Jul 27, 2012
So I know Delsin isn't Cole. For better or worse, he ain't Cole MacGrath. But I have no idea how someone could make a brand new character without any connection to Cole, in some way shape or form. This message board is all about theories and information regarding those connections.

I'll start:

So, Kessler was around for a LONG time. Decades. He may have been grieving Trish, but he got with Sasha, so it isn't unbelievable that he'd hook up with other women. Given that Delsin has no dad, and his mom died recently, is it possible she hooked up with Kessler and became the mother of his new children. Maybe Delsin and his brother are Kessler's new kids!
Jun 29, 2013
I always assumed the connection was that they were both Conduits, but your theory makes a lot of sense, except Sasha looks a bit too young to have a 17 year old son at the time. And being that she was an activated Conduit at the time of infamous 2, she would have died 7 years before infamous second son, so wouldn't that be too long a time to be considered recently?
Jul 27, 2012
I always assumed the connection was that they were both Conduits, but your theory makes a lot of sense, except Sasha looks a bit too young to have a 17 year old son at the time. And being that she was an activated Conduit at the time of infamous 2, she would have died 7 years before infamous second son, so wouldn't that be too long a time to be considered recently?

No, I didn't mean Sasha was the mom, sorry. She wasn't Native American Indian, so that wouldn't make sense. I was pointing out that Kessler could have hooked up with other women. If he'd hooked up with Sasha, it stands to reason he'd have hooked up with other women.
Jun 29, 2013
Oh, ok....Now that makes sense. I could see that happening, I mean it's already established that Kessler traveled back in time at least before Cole was born. And also that would explain why Delsin's brother, Reggie, doesn't have powers. Like if the women was a normal human then the chances of their kids being conduits would be halved.
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Jul 27, 2012
Oh, ok....Now that makes sense. I could see that happening, I mean it's already established that Kessler traveled back in time at least before Cole was born. And also that would explain why Delsin's brother, Reggie, doesn't have powers. Like if the women was a normal human then the chances of their kids being conduits would be halved.

Yeah, like Mutants in Marvel. Having two parents is a guarantee, one is a 50/50 chance, and neither is a minuscule but possible chance. Of course, I could be widely off base. Maybe he's a nobody.
Jun 29, 2013
yeah, I wish they still kept going with the show, I liked how every volume pulled an inception and messed with our minds, cept the last one, it was meh. Back to another idea, what if his power was a mix of Peter Petrelli's and Sylar's powers. Like he can temporarily absorb a conduit's power to help them out and stuff (Hero choice/Peter's power in the first season) or permanently take their power by "Bioleeching" them which kills them (Villain choice/Sylar's power stealing....um power)
Jul 27, 2012
Would make sense, seeing as the only power he has is one that came from a now dead Conduit... but they said there's places you can only go if you have certain powers. Maybe it would be for the sake of the next game, like have even more powers in Third Son if evil, and less if good.
Jun 29, 2013
yeah, maybe those are story driven powers, in another thread I thought of the absorb ability to be both story driven and gameplay driven, as in you can encounter conduits outside of the main story and absorb their powers. If taking the powers permanently is considered wrong and evil in the game, well I don't want to be right. Plus it makes sense that evil will have more powers, because in the last game all the bad powers were much more powerful than the good powers.
Jun 29, 2013
I think this will be the first infamous game where I will play neutral like, as in, I'm just going whichever route gives me more powers
Jul 27, 2012
Except for the lack of an evil polarity wall.

That would be a really cool and interesting twist on the "Heal, Restrain, Leech" idea from the first two games. Another theory about connections to Cole could include a family teleported into our timeline by Beast Cole looking to expand into more timelines for more power.
Jun 29, 2013
I would so be neutral too, being evil is annoy with the constant rocks being thrown at me, and being good is annoying with the constant pedestrians asking me to heal them.


Dec 19, 2012
In Infamous Two, Cole makes a brief mention of having a younger sibling. Not much else is said but I wouldn't be so surprised if another McGrath makes an appearance in Second Son. Either he'll be our connection to Cole, or, he won't show up at all and I'm looking too much into this.
Mar 12, 2012
Alright you have a good question but you said it way to soon they just announced the game not to long ago they have just been making trailer they haven't told us much about the story. But one connection between Cole and Delsin is they're fighting for freedom. And Cole And Delsin Both try tell they're city that they are going to the wrong people for protection.
Jul 27, 2012
Also, Cole's brother is younger than Cole, who was stated to have been in his mid-twenties at the time of the Blast. The odds of someone, at his latest, in his early twenties having a 17 year old kid are none.
Jul 9, 2013
Okay. This is what I'm thinking what if the connection between Cole, and Delsin is Moya, because you hear her say in infamous that she will get her revenge so what if she's the one running the Department of Unified Protection (DUP)? That's what I'm thinking
Jul 27, 2012
Okay. This is what I'm thinking what if the connection between Cole, and Delsin is Moya, because you hear her say in infamous that she will get her revenge so what if she's the one running the Department of Unified Protection (DUP)? That's what I'm thinking

Maybe, but in the comic between 1&2 she's supposed to have died saving Cole, so I don't know.


Jul 16, 2013
Man, if Moya was in control of the DUP, it would be so awesome... But, I think it wouldn't be feasible, given the comic... I am very anxious about knowing more of the story of Second Son, and an appearance that would be incredibly cool if Mr. Zeke Dunbar showed up in Seattle and cracked up some his equally infamous limericks on Delsin hahahaha


Jun 13, 2013
What I'm interested in is the head of the DUP herself, we saw her in the trailer and we don't even know if she's the true antangonist, don't get me wrong, I would love to see Zeke, but I don't see it happning


Jul 16, 2013
I don't see why it couldn't happen haha... But I was thinking about that as well. I'm psyched to know about the narrative and the characters... There has to be a connection with Cole somewhere!


Jul 21, 2013
delsin's power seem similar to nix's the fire and smoke plus his teleporting with smoke nix had all that.


Jul 16, 2013
Okay, so I just saw the Gamescom 2013 trailer for Infamous Second Son and checked out the new power, which is bitchen. How is it that SuckerPunch figured out that light was a different kind of energy than electricity and used it? I'm just stoked. Had to share my excitement! Hahaha
Jun 29, 2013
A lot of people seem to say it looks like the power of Neon..... whatever it is, it is badass. It looks kinda like he went into the avatar state because of the glowing eyes.
Jun 29, 2013
They should just show off at most 3 of his powers, Smoke, Neon, ????. That way we can be in for some cool surprises.
Jun 29, 2013
That's most likely the antagonist of the game, but I don't think it's Kessler......unless....... remember in the dead drops for infamous 1, John said that Kessler disappears for long periods of time, maybe he can travel to the future? Though I really don't want that to be the case.


Jul 20, 2013
The term "Second Son" has to have some deeper meaning to it. Second Son of who? I'm just wondering if gaining another conduits powers would kill that conduit, relieve that conduit of his/her powers, or be like in inFamous 2 where you both share the power. And if you DO take other powers, do you retain your previous powers? No matter what, I cannot wait for this game to come out. So psyched. Fingers crossed for some type of flying ability, or enhanced gliding, or something.
Feb 2, 2014
wat about kessler's family, in a cutscene he held his wife dead in kessler's arms, but the child was gone? Maybe kessler's son i gues? dunno this game has many twists


Jun 4, 2012
Here's my theory (please don't read if you haven't finished inFAMOUS 1 and 2 and don't want to get spoiled): Delsin is The Beast (The Evil version of the two possible) from Kessler's 'original world'. Kessler described The Beast as a creature who just wants to kill everything that breaths, while The Beast Cole faces is John, who wants to activate all Conduits, to save the human race from the plague. The Beast in Kessler's world was also active way later in time (Kessler's relationship with Trish expanded to getting married and having kids, while Cole only got to the boyfriend-girlfriend relationship). It's also unknown how The Beast got his powers in Kessler's story line, while we know how The Beast in Cole's story-line got his: Cole tried to destroy an other Ray Sphere, it went wrong and John got his powers and became The Beast. These differences make me believe Delsin could be the 'original' Beast.
Delsin's first power is Smoke, and some of the Beast's powers really look and act similar to Delsin's. First of all, their powers both are red and smoky. The Beast can also heal himself, just like Delsin can with his Smoke Powers. When Delsin prepares for a heavy Smoke attack, he builds up the smoke in his hand, similar to The Beast. Sucker Punched revealed today that your powers will evolve along the path you choose (good or evil). So my theory is that if you go full evil, you will slowly evolve into The Beast.
Sucker Punch (Nate Fox) also revealed that their original plan was not inFAMOUS: Second Son, but inFAMOUS 3, where you play as Cole after the evil ending of inFAMOUS 2, and play with the Beast's powers, so Sucker Punch has shown interest before in letting us, the players, playing as The Beast.
Feb 2, 2014
infamous 3 for evil ending in infamous 2, and infamous second son for good ending in infamous 2? cuz from wat i heard second son is set some years after the good ending in infamous 2
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Aug 20, 2013
I'd say it's Cole's brother's son as in inFAMOUS 2 Cole mentions his brother. So I thought by second son it would be his brothers secons son.

I always thought that "second son" was a reference to the First sons, I never put much thought into how it would connect, just a theory.
Aug 20, 2013
Dude, Cole can "heal" himself by draining electric energy. And the game explains how John is the Beast. (I forget how exactly, because I haven't played in a while) I'm not saying you're wrong btw, just that you're logic is flawed.
Aug 20, 2013
That's most likely the antagonist of the game, but I don't think it's Kessler......unless....... remember in the dead drops for infamous 1, John said that Kessler disappears for long periods of time, maybe he can travel to the future? Though I really don't want that to be the case.

Personally, I think if you throw time travel into the story; it fucks the whole story to hell. This series made it work, though. I too hope they don't have some crazy story where Kessler's Still the antagonist.


Aug 1, 2011
im pretty sure the title Second Son is just because Delsin is Reggie's little brother. being younger and trying to fit in with his older more mature brother growing up is hard (i know from experience). they hired Troy Baker so you know this story is gonna pull on your emotions. Delsin is going to have a hard time living up to expectations as a person and a conduit.
i know thats not a popular thought right now but its where my chips are raised.


Sep 25, 2008
Cole mentioned that he had a younger brother in infamous 2... maybe its delsin... and with a character like kessler who could travel through time... it opens the story up for a range of huge possibilities... no matter what happens.. you could say "it was kesslers plan all along"... kessler knew who the beast was.. yet he didnt stop it from happening.. maybe delsin is part of that plan...

Im hoping that at some point Coles body will be found/recovered... a conduit with the abiility to bring back the dead will.. resurrect cole.. and cole will have to travel back in time.. assume the role of kessler and become the bad guy of infamous 1... time travel logic... he must travel back in time or else kessler would never exist.. that would be awesome.. seeing cole realize that he must kill trish and prepare himself and allow the beast to rise up.. so that delsin can achieve his destiny....
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