
Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
I just started playing this, It's been sitting on my shelf for at least three years, it takes a while to get started and it's not such a novelty as the first, but you get some great gun battles with pistols and shot guns, and the 2000AD style, game play graphics, make it stand out from the rest !


Jan 16, 2012
Oh, alrighty then! If you get into TVHM with either of your characters, I have some gear in the level 40-49 range you might be interested in. Give me a shout if you do. BTW, make sure you idle Maya at some point - she has a great line about the monks (among others)


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
I just had a fight with that midget riding one of those 'knuckle Dragger things, It was hilarious, I had a load of 'Rack' attack me, so I ran over to a platform where some marauders were, and they started to attack them ! It's sheer entertainment value alone, beats 'COD' hands down


Jan 16, 2012
I just had a fight with that midget riding one of those 'knuckle Dragger things, It was hilarious, I had a load of 'Rack' attack me, so I ran over to a platform where some marauders were, and they started to attack them ! It's sheer entertainment value alone, beats 'COD' hands down

If you haven't done so already, the next time you see a goliath, shoot it's helmet off. Then stand back and laugh!
Jul 1, 2013
Respect the BL 2 love even if it's late to the party. The Siren is a badass <mine is 66> but for new players I think you might fall in love with the Gaige the Mecromancer and the Psycho Krieg.

His chain melle insta kills are a blast and rocks up the intensity hardcore


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Crept up on a settlement with those flame thrower blokes and some big bruisers with hockey masks, they appeared to be fighting amongst themselves, then I saw two, bigger, red blokes attacking them, I let them fight it out, then I gave the survivors a couple of incendiary grenades as a prize :D


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Respect the BL 2 love even if it's late to the party. The Siren is a badass <mine is 66> but for new players I think you might fall in love with the Gaige the Mecromancer and the Psycho Krieg.

His chain melle insta kills are a blast and rocks up the intensity hardcore
I'm the Siren too(I loved playing her in BL1) This game is the nads ! just like 2000AD does Mad Max,I love shooting the corrosive barrels 'Arrrgh, it burns' !
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Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
I just had a fight with that midget riding one of those 'knuckle Dragger things, It was hilarious, I had a load of 'Rack' attack me, so I ran over to a platform where some marauders were, and they started to attack them ! It's sheer entertainment value alone, beats 'COD' hands down

If you haven't done so already, the next time you see a goliath, shoot it's helmet off. Then stand back and laugh!
Yesterday, while shooting at a goliath, I had a 'Ben Kenobi moment' 'shoot the helmet Luke' I shot his helmet off . . .[face_shock] Incredible Hulk and Daffy Duck, spring to mind ' man, I ain't never doing that again' [face_beatup] now I have a triple burst shot gun 36 x 3 damage, a couple of blasts from that even takes these down (thank god) thanks for the tip by the way :D


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
As much fun as it is popping the top off of peoples heads, and shooting the flame throwers tanks on their back (and shooting the Goliaths mask off) I can't for the life of me, find the 7th arrow to the Blood Hawk, any pointers ?


Jan 16, 2012
7th? Very far end of the canyon there's a cave entrance. Go close enough, and one of those giant lunatic types will come out (followed by a second one.) It's that-away. Pay careful attention to the scorch marks along the way, unless you want to take damage...


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
7th? Very far end of the canyon there's a cave entrance. Go close enough, and one of those giant lunatic types will come out (followed by a second one.) It's that-away. Pay careful attention to the scorch marks along the way, unless you want to take damage...
Thanks, is that the three horned thingamy exit on the ground level ? (been right up the top with the goat skull phychos)
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Jan 16, 2012
7th? Very far end of the canyon there's a cave entrance. Go close enough, and one of those giant lunatic types will come out (followed by a second one.) It's that-away. Pay careful attention to the scorch marks along the way, unless you want to take damage...
Thanks, is that the three horned thingamy exit on the ground level ? (been right up the top with the goat skull phychos)

Argh, need pictures! You go through Blacktoe Cavern, up a metal staircase into a narrow gully. Two Badass Psychos attack you, and you'll likely spawn some spiderants. Then on into Ashmouth camp; the cave entrance is at the very far end, at the bottom of the canyon beyond the metal staircases that take you up to the walkways on either side of the canyon. More Badass Psychos attack as you enter the tunnel system. It's the point marked #2 on this map:
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Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
I feel honoured that you have come to join us Theleb, that was my race number for a half Marathon I did last year, I was looking for some yellow contact lenses, to shit the camera man up [face_devil] I'm on the next bit now, I just could not find Frostburn Canyon for weeks, then I couldn't , not find it (if that makes sense) [face_confused]


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Just rescued Roland from the Hypron whatsits, piece of cake corrosive sniper rifle a couple of corrosive grenades a kick ass triple barrelled shot gun and a 3000 odd damage bazooka in reserve [face_cool] (insert Terminator quote)


Jan 16, 2012
I can still remember my first time through Friendship Gulag - that was completely insane! I've only been back for side-quests since, as once you figure out the fight mechanics and know who to prioritise, you can usually rescue Roland on the Bloodshot Ramparts. Don't get as much XP that way, but also very satisfying to accomplish. You will want a GOOD shock weapon, and shock grenades (Tesla or Quasar) when you go to the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve, along with some good corrosive weaponry. Much fun in store, and make sure you collect all the Maya "Lost echoes" in the WEP - worth it.


Jan 16, 2012
Thanks mate, just doing the catch a train one[face_cowboy], just sold a shock sniper as well#-o much prefer the corrosive and incendiary ones though[face_drooling]'ARRRRRGH, IT BURNS' !

Get shock weapons BEFORE you turn in the train thing (the Tundra Express/End of the Line one). And keep the corrosive and fire stuff. Trust me on this one! Also since you're on first play through, I'd do the Tea Party stuff for Tiny Tina if possible, as you get a decent corrosive pistol from it.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Thanks mate, just doing the catch a train one[face_cowboy], just sold a shock sniper as well#-o much prefer the corrosive and incendiary ones though[face_drooling]'ARRRRRGH, IT BURNS' !

Get shock weapons BEFORE you turn in the train thing (the Tundra Express/End of the Line one). And keep the corrosive and fire stuff. Trust me on this one! Also since you're on first play through, I'd do the Tea Party stuff for Tiny Tina if possible, as you get a decent corrosive pistol from it.
Thanks for the tip, loved the meeting with Tina :^O This has got to be one of the best games I have ever played ! (spanning back to the 70's)


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Did you ever play BL1?
Yeah, come to think of it, I don't think I ever finished it [face_thinking] The first time I set foot out of Clap Trap's starting point, and heard my first Psycho, I thought what the hell is that !I thought it was brilliant, my 2000AD comics brought to life, then I got borderlands 2, just to find it even better[face_dancing] ! Especially the first time you shoot a Goliath in the head[face_shock]


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
I just started playing this, It's been sitting on my shelf for at least three years, it takes a while to get started and it's not such a novelty as the first, but you get some great gun battles with pistols and shot guns, and the 2000AD style, game play graphics, make it stand out from the rest !
Ahhh, a fellow 2000AD reader 'eh. The style of Borderlands remind me of the art style in the Strontium Dog strip.

Imagine Johnny Alpha and Wulf Sternhammer as Vault Hunters ;)


Keep that dream alive mate :)