
Nov 21, 2011
Just thought I would start a conversation about the Splinter Cell games.....

I, like many, are tired of the Call of Duty and Black Ops and other first person shooter games. I liked some aspects of the MW3 and BO2, but sick of the whole "on-line multi-player" aspects of those games. So sick of trash talking children or folks who take a GAME too serious. I like the stealth aspects of the splinter cell series, but worry that too many "bells and whistles" may ruin a decent game. I have only played co-ops a few times, cause it seems that not too many wish to play it. I like playing a game where you have to think through what you can or should do, you can be stealthy, or "run and gun".
I am REALLY tired of kids who haven't even reached puberty or some couch potato talking trash to me because I have a lousy kill/death ratio in a GAME, and think that how well they play a game is an indication of their manhood.
Being older, and having served in the Army for 20 years, been to and completed both Ranger School and the Special Forces Q-course, been on REAL missions as a Green Beret and did 3 combat tours, 2 in the Middle East, and having to kill, treat real wounded soldiers and been wounded, and been awarded medals for valor: I do not need to prove myself in a game...... Those trash talking people do not know how lucky they are that they do not have to experience what a REAL war is like. I am an old many who doesn't play a war video well, but I survived multiple combat experiences and came home, in one piece, for the most part...

With that said, I hope the New Splinter Cell game does not go the way of MW or Black ops and ruins what has, up to now, been a decent franchise. I also hope they do not slowly milk more money off of us with DLC's, after paying $50- $60 bucks for half a game.

I was surprised to learn about the new consoles coming out. So it the X-box 360 going to be obsolete and people have to buy another over priced toy AND buy the SAME game I just bought so I can play it on the new console? mannnnn.......... I noticed the game I played on the old X-box, is much different than the same game for the 360.... I guess it is all about squeezing every penny from the customer they can...

What I would like to see would be a "Collector Edition" which has ALL the Splinter cell games in one package. I would pay for that, if reasonably priced anyway.

I look forward to the New Splinter Cell, I will miss the "voice of Sam" (Michael Ironsides) and I hope that the game makers do not try to do too much and mess it up...... Keep it simple, stick to what works, make a few changes but I hope they do not try to turn this into another COD-MW or Black ops, shooter.
I gave up on COD, don't play it any more and pulled out the "old" Splinter cell games, and am content to play them in peace, and not listen to some sugar fueled Fatso talk trash to people who have actually been in a real war, and just want to play a game and not get crap from people who could not make it through the first day of Basic training, much less become a SEAL, Marine Recon Or Green Beret. Those who have been in elite units, or those who are real heroes in combat, do not talk trash..... no need to, our actions spoke for us/them.......

So thanks for listening, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas....!! laugh....can't wait for the game to come out.....




Oct 3, 2005
i pretty much agree with everything except i would have to say that reality can be just as fun or even more so than a videogame.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 30, 2007
I don't like the blathering trash talking feebs either. SC games traditionally have a very good fan base though. The multiplayer community in every game in the series so far has been populated by people who just want to get down an play some good games. I feel like the community for this series has been pretty mature minded. Even some of the younger players I've played in the past games seem to catch on to the spirit of the communities and play nice. I expect Blacklist will attract the same.


Jan 29, 2013
i pretty much agree with everything except i would have to say that reality can be just as fun or even more so than a videogame.
Sometimes reality really sucks. My best day in the last month was killing a tokotoko in Ni No Kuni and getting 9000 experience. My life is pretty trashy.
Jul 16, 2012
i'm sorry that you had to serve in the military. it seems like it really traumatizes and damages people. i hope you have a good therapist.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2013
Yeah, reality DOES suck!
In the real world big corporations fund our corrupt government while they invade 3rd world countries for their resources. All the while making their pawn soldier boys feel all "patriotic" while murdering in the name of power and control for their unseen master who wont give a s$^& about them when they lose limbs, swallow poison gas or suffer PTSD.
Its a f'd up and nasty world and it got that way by those in power corrupting and manipulating the events of our world.
Bragging about murder is not cool!
Bragging about serving another man is not cool!
Bragging about getting awards for committing terrorist acts is not cool!
Bragging about spending your life making other rich while you suffer is just plain silly!

We play games to get away from reality, at the end of the night we power down our consoles and sleep comfortably in our own beds......with a clear mind because we know no one was harmed during our activities. Its a release, a release we all need.