Mar 4, 2011
Barton is a huge get for the Vols... according to the Vols.

Black is highly recruited and is needed for the Jayhawks.

So... the Vols get our 4th string PG and KU gets our bumbling center. Feels good to know teams wants our scraps, especially since we've just piled on the talent in their absence.


Super Star
May 30, 2006
Black and Barton both suck. I was so confused when the media interpreted these transfers as big pick-ups.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2004
if i wanted to show someone what low basketball iq, bad decisions, and foul trouble looked like, id show em tarik black's highlights


Keep Going, Spiral Out
Dec 19, 2007
lol barton didn't even play last year

He was good his first 2 years but I think he must've gotten into it with the coach or something last year and wasn't allowed much playing time. Then he had the injury and never got to do much afterwards.

EDIT: And it seems like quite a few players since Pastner arrived have had some kind of problem with him, or the coach had problems with the players. That didn't happen with Calipari.
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Sep 14, 2008
EDIT: And it seems like quite a few players since Pastner arrived have had some kind of problem with him, or the coach had problems with the players. That didn't happen with Calipari.

Um.... what about.....
Sean Banks quit
Kelly Wise quit
Courtney Trask transferred
Marcus Moody quit and then came back
Scooter McFadgon transferred to UT
Paris London transferred
Shyrone Chatman transferred
Billy Richmond transferred
Ivan Lopez left
Tank Beavers left
Trevon Willis transferred
Jeff Robinson transferred
Hashim Bailey transferred

I could go on.
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