
Dec 23, 2004
Rumor: Legacy of Kain Getting a Reboot?

First Carmageddon, now Legacy of Kain? Did someone open a portal to 1997 when we weren't looking? What's next for the reboot treatment?

A reader of Game Revolution stumbled across the possibility of a new Legacy of Kain game when taking part in an online survey.

"I'm part of a website where you get paid to take online surveys and today I took one that asked me what I thought about different possible names for a Legacy of Kain game," said user "daverabbit." "The four names were Obsidian Blood, Obsidian Sun, Dead Sun and Revenant. They also asked if the names sounded good alone or tagged with any of the Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver/Blood Omen names used previously. Surveys I've taken in the past have had the product later show up on store shelves."

While a mention in an online survey isn't exactly confirmation that a new game is definitely on the way, a series reboot certainly wouldn't be unwelcome for many fans. And Square Enix's ownership of Crystal Dynamics would certainly put the Legacy of Kain series in good company, with new Tomb Raider and Deus Ex titles on the way from the publisher.

Smart money's on an announcement at E3 if there is anything to this rumor.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
I hope there is a continuation for LOK, not a reboot, nothing was wrong with the series, they were fantastic.
But still, if they reboot it but keep the series' grit, intelligence, mood, and outstanding voice acting intact; it would be good news, I hope they do it.
Carmageddon is rumored for next year too. I hope this E3 has some good stuff.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
Huh, well it's not much but there is an actual article about it...

I guess we'll see.  I'm not holding my breath though.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
DoctorCCNU said:
If Amy Hennig does not pen the story, i don't even want a reboot.

She doesn't work at CD anymore. She's been with Naughty Dog for years now.


Dec 23, 2004
maybe if Karl stewart over at crystal D
stops working on tomb raider games and does an HD collection to legacy of kain, maybe he would have an idea on where to take the franchise next?

I mean, I don't recall sucker punch working on the new sly cooper.

from the looks of it, I believe sanzaru did a pretty good job :)

but what do you guys think?

legacy of kain HD collection that includes:

legacy of kain soul raver - dreamcast

legacy of kain soul reaver 2 -ps2

legacy of kain blood omen 2 - ps2

legacy of kain defiance - ps2

all in one package? :)


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
PappyChulo said:
maybe if Karl stewart over at crystal D
stops working on tomb raider games and does an HD collection to legacy of kain, maybe he would have an idea on where to take the franchise next?

I mean, I don't recall sucker punch working on the new sly cooper.

from the looks of it, I believe sanzaru did a pretty good job :)

but what do you guys think?

legacy of kain HD collection that includes:

legacy of kain soul raver - dreamcast

legacy of kain soul reaver 2 -ps2

legacy of kain blood omen 2 - ps2

legacy of kain defiance - ps2

all in one package? :)

Did SR1 come out for the Dreamcast? I didn't know that. But I assume it's the same as the PS1 game except maybe it looks better, right?

Anyway, that would be a nice package, but I'm not sure the market is there for it. For hardcore fans like me, I already have ll the games (plus Blood Omen 1). Not sure why I'd pay to have them all in a box. For non-hardcore fans...who'd spend the money?

I'd much rather a new LoK game. Even if Hennig didn't write the script, I've heard she left a huge amount of background and story material on LoK that she wrote during the making of the series and that much of it has never been used.

Maybe someone at CD who worked with Hennig on the series there could piece that material into a good LoK story?


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
Yeah, Drew, Soul Reaver did come out for the Dreamcast. Matter of fact, I own it. Visually speaking, it's even more breathtaking than was the version for PS1 at the time.

Oh, and get your butt on live so we can do multiplayer sometime.


May 6, 2005
It can't be a coincidence that the one day I log on after a few years is the day that this board has some activity.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
Yeah, that is the epitome of a coincidence.

:^O Yeah, sorry guy but that is pretty much as perfect an example of a conincidence as you could ask for. Two unrelated events conincided to give the illlusion of meaning. But you could call it "synchronicity" if you like. It means pretty much the same thing, but it sounds more mysterious doesn't it?

Great to see you NC7! I miss your witty wit and stuff. :D

Sorry I haven't been on Live but (in all seriousness) I was going blind in my left eye there for a while. I have some kind of tumor growing on the muscles that control eye movement in my left eye. Not cancerous fortuntely, but I was seeing double there for a few weeks and in a lot of pain. Couldn't drive. No gaming. Couldn't even walk outside much b/c I'd stumble over everthing. I could read and watch TV with one eye closed. That's about it.

Fortunately they have me on some horrible steriod and that is correcting the problem though has a variety of side effects, all awful. Still, it's more than worth it. Losing sight in even one eye is more crippling and depressing than I can even describe.

I'm also on several other drugs to counteract all the horrible side effects. My drug cabinet looks like an 80 year old man's. And that's just the legal stuff. I keep the recreationals seperately in case of nosy guests.

So, whatcha been up to?


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
Oh, man... sorry to hear about your eye. I know how painful that can be, as I once had a substantial chunk of om eyeball scrathced out. Yeah, um... it was a stupid drunk wrestling incident. It was easily the most painfully excruating thing I've been through.

Nlothing's been up here, in 'ole Michigan. I've just playing a lot of games recently. hint hint. In all seriousness, when you r situation can improve so that I can play with you sometime. Um, that sounded bad.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
Oh, man... sorry to hear about your eye. I know how painful that can be, as I once had a substantial chunk of om eyeball scrathced out. Yeah, um... it was a stupid drunk wrestling incident. It was easily the most painfully excruating thing I've been through.

Nlothing's been up here, in 'ole Michigan. I've just playing a lot of games recently. hint hint. In all seriousness, when you r situation can improve so that I can play with you sometime. Um, that sounded bad.

Just put "no ****" after it. That apparently is the new thing to do when you say something that sounds kind of gay, but you want to let the world know that you're not gay. All it makes me think is that the guy hasn't come out of the closet yet, but apparently it's all the rage with the youngins nowadays.

Actually, my vision is not back to 100%, and may never be, but it's improved enough to drive and play games, etc. However, right now I'm house/dog sitting for a friend of mine who just went into rehab earlier this week. I have an internet connection, but I'm not sure if it's going to work on the 360 without me replacing my...what's it called? The number thingy (it looks something like 00.00000.0000) for where your computer (or 360) is. So I'd need to replace my number with hers. Anyway, I'll try and see if it'll work.

If so, I'll kick your ass at Uno or poker if you play that. Or if you have a specific game you'd like to challenge me or do co-op with me (no ****!), lemme know.

By the way, remember how one of my little sisters might be going to grad school at Michigan? Well, she got accepted there, but ended up choosing the University of California at...somewhere. Can't remember which location. So I won't get to play matchmaker with you guys. :( Too bad, I think you would have liked each other. On the other hand, it did feel weird to be, in effect, to maybe, ever so slightly (looking at it from a certain point of view)...well, arranging for you to f*** my sister. [face_hypnotized] I mean, she's 26. She's an adult. But the big brother protectiveness thing is kind of instinctual I guess. :^O

But if I can get my 360 to work online over here, I'll send you a PM. If not, I should be back home by next Tuesday. The owner of the house I'm staying at is currently in a medical detox program. It's actually not really rehab. Her doctor and her family and friends want her to go to an in-patient rehab after she detoxes. She doesn't want to, but she didn't want to detox either and they got her to do that. So if she ends up doing that, I may be dogsitting for a few weeks.

Which is great b/c she's fairly wealthy and is paying me - get this - $100 a day to live in her beautiful, big condo which is way nicer than my place and feed, walk, play with her 2 dogs and 1 cat. Pretty sweet setup for moi. Now if you look at it only from the viewpoint of how much I'm getting paid per hour, it only comes out to $4.17/hour (I'm here basically 24/7), which is probably less than minimum wage. But if you look at it from the point of view that I'm basically sitting around a really nice house screwing around on the interent, reading books, and playing games, and getting paid for it...well, then you get a better idea of how good a deal this is for me.

Also, one of the numerous side effects of the Prednisone I'm taking every day is that it makes you really weak. By weak I mean you get both physically, muscularly weaker than you usually are and that you feel tired all the time and have little energy. So I really could not have a regular job right now anyway.

The only downside is that it's kind of lonely since I don't know anyone around here and I'm not currently dating anyone so I gots no chick to commiserate to. But on the whole it's been pretty much a blessing cause I need the money and, like I said, am not now capable of doing much else.

Sorry for the megapost but, like I said, I'z lonely! (no ****!!!)


May 6, 2005
I know what the word means, but this occurrence does have meaning.... perhaps all this talk of something new with LOK is true. Or not, I'll just go play through the series again and silently weep.

Man, not even a welcome back [face_tongue]. Not that I'd expect it from NC, though I doubt he even remembers me from the brief time I posted here.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
Cloud2234 said:
I know what the word means, but this occurrence does have meaning.... perhaps all this talk of something new with LOK is true. Or not, I'll just go play through the series again and silently weep.

Man, not even a welcome back [face_tongue]. Not that I'd expect it from NC, though I doubt he even remembers me from the brief time I posted here.

Hey, I'm sorry. So, WELCOME BACK Cloud!!! Come here you. Gimme a hug [face_hugs] (no ****!!!!)

Seriously, it's nice to see you back. I hope you, and everyone else who's returned, will stick around and maybe get this board going again.

And hey, who knows? Maybe it was fate and CD is secretly working on a brand new LoK game right this minute! I know Amy Hennig is gone, but they still have her notes and plotlines for future stories that never got used. Plus I hear they contain answers to lots of the questions fans still have about certain characters, plot issues, time travel problems, etc. And plenty of backstory, especially on the Hylden. Personally, I'd like to know a lot more about the Hylden, but even more I want to know the nature of the Mr. Immortal Squid Guy.



Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
I play Full House Poker almost every day, Drew. As long as you don't mind having your ass handed to you, I'd love to play.


Bummer about your sister, she seemed cool. But yeah, I questioned the fact that you were wanting to essentially serve her up. :D

EDIT: what in the world was with my spelling in the last post. Good lord.

Oh, and welcome back, Cloud. Nice to see a former poster around here.

Ahem, Full House Poker only costs $10 on live. Best 10 bucks I've spent on a game there.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
I play Full House Poker almost every day, Drew. As long as you don't mind having your ass handed to you, I'd love to play.


Bummer about your sister, she seemed cool. But yeah, I questioned the fact that you were wanting to essentially serve her up. :D

EDIT: what in the world was with my spelling in the last post. Good lord.

Oh, and welcome back, Cloud. Nice to see a former poster around here.

Ahem, Full House Poker only costs $10 on live. Best 10 bucks I've spent on a game there.

Yeah, now that it's basically impossible to play real online poker from the U.S. anymore I guess I'll have to settle for playing for fun. I was doing pretty well on PokerStars for a while to. Made a few hundred bucks over the course of like 6 months.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
I mean, if you don't own it already, it's only ten dollars to purchase in the Xbox Arcade. More or less self explanatory. [face_tongue]


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
I mean, if you don't own it already, it's only ten dollars to purchase in the Xbox Arcade. More or less self explanatory. [face_tongue]

Sorry, I'm still confused...[face_drooling]


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
Buy the damned game so we can do multiplayer! Yeesh!

I really don't understand why you have to be so mysterious about this. I don't understand all these vague implications. [face_confused]

:^O One of the reasons you're one of my favorite posters is that you get my jokes 99.9% of the time. But every once in a while...[face_tongue]

Anyhoo, how's this weekend sound?


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
This weekend sounds great... meaning I'll be free the whole weekend. [face_tongue]

Oh, and the face salivating emoticon is what threw me. Score one for Drew.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
I just got to thinking, we've grown old whilst on the IGN boards. I'll be 35 in about a week... I was merely a strapping, 27 year old A-hole when I started posting here. And I believe you were about my age now when you showed up, too. What has happened to the years? Ha ha. My hair is starting to grey in some areas. Christ.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
I just got to thinking, we've grown old whilst on the IGN boards. I'll be 35 in about a week... I was merely a strapping, 27 year old A-hole when I started posting here. And I believe you were about my age now when you showed up, too. What has happened to the years? Ha ha. My hair is starting to grey in some areas. Christ.

I was a mere lad of 32 when I started posting at IGN. Still a virgin, never having left the small hamlet in the Swiss Alps where I was raised as a simple shepherd.

Ah how things have changed. I'm still a virgin, but I live a different (even smaller) hamlet 5 kilometers away from my old home. I still herd sheep though. I love sheep. And the sheep love me. Often. It's lonely here.

One day I hope to meet my dream ewe and marry and have lovely little lambs...girl, dream girl I mean and we will have lovely human children that we will love and play with and sheer their wool when they are old enough.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
I'm may be on Live tonight.  If so, I'll go ahead and buy the poker game.  Is there more than one?  If so, tell me which one you have so I get the same one.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003

That's the one that all the hep cats are playin' these days. Really good online community, too.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
:^O   Yeah, I lied.  Sucka!  We pros call that "bluffing".

But I'll see what I can do. Lots of plans to make though. Busy busy busy.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 30, 2002
Andrew0824 said:
DoctorCCNU said:
If Amy Hennig does not pen the story, i don't even want a reboot.

She doesn't work at CD anymore. She's been with Naughty Dog for years now.

You deciphered exactly what I meant at the time. Still stands.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 30, 2002
negativecreep7 said:
Over two months later and you reply? I always knew you were an idiot.

What is your problem? Sorry I didn't check the dead legacy of kain board every day for 2 months. Did my comment of Hennig writing the original games offend you? Let me refraise. The series lived cause of her story telling, the game was awsome because of it's story. If it's done by anyone else it will not be as good. How am I an idiot again? Don't be a tool.


Dec 23, 2004
DoctorCCNU said:
negativecreep7 said:
Over two months later and you reply? I always knew you were an idiot.

What is your problem? Sorry I didn't check the dead legacy of kain board every day for 2 months. Did my comment of Hennig writing the original games offend you? Let me refraise. The series lived cause of her story telling, the game was awsome because of it's story. If it's done by anyone else it will not be as good. How am I an idiot again? Don't be a tool.

actually I rather have someone else do the story,
but one that knows the franchise well enough, from my understanding Amy wanted to tie in all loose ends of the franchise using the defiance route, rather then do a soul reaver 3 or blood omen 3 as there own separate entities.

to me,
defiance felt kinda recycled because aside from the story,
the music and environments were used more than once. it was a good game but in my opinion it felt halfbaked.

if crystal D does in fact make a new game,
I want it to be an overworld tittle rather than a god of war or devil may cry rip off.
I also want them to resurrect raziel SR1 era to finish off kain or to kill the hylden lord. which ever comes first [face_tongue]

Ps. new pics,

or at least new to me [face_tongue]


Dec 23, 2004
DoctorCCNU said:
be weird to have raziel finish kain. Kain was never raziels enemy. It was all a ruse.

sr1 was actually the first game I've played,
and then the other four. to me, I truly did believe kain was the bad guy [face_tongue]
over the course of sequels I actually thought it might of been better having kain and raziel form an alliance even though they were enemies, to stop the greater threat if you will (The Hylden)

but it never happened that way.
for some reason I still believe that those visions raziel had back in the chronoplast can still happen, sure they weren't exactly shown the way they did through the sequels (ariel)but I still have faith in raziels Resurrection. that, and I always wanted to see what kind of distruction would the soul reaver do when imbued with kain soul [face_tongue]

spoiler [face_tongue]

at the end of blood omen 2
the serafan lord told kain that their reign would continue, and that kain would not live long enough to see it. in my mind, I always thought it would of been raziels destiny to end the hylden campaign once and for all :)

in the end though, after waiting all those years I really don't care which of the main protagonist ends the story, I just want another LOK.......


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 30, 2002
PappyChulo said:
DoctorCCNU said:
be weird to have raziel finish kain. Kain was never raziels enemy. It was all a ruse.

sr1 was actually the first game I've played,
and then the other four. to me, I truly did believe kain was the bad guy [face_tongue]
over the course of sequels I actually thought it might of been better having kain and raziel form an alliance even though they were enemies, to stop the greater threat if you will (The Hylden)

but it never happened that way.
for some reason I still believe that those visions raziel had back in the chronoplast can still happen, sure they weren't exactly shown the way they did through the sequels (ariel)but I still have faith in raziels Resurrection. that, and I always wanted to see what kind of distruction would the soul reaver do when imbued with kain soul [face_tongue]

spoiler [face_tongue]

at the end of blood omen 2
the serafan lord told kain that their reign would continue, and that kain would not live long enough to see it. in my mind, I always though it would of been raziels destiny to end the hylden campaign once and for all :)

One thing is for certain BO, SR1, 2 and defiance were amazingly well told, and sucked me in. I remember being on the edge of my seat at the last hour of SR2, i could not believe the events unfolding. Amazing series. BO2 does not exist for me. Story was bad, game was bad. VO was good, templeman never dissapoints. Hennig did not pen the script which is why it turned out so bad. it's a shame that game was ever released. I started with BO1 back on the ps1. Always had a soft spot for kain. Was surprising to see him as a bad guy, but he never really seemed bad, always seemed to string raziel along. Glad it turned out like it did.


Dec 23, 2004
DoctorCCNU said:
One thing is for certain BO, SR1, 2 and defiance were amazingly well told, and sucked me in. I remember being on the edge of my seat at the last hour of SR2, i could not believe the events unfolding. Amazing series. BO2 does not exist for me. Story was bad, game was bad. VO was good, templeman never dissapoints. Hennig did not pen the script which is why it turned out so bad. it's a shame that game was ever released. I started with BO1 back on the ps1. Always had a soft spot for kain. Was surprising to see him as a bad guy, but he never really seemed bad, always seemed to string raziel along. Glad it turned out like it did.

you do realize amy never penned BO1 right? (of course you do [face_tongue])

blood omen 2 was alright....
it was dark, it was different. but how else would you have imagined (at the time) a fully 3D rendered kain would do combat? maybe by today if crystal wanted they can do a defiance 2 or blood omen 3 with open city landscapes and assassin's creed style gameplay.

but back then,
that was their best shot. I just don't know why defiance had to go all devil may cry?

but still, legacy of kain must continue.
and even though amy is gone, someone new has to carry the torch.

I just hope they don't F up the story, or characters...


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 30, 2002
PappyChulo said:
DoctorCCNU said:
One thing is for certain BO, SR1, 2 and defiance were amazingly well told, and sucked me in. I remember being on the edge of my seat at the last hour of SR2, i could not believe the events unfolding. Amazing series. BO2 does not exist for me. Story was bad, game was bad. VO was good, templeman never dissapoints. Hennig did not pen the script which is why it turned out so bad. it's a shame that game was ever released. I started with BO1 back on the ps1. Always had a soft spot for kain. Was surprising to see him as a bad guy, but he never really seemed bad, always seemed to string raziel along. Glad it turned out like it did.

you do realize amy never penned BO1 right? (of course you do [face_tongue])

blood omen 2 was alright....
it was dark, it was different. but how else would you have imagined (at the time) a fully 3D rendered kain would do combat? maybe by today if crystal wanted they can do a defiance 2 or blood omen 3 with open city landscapes and assassin's creed style gameplay.

but back then,
that was their best shot. I just don't know why defiance had to go all devil may cry?

but still, legacy of kain must continue.
and even though amy is gone, someone new has to carry the torch.

I just hope they don't F up the story, or characters...

HAHA ya man i know. BO one was really good though for what it was. BO2 wasn't bad for the combat, it was bad for it's story. It was overall just cheesy, out of place and stupid. What was really out of place was the updated technology, cars being a main example. When all the other games set further in the future were very gothic medieval architecture and technology. The whole game was just a mix and match of terrible. Sure it was an alternate timeline, but to me it was an alternate universe. The game just did not fit with the flow of the others. It was just bad.

And ya that's what i'm worried about, messing up the characters and story. Cause that was what the game was all about. Such a great story. One of the best told in game form.


Dec 23, 2004
DoctorCCNU said:
HAHA ya man i know. BO one was really good though for what it was. BO2 wasn't bad for the combat, it was bad for it's story. It was overall just cheesy, out of place and stupid. What was really out of place was the updated technology, cars being a main example. When all the other games set further in the future were very gothic medieval architecture and technology. The whole game was just a mix and match of terrible. Sure it was an alternate timeline, but to me it was an alternate universe. The game just did not fit with the flow of the others. It was just bad.

And ya that's what i'm worried about, messing up the characters and story. Cause that was what the game was all about. Such a great story. One of the best told in game form.

you know there was a reason for why they had updated technology?
I believe the hylden was a type of sophisticated race that they brought humans new forms of living. if I remember correctly, the glyphs are what gave peoples homes electricity. that, and kain woke up to a new form of nosgoth. (chariots, electricity, tramcarts)

either way,
I do admit that the intro was kinda cheesy, but the overall game felt pretty serious.
but still, I admit that not all the games are 100% perfect. while you hate blood omen 2 for this and that reason, I believe defiance wasn't exactly made with the right kind of focus it should of gotten.

in the end though I learned to love all the games in the series.
when I have time, or if Crystal ever decides to do an HD anthology, I was thinking of maybe giving all five games another whirl :) maybe upload them on youtube in hd format [face_tongue]