Feb 24, 2011
So as the Topic says I just bought Killzone 3 on tuesday(preordered) but I only have 2 friends and none of them have Killzone 3. Im somewhat new to the PSN and to Killzone but I already love it and I definitely hold my own in the game and its a fresh of breath air compared to COD...tired of that retarded game. But I would love to have friends to play with so if anyone is interested just add me or post your PSN ID. Thanx!

PSN ID - Twnty1GunSalute
Oct 13, 2009
Hey man... I'll be your friend. Killzone 3 is fucking amazing. I also play black ops so if u wanna jam that too sometimes, its whatever.

playstation id - SlaughterFest666

add me.


PSN - BuffaloIrish * XBOX - TattooHooligan
Nov 4, 2009
Ah what the the hell, why not - "buffaloirish" - I play "Warzone" and I play it right.

I don't use a mic though - crying babies, whiners, and ex-military control nazis make it more obnoxious than useful.
Oct 17, 2004
Right now im currently a Infiltrator/Marskman/Engineer specialist and my favorite mode is TM. Warzone occasionally and I need to check out Operations. The worst I usually get is top 4. Take it for what its worth.