Oct 20, 2009
So... I'm guessing it's just a super mode thing then? That sucks. I was hoping I'd be able to use it as much as I want but I guess they're going all GoW 3 with it. Any thoughts?


Dec 8, 2012
So... I'm guessing it's just a super mode thing then? That sucks. I was hoping I'd be able to use it as much as I want but I guess they're going all GoW 3 with it. Any thoughts?

Yep, the void sword and chaos claws are basically the placeholders for light magic and dark magic from the first game. I find it stupid though because there are so many moves to do but you can never enjoy the combat to it's fullest because the meter constantly runs out. It would have been nice if they added the new weapons but at the same time doing light or dark magic on any weapon as well or something similar. Because of that meter running out, you never feel that you are getting the most out of the combat.