glass cannon that needs to quickly retreat upon killing an enemy, Galeforce is mediocre.

The only reason sub 50% are useless to some people, is that they play on difficulties that are far too easy for them. Sure if you never take damage, Vengeance and Vantage seem useless. But if you're planning for harder difficulties, you will be taking damage and you should plan for that.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
I've been playing on hard mode, so I concede the difficulty point to you.

The reason I dislike the sub 50% skills is because they're so underpowered in Awakening. Wrath is a shell of its former glory, and is a waste of a skill slot imo. Vantage is similarly underpowered if it isn't used by a unit toting a Brave or Killer weapon. I'm sure if I tried playing Lunatic or Lunatic+ I would have a use for these skills.