Feb 24, 2013
Release Date: Summer 2013, no date as of now yet (waiting for the broadcast to announce the info if they do)
New Class: Braver/Vanguard is a default class and not one that you have to unlock,
New Weapons: Katanas and Bows.
New Race: Dewmans from Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity.
New Planets: None confirmed or had been told by SoJP yet but through data-mining and a trailer it is suggested another 3 new planets are coming out with one having a beach-like area as shown in an early trailer.

Everyone is going to love this news: When Episode 2 goes live, everyone will be getting a new character slot as a compassion to having a new race and new default class in the game.

Here is a picture of the Dewman race and the new weapons


Dam that female dewman looks sexier and better than my Female cast (caseal).
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Feb 24, 2013
More news, Channel is back up from break:

New Darker type of Enemies: They are bird-like enemies, the first shown was a hawk-like darker in the new beach area.
Returning boss: The all classic De Rol Le snake/worm boss is back as a serpent now in the new planet.
New Planet: One new planet was just confirmed and showcased with the new enemies.
Weapons: Simply badass enough for you to go braver because of the mix of range + melee style.
Another new weapon is shown: Shield-n-Sword

Will post more info a I gather some more tonight and this morning and will try to get a picture of the new monsters.

Oh biggest news for everyone because it was just announced: PSO2 Episode 2 goes live on July 17th (16th for US/EU players)

LoL no way I am going to play the English version now unless if it is up-to-date with the JP version.

Edit: Forgot to mention, when Episode 2 comes out, your sub-class will now gain a portion of the exp you receive now.
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Feb 24, 2013
With new flowing info coming in every few-n-here I regret going all about this bit by bit but hey, who can stop me from doing this?

Here's some new info on what is coming up in reminder of 2013:

PSO2's roadmap aka scheluded updates: (JP only)
- Support partner (loli/shota)
- Arks Road
- Ep.2 New field Vopal
- Ep.2 New race Dewman
- Ep.2 New weapon category katana/bullet bow

- New field

- New difficulty Super Hard
- Lv65 cap raise

- New field

- New quest for 12 players
- New system for item customization

By new field, they mean planet. So one new planet during launch, another in September, and one more in December.

Edit: lol I forgot to mention something again: When Episode 2 goes live, everyone gets a my mini room for free. It's basically a small version of the My Room.

Double Edit: LoL god I suck at remembering everything: New enemy mechanic is introduce with the new planet-----A Day-n-Night time effect: Areas will now go day and night (not sure whether in-game or according to real-life timing) and will affect enemy behaviors, strength, and characteristics.
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Feb 24, 2013
Finally going to bed with one last line of info, nah really like pictures actually:

New boss: It is not De Rol Le as I said before but a revision of him into a new boss named
Bal Rodus / Bal Rhodes

New areas of the new Planet confirmed to be named Wopal


Now good day and good night, well post up more info in the morning if any new ones comes out because it is 2:22 a.m. pst and I need to get some sleep from all of this excitement.

Special thanks to http://bumped.org/psublog/ and http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=208238 for providing some info that I couldn't translate.
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Feb 24, 2013
It's an expansion so big things like this would consider to be a new Episode as it also continues the main story line. So can't be an update.


The free character slot was a compassion for the new race. Don't have to use it for the dewmans but hey it's a new race entirely based for close range combat so why not try a new race?
Feb 24, 2013
Now they give away free character slot?

...I've allready bought 2 of those...

Oh and lol I have 3 accounts because I didn't want to buy a character slots (1 being still unused and empty for special reasons) but with this I'll be getting 3 free character slots actually :D.