Jan 30, 2014
story - crap. you start out cool. evil vampire thing going on. brutally slaughtering a family. wife&kid included.
but after a little while he's the big hero again. playing with dolls with his son trevor. story itself is very confusing. you start out working for zobek, who promises dracula to kill him in return for the prevention of the coming of satan. so he becomes zobek's lapdog. laaaame. ah well. then the story comes to a grinding halt. suddenly you find yourself in your castle following your son trevor who for some reason is there, in his childhood form. after many hours, gabriel gets the idea to let them summon satan and destroy him then. and then p00f! zobek pops up, completely pissed off, and...you kill him. done. as for the final boss, damn. satan makes a badass introduction, possesses alucard, and thats it. you fight alucard in a VERY straightforward manner and..thats it! game complete! oh yeah, what started this game, you know, gabriel wanna be free of his curse? nah thats alright. he decides he'll live with it and see what 'fate brings'. credits roll. compared to the first one, this story is utter garbage. feels like this game was severely rushed.

gameplay - thank god you can turn off QTE's. i've played Ninja Blade, i had my fill. but in terms of actual gameplay, i found it to be very unbalanced. basically, dodge red attacks, blocks colorless attacks. but enemy attacks have practically no 'tell' to them. you get smacked left and right by god knows what. the red attacks are pretty well dodge-able, but some of them dont even grant you time to dodge. the damage registers immediatly when it flashes red. i got platinum on Paladin difficulty in the first one, but this one had me struggling on normal difficulty. simply because in most cases i have no idea whats hitting me. often when i hold block to block an incoming blockable attack, gabriel simply wont block. i just get a full smash in the face. if you can get it to work, most of these blockable attacks break your guard, making you get hit by something else again. i found the combat to be one big blurry haze and a frustrating experience. the absolute worst parts are the stealth parts. i guarantee you that you will be fighting the urge to throw your controller when up against Pan's brother. platforming parts are nice, i suppose. trouble is, they cant go wrong. some are a bit laid with traps, but nothing too challenging. you will also come across totally unexplained puzzles where you'll be left scratching your head for hours. simply not knowing what to do or whats going on.

i guess i'm gonna leave it at this. my personal experience and review i suppose