
No Longer a Noob
Apr 13, 2001
Just wondering if there were any old Bedevere players still playing DAOC?

I was Trinitie, a Mid healer from the guild Omen.

Almost no chance you'll see this reply, but I suppose others might search their way into it (as I did):

It's awesome that you mentioned Omen, as I was the co-founder of that guild with my RL buddy. His main was "Kruel" and I played a Skald named "Volstag".

Some of the few players I can actually remember (from Omen):

Jobei (I think)

At one point we had, maybe, 30 members (give or take). We also, weirdly, managed to have the top PvP Midgard guild for quite a while.... though it wasn't due to our proficiency on the battlefield but, rather, we were one of the first guilds to realize you got guild rvr "points" from controlling keeps in the frontiers. At one point I think we had every keep in the mid frontier flying Omen colors.

It was the first and only time I ran, helped run, a guild. It managed to be super fun and super annoying depending on the day. Unbelievable how much drama there was between our members.

I don't recall your name, but it's very possible you joined Omen after we had quit -- or it's due to my horrific memory. We turned the guild over to Jobei -- which, honestly, is the only reason I remember his name. We quit due to simple burn-out, the core members having squandered hundreds of hours on the game. Jobei, as far as I know, kept the guild alive for quite a while. I'd occasionally check "The Herald" (???) just to see how things were going.