Almost Not a Noob
Sep 24, 2008
Cleveland, OH
I have completed Years 1-3 and am working on 4, but I decided to go back through the levels of the first 3 years and get the unlockables. I am having trouble on year 3 and getting the Quirrell Quandary trophy.

-With the Quirrell Quandary trophy, am I supposed to use the boss Quirrell/Voldemort at the end? Because that's the one I used and no trophy popped up. I have not unlocked the other Voldemort (from Year 4), but I do have Tom Riddle.

-And with the Year 3 problem I'm having, I can't get the Ravenclaw crest in the first level (News From Azkaban). I have the other 3 crests, but when I shoot all 5 Slytherin trunks, nothing comes up. I tried beating this on Free Play and by redoing this level altogether and neither of these have worked.

Please help.
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Jan 16, 2012
With the Quirrell Quandary trophy, am I supposed to use the boss Quirrell/Voldemort at the end? Because that's the one I used and no trophy popped up. I have not unlocked the other Voldemort (from Year 4), but I do have Tom Riddle.

You need to use the Voldemort from year 4 part 4.

-And with the Year 3 problem I'm having, I can't get the Ravenclaw crest in the first level (News From Azkaban). I have the other 3 crests, but when I shoot all 5 Slytherin trunks, nothing comes up. I tried beating this on Free Play and by redoing this level altogether and neither of these have worked.

When you shoot each trunk, do you see something actually happen? It's possible you're using the wrong spell. It's been a while, so I don't remember where the crest actually appears once you get all five trunks, but there's probably a video somewhere that will show it...


Jan 16, 2012
The Griphook character token can be unlocked just outside the entrance to the first vault inside the bank. You'll need the Reducto spell (yellow on the spell wheel?) to blast the lock off a chest just to the right of the vault door. You'll still need to go back to Diagon Alley and purchase the actual character before you can use it in free play.