
Oppai Senpai
Apr 13, 2010
Mother Base
The irony is palpable. It contains everything we knew it would. Ground Zeroes + Phantom Pain, and the cosmetic DLC that means nothing.

Konami's version of "definitive": Force a game out only 80% complete, then release it again a year later with nothing new.


Original poster
Any proof that the game is only 80% complete?

The 2nd chapter was unfinished and robbed of its finale (a mission where BB infiltrates Eli's island), which is why Eli and Mantis just float away and are never mentioned again. There was a 3rd chapter planned with the game but had to be scrapped later into development. Several missions in the later part of the game are just rehashed versions of previous missions with options that should have been available from the start (osp, perfect stealth, etc) due to missing content.

There were also other features that had to be scrapped because of Konami's intervention. There is no doubt that the game is unfinished, because everyone can see it (even reviewers). The debate starts when we try to consider how much of the game is unfinished. If recent revelations are true (in another thread) then the game is actually less than 50% finished. Ignoring that, the game's second half at the least was hollowed out and the critical final chapter ignored (even the ending), so I'd say the game is about 75% - 80% finished.
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