
Sep 2, 2008
Was playing some old game and realized I never unlocked Keiji's 5th and 6th weapons and I hate to just leave something like that unfinished. I've been on many sites and read many faqs and they all say these things:

unlock at least one ending scene for Keiji
play on hard
play his last mission: test at Kawanakajima
defeat every general and subgeneral except the main one
do not allow any allied generals to be defeated

I did all these things and the supply team never came, does anyone know what's up?
This is for the original + extreme legends mixed together but I don't think that matters (it doesn't for any other generals).


Sep 2, 2008
Answered my own question. Found there was another requirement that no one else knew about. just in case anyone feels like updating their FAQ, the general on the southern mountain must be defeated last.