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Dec 29, 2009
My son just started playing Nintendogs and we can't seem to get past the naming of the dog. We got through the process but we can't seem to get beyond that. Before I deleted all the old information off of the game he was able to go shopping, have toys, etc, etc. Now we can't seem to find any of those things or have any additional options. I would appreciate any help I can get. My son loves the game but it was more fun when he could do more. Thanks
May 28, 2010
when your naming speak loud and clear but not to loud and when you delete all your info you can't get it back so u have to start over again! I am an Pro at nintendogs all versions send me a message if u need help my username is nintendogs_luver_101[face_nerd] [face_peace] :D [face_thinking]
May 28, 2010
nintendogs_luver_101 said:
when your naming speak loud and clear but not to loud and when you delete all your info you can't get it back so u have to start over again! I am an Pro at nintendogs all versions send me a message if u need help my username is nintendogs_luver_101[face_nerd] [face_peace] :D [face_thinking]
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