Jul 30, 2012
In this thread I will be walking you through the story mode of Def Jam Fight for NY.

But before I do so, I recommend you go into the exhibition mode and learn all the controls and stuff because this game is fast-paced and you need to be able to keep up. You also need to know your competition. So before I even start up Story Mode, I'm going to go over all the fighters in the game, whether you face them in Story Mode or not.

STYLES IN THE GAME: Streetfighting, Wrestling, Kickboxing, Martial Arts, Submissions
ATTRIBUTES IN THE GAME: Upper Power, Lower Power, Speed, Health, Toughness, Charisma

Styles and attributes will be explained more thoroughly during the walkthrough.


Jul 30, 2012
Kickboxing, Streetfighting
Blazin' Move: Violator
Strengths: Lower Strength, Health
Weaknesses: Upper Strength, Toughness, Charisma
BASIC STRATEGY: Kickboxing/streetfighting can be sort of a deadly combo if you let it. Anyone with this combination can take chunks out of your health if you let them grab you. Therefore, counter as many of their grapple attempts as possible. Chris is predictable and won't resist much if you chuck him around the venue, beating him down with environmental grapples.

Streetfighting, Wrestling
Blazin' Move: Animal Instincts
Strengths: Upper Strength, Toughness, Charisma
Weaknesses: Lower Strength, Speed
BASIC STRATEGY: DO NOT let Banner string moves on you, especially strikes. He will destroy you THOROUGHLY if you let him hit you with his haymaker. You have got to BLOCK his strikes and counter his strong grapples because he'll destroy you via wrestling as well. Play on the defensive with him, counter-attacking and throwing him into stuff whenever possible.

Streetfighting, Martial Arts
Blazin' Move: Old School Beat
Strengths: Health, Charisma
Weaknesses: Lower Strength, Speed, Toughness
BASIC STRATEGY: Baxter is pretty good at reversing strikes so instead grab him and hurt him that way. One or two strikes then grab him. This is a good general strategy to try on most martial arts users.

BLAZE (Method Man)
Blazin' Move: The Prequel
Strengths: Upper Strength, Lower Strength, Toughness, Charisma
Weaknesses: Speed, Health
BASIC STRATEGY: Blaze is very strong but the one thing stopping him from being dominant is his style. Not many people only have 1 style but Blaze is one of them. 1 style makes him one-dimensional. So focus on countering his grapples and then because Meth doesn't ever block combo him to oblivion.

Martial Arts, Kickboxing
Blazin' Move: Platinumberg
Strengths: Lower Strength, Health
Weaknesses: Toughness, Charisma
BASIC STRATEGY: Bless is like Baxter defensively. You try to string more than 2 hits against him and he usually counters. So instead get in 2 hits and grab him. Despite his secondary style, Bless pretty much never uses clinch combos but if he does grab you which he hardly does, counter.

Martial Arts
Blazin' Move: Pop Your Collar
Strengths: Health, Toughness
Weaknesses: Upper Strength, Lower Strength, Charisma
BASIC STRATEGY: Bo is pretty durable and despite low strength can nip away at your health if you let him on the attack, ESPECIALLY if you let him get you in the environment. Bo is pretty damn aggressive and I swear if he slams you into a wall or something he will pick you up and slam you again and again until you get yourself out of there. Get him in the environment and assault him that way; he's good at countering strikes.


Jul 30, 2012
Blazin' Move: Never Scared (yea the song)
Strengths: Upper Strength, Health, Toughness, Charisma
Weaknesses: Speed
BASIC STRATEGY: A nice ass wall of meet. If he blocks your first strike, grab him. In a matter of fact, just grab him. And if he moves away from you, he's got weapons on his brain so rush him and hit him up with a running strike or grapple. Just focus on his grapples, he can't do any significant damage with his strikes.

Kickboxing, Wrestling
Blazin' Move: Southern Hang
Strengths: Upper Strength, Health, Toughness
Weaknesses: Lower Strength, Speed, Charisma
BASIC STRATEGY: A kickboxer with crappy lower strength? Lol. Sparxxx does block a bit so grabbing him would be easier. Don't let him get a hold of you either. His kicks won't do crap but I promise you his wrestling moves will.

Blazin' Move: Pushover
Strengths: Upper Strength, Speed, Health
Weaknesses: Lower Strength, Toughness, Charisma
BASIC STRATEGY: Even though he only has 1 style, streetfighting is probably the most well-rounded style so it doesn't really matter. Capone doesn't care to block so strike combos will destroy him and he doesn't even block haymakers.

Kickboxing, Martial Arts
Blazin' Move: Twister
Strengths: Upper Strength, Lower Strength, Health, Charisma
Weaknesses: Speed, Toughness
BASIC STRATEGY: Carmen is a badass little girl in this game. Carmen goes reversal-crazy so predictable strike combos won't work. Mix up your attack and don't let her get any combos off and you should be fine.

Martial Arts
Blazin' Move: Back Attack
Strengths: Speed, Health
Weaknesses: Upper Strength, Toughness, Charisma
BASIC STRATEGY: Chiang sucks pretty bad. Do whatever you want to him really. Not even kidding. He may get a few quick hits on you but he is not strong enough to do any significant damage.

Streetfighting, Martial Arts
Blazin' Move: Underground
Strengths: Upper Strength, Speed
Weaknesses: Lower Strength, Health, Toughness, Charisma
BASIC STRATEGY: Cindy will reverse you a fair bit but she really isn't going to do anything else. A strike-grab combo will get it done.


Jul 30, 2012
Blazin' Move: Claw Buster
Strengths: Upper Strength, Lower Strength, Toughness, Charisma
Weaknesses: Speed, Health
BASIC STRATEGY: Comp is another pure wrestler like Blaze & Bone Crusher. The same strategy applies here except he might counter your strikes a little bit.

CRACK (Fat Joe)
Streetfighting, Wrestling
Blazin' Move: The Crack Attack
Strengths: Upper Strength, Lower Strength, Health, Toughness
Weaknesses: Speed
BASIC STRATEGY: Crack can really drag out fights with his durability. He loves his haymaker and his little Triple H pedigree wrestling move. Counter his grapples, grab him, and chuck him into stuff. If you're using a streetfighter, chuck him into the wall and haymaker him instead of the environmental grapple.

Martial Arts
Blazin' Move: Rocksteady
Strengths: Lower Strength, Speed, Charisma
Weaknesses: Upper Strength, Health, Toughness
BASIC STRATEGY: Crazy Legs got some cool-looking unorthodox kick combos so he's hard to counter. Block instead. He counters a little bit but really you can combo him to death and it won't take long too because he's a pile of wuss.

CROW (Snoop Dogg)
Martial Arts
Blazin' Move: 187
Strengths: Everything
Weaknesses: lol
BASIC STRATEGY: Ummmm yea be careful. Block his strikes. Martial Arts grapples aren't strong but it always helps to reverse anyways. But one thing about Crow, his STRONG STRIKES CAN K.O. YOU. Martial artists can't usually do that but Crow's just that damn good. Try to get in a few strikes and get his ass into an object. Hit the environmental grapple or haymaker him while he's dazed then stomp him maybe once or twice and back the hell up. Don't ever try to pick up Crow or he'll attack you. Just use what's around you.

Blazin' Move: Flatliner
Strengths: Upper Strength, Health
Weaknesses: Lower Strength, Toughness, Charisma
BASIC STRATEGY: Cruz sucks. He's slow, doesn't block, and can only hurt you with his slow strong grapples. Just combo the hell out of him and he'll be out in a matter of seconds.

Wrestling, Submissions
Blazin' Move: Repeat Offender
Strengths: Upper Strength, Lower Strength, Toughness
Weaknesses: Speed
BASIC STRATEGY: He can take some chunks out of your health and don't let him get too many submissions on you...luckily it's not very hard to do. D is slow and his attacks are slow as hell. Combos should work well enough to finish him. He reverses his fair share of grapples.