
May 16, 2004
Long story made short, promotion at a local shop, older games selling for very little money, etc. Now, this has been my very first racing game in a long, long time, and perhaps my first "realistic" racing game. However, apparently I'm having a few problems with it, and I was hoping you could help me with these:

1- I noticed that if I complete races in the spectator mode (or whatever they call it...) I seem to receive the same rewards as if I was actually racing myself. Is there any reason, other than "having fun", why I should race, then? And doesn't this make the game too basic, in the sense that I could just use the spectator mode to farm a bunch of money, and then upgrade everything about each of my cars?

2- I have A LOT of trouble trying to complete the driving tests. In fact, the few times I can actually do it, I find them extremely frustrating. Any tips, overall? I know that reading the information before each level does help, but when it comes to performing what they're asking me to, I just find it too hard...

3- I seem to have a lot of trouble with curves. Is there something I can upgrade in my cars, or a strategy I can follow, to take curves more effectively, possibly without losing too much speed (right now, I'm using the Square button, but this really slows me down).



wandering my way through time
Sep 9, 2008
Under a Tree
1. that's what i did to farm money to have 600+ cars in my garage. The game itself was meant to be all about the fun of driving. grinding for hours and hours to get the car you need for x race is annoying, so i'm glad it's there. It's meant to be a bit of a crew cheif/strategist type deal for racing. that's why it's in the game, but everyone uses it to farm money while they do other things.

2. the driving tests are hard. they teach the fundamentals of driving fast. the best idea is to practice practice practice. i remember some tests on my first time through being hell with numerous attempts to get bronze. i took the same tests a year later and nabbed gold on nearly all of them in 1-3 tries. what they teach makes you faster, you gotta just figure it out and apply it to your racing.

3. tires and brakes and the techniques of the driving tests. i ran with the controller for most of my time, X gas, Square brake. the buttons are pressure sensitive, so how hard you brake depends on how hard you press the button. Remember that this game is trying to mimic real life. so don't expect to take corners at just doesn't happen.


Aggie Proud
Oct 28, 2003
1. that's what i did to farm money to have 600+ cars in my garage. The game itself was meant to be all about the fun of driving. grinding for hours and hours to get the car you need for x race is annoying, so i'm glad it's there. It's meant to be a bit of a crew cheif/strategist type deal for racing. that's why it's in the game, but everyone uses it to farm money while they do other things.

2. the driving tests are hard. they teach the fundamentals of driving fast. the best idea is to practice practice practice. i remember some tests on my first time through being hell with numerous attempts to get bronze. i took the same tests a year later and nabbed gold on nearly all of them in 1-3 tries. what they teach makes you faster, you gotta just figure it out and apply it to your racing.

3. tires and brakes and the techniques of the driving tests. i ran with the controller for most of my time, X gas, Square brake. the buttons are pressure sensitive, so how hard you brake depends on how hard you press the button. Remember that this game is trying to mimic real life. so don't expect to take corners at just doesn't happen.
This is truth. B-spec has no true purpose other than so get faster money.

I also agree that my first run through the game I had trouble with not getting gold on some tests (and even silver on one or two of them for that matter). After completing the game to the end and then some, I sometimes start a new file just to start fresh and going through the tests again, I got gold on my first or second try more often than not. You'll get better with time. Keep in mind the game itself has a learning curve. You have to learn the physics to any racing game and get used to how the cars handle. So you'll both learn the physics and how to take proper cornering and braking etc. Plain and simple just play and give it time. You'll gradually learn. Oh, and view your ghost replays if you can. You can visibly see where you're making mistakes.


You gonna scream before I ban ya?
Sep 4, 2000
Fyrestone, deep in the Borderlands
Remember, this is NOT an arcade're going to have to learn how to use your brakes as you enter corners, and when to get back on the gas as you exit. You can't just fly into corners flat out and come out the other side like NFS or Burnout...instead, you have to treat it like you're in a real car (and would you floor it into a corner in real life and expect the car to turn?). The licence tests will REALLY teach you the techniques you need to learn for that, and once you get good at those you'll find it really helps (plus, its realistic enough that it can teach you to drive in real life, to a point....I passed my road test with about 3 hours of real world driving, but thousands of hours between GT1, GT2, and GT3).


Aggie Proud
Oct 28, 2003
Remember, this is NOT an arcade're going to have to learn how to use your brakes as you enter corners, and when to get back on the gas as you exit. You can't just fly into corners flat out and come out the other side like NFS or Burnout...instead, you have to treat it like you're in a real car (and would you floor it into a corner in real life and expect the car to turn?). The licence tests will REALLY teach you the techniques you need to learn for that, and once you get good at those you'll find it really helps (plus, its realistic enough that it can teach you to drive in real life, to a point....I passed my road test with about 3 hours of real world driving, but thousands of hours between GT1, GT2, and GT3).
haha I actually back your point up. I felt really comfortable getting behind the wheel of a car for the first time and had no issues what-so-ever.

I can parallel park perfectly fine right now, but should that be a license test too? lol