
Jul 25, 2001
Hmm, some issues are cropping up with the latest update, hope they fix them soon.

All of a sudden can't save new liveries, let alone apply or share them.I deleted some old liveries and photos and still, can't save a new livery.

My experience points aren't adding on, did all 10 new races and the damn thing barely budged. I just turned level 46 a few days ago and the meter moved a hair in those 3 days.

And the day counter is screwing up. I was at 90 days last Saturday and today, the next Saturday, I am at 95? I lost 2 days in one week!

Notice anything not working right since the update? Feel free to add them here.


Jul 25, 2001
Another issue I forgot to mention. When loading the home garage, they added a new still of your current car before it loads the spinning version. That works fine, but if I go to anything else in the garage and try to return to the main garage page the current car won't load back in. Stuck on a spinning loading circle instead. Luckily the game lets me back out to the main game page and when reloading the garage the car shows again. But look at anything else in the garage and the problem happens all over again. They need to de-bug this update, it seems to be very buggy.