
Oct 11, 2011
I'm pretty sure if you are reading this on the wonderful internets then you have probably heard of the one shot glitch on the dragon to kill him instantly, but I was wondering something.
[blockquote]Is there a way to actually kill this creature without using some cheesy tactics or what?[/blockquote]
I'm curious because I am a melee focused character and want to kill that bastard like most of us want to. I don't want to kill him in a manner which would take the joy out of smiting his ass though. Any suggestions?
Feb 3, 2011
If you wanted to give it a shot, I would suggest armor that has high fire DEF for obvious reasons, and items that grant higher Poise would probably help to, because you are going to get slapped around a lot. You are going to need a lot of endurance and a generally high soul level as well, I'm guessing. If it's even possible...... It's Dark Souls though, so it probably is.


Oct 11, 2011
sng-ign said:
A win is a win - regardless of method.
True. I'd much more enjoy having a long, epic battle with him though. The more he kills me, the sweeter the reward when I bring him down.


Spectre Wolf
Nov 10, 2006
You normally get past him by going under the bridge and into the little sewer area with the rats which leads to the Undead Parish. Climb the ladder, and instead of going into the main hallway, go left up the spiral staircase instead. Defeat the Gold Knight up there and you'll be standing on top of a tower overlooking the bridge and the dragon. Shoot an arrow into the dragon's back and he'll fly off and disappear, and after about 30 seconds you'll hear him roar and you'll suddenly get 10000 souls. Boom, done.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 3, 2003
I believe it will be do'able. I gave it a try already but i think my HP and stamina is a bit too low to get up close to him at the moment. He was 1-shotting me when i first got there. Now it takes 3 of his fire breaths to get me down... still too much for me to get close.

I recommend Fire Resist ofcourse in particular a shield with high fire resistance.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2008
Blood_Falcon said:
I believe it will be do'able. I gave it a try already but i think my HP and stamina is a bit too low to get up close to him at the moment. He was 1-shotting me when i first got there. Now it takes 3 of his fire breaths to get me down... still too much for me to get close.

I recommend Fire Resist ofcourse in particular a shield with high fire resistance.

Wait, are you charging him or luring him to the bridge?

If you hit him with an arrow it brings him to the bridge, but if you are just dashing forward you ain't gonna get anywhere.


Oct 12, 2011
sng-ign said:
A win is a win - regardless of method.


Also, if this game is going to be as hard as it is with as much bull it's going to throw in your face, I think you're entitled to throw some bull back.


Feb 18, 2009
i killed the fire-dragon legit. if you wanna do it easier, get a set of 200 standard arrows, or probably a 100 advanced, heavy ones, and crush his tail, easier to kill that way, then smash him until half his health is gone. once that's done go onto the bridge and hide behind one of the walls. once he's done spewing flames, shoot an arrow at him from behind the wall. Once he lands run to one of his feet and stay beside it. Just make sure you hug that wall when he spew's flames, because its the only safe spot. Follow him when he jumps ship, but DON'T move when he just jump's. Because he jumps to spew fire. If you can do that use the drake sword and rail on him. If you do it right, and have ten flask's you should be fine. This method also works to get past him to the bonfire under him. Shoot him, as he comes down run like hell towards it, and you'll probably get flamed once walla. Hope this helps.


Oct 11, 2011
It is possible! WE have reports... Also, I f***ed it over myself. Went crazy with the Lightning Spear+3 since dragons are weak to Lightning. Took me at least 3 tries, but patience, fire resistance, and not running in like a dumbass are needed.


Feb 16, 2011
I killed him at level 17 by shooting him with 300 standard arrows from under the bridge. It took a while but it worked.


Feb 18, 2009
yeah i don't' buy that you killed him with 300 arrow's, he doesn't' go below half health if he stay's up on the mountain, he heal's himself and won't go below a certain amount of health. Its one of those 'gotta hit me to kill me' kinda things.


Feb 16, 2011
Im not sure if it was a glitch but I definitely killed him using around 300 standard arrows


Jan 31, 2010
Haven't been able to kill Hellkite Dragon as yet but i know that i shot the tail with over 200+ standard arrows and his tail fell off/exploded.(received the Drake sword after about 30 to 40 arrows) Will try some of the suggested methods when i get a chance.


Oct 8, 2010
I'm ashamed to say I shot him in the back, but I'm making up for it by continually getting stomped by the hydra. Karma is truly a bitch.


Jan 31, 2010
I shot the tail off with the short bow 3 times and get his health to the half way mark each time, each time he would pull his wings over his head and heal to about three quarter health, would shoot till he was close to half again then tried melee attack combined with bow on the bridge but would get stamped or burnt to death each time, i decided to just grind there for a time as the dragon would toast the soldiers for easy souls, he would return to his perch each time that is until i had done this about 20 times then he would be on the bridge thrashing about until my next daeth which seemed to reset him back on his perch,. This reset happened about three times before i didn't die as i normally would have and as i climbed the ladder next to the bonfire i heard him thrashing about again and as i started up the steps onto the bridge he just died, 10,000 easy souls :) i'm guessin it either glitched, as i hadn't fired any arrows or hit him with anything in at least 20 to 30 attempts, or the the 3 spearmen and 2 crossbowmen killed it somehow. either way it died & i scored.


Sep 11, 2013
But what the hell... we're talking about a monster who comes to the bridge, jumps and kills me in one hit. I have more than 1.600 hp and all vanishes in one hit...
And man, he loves to do this instant killing! he does allways!


Prime Member
Oct 5, 2013
When I kill the dragon, I'm usually a pretty high level. It's a battle of luck really because the dragon has an insta-kill attack. If you hide behind the wall until he jumps down, wait till he takes a few steps then take 2-4 swings. Hopefully you have an impressive weapon enchantment. Then RUN to behind the nook closest to the sun knight altar and let him burn the bridge a few times until you get the opportunity where he walks toward you again, letting you repeat the process (except next time run to the nook by the stairs.) It will be a battle of attrition and luck, but its nice to win, because that bridge is an epic pvp location when its dead. Good luck!


Head of Security
May 28, 2012
yeah i don't' buy that you killed him with 300 arrow's, he doesn't' go below half health if he stay's up on the mountain, he heal's himself and won't go below a certain amount of health. Its one of those 'gotta hit me to kill me' kinda things.

You can kill him with arrows if your Dex is high enough and you are a good enough shot to out DPS his regen capabilities.


Mar 2, 2013
I actually killed him at what could be considered a low level (SL 40). What I used was a +15 great scythe infused with gold pine resin, waited in the middle of the bridge by the stairway until he came down, ran up to his legs and started swinging away. Killed him in a few hits, no damage taken.


Jul 16, 2015
An easy and legitimate(-ish!) strategy. Stand on the ledge underneath the bridge just by where the rats attack you. Use the binoculars to look straight at his head, then fire a heavy sorcery. Dragon will fly off for a bit and return to the same spot after a few seconds, fire again (you should still be aimed at his head if you didn't look away). Repeat a few times, the damage for me using heavy soul arrow was easily enough to counter the health regeneration, took about 6 shots.