Aug 25, 2011
The suicide ending. Is it canon? I heard it's the only one that retcons with the main boss of the first game having a small clip at the end of the game.

If so, doesn't that mean Adam's a mass murderer? I mean, yeah, you kill Sarif, Taggart, and old crazy daddy of augmentation but... you've also murdered all the innocents that were basically turned into mindless zombies in Panchea. Assuming you haven't murdered them already, of course, but regardless it's still mass murder of innocents if you take that option.

I understand there was the philosophical aspect of it since Jenson makes an argument for whichever path you choose but... well... he still murdered those people with the 4th choice.


Aug 4, 2001
I'd say Taggart's ending is probably the 'cannon' one, as the Illuminati play such a big role in the original Deus Ex... which is kinda the sequel now. :)


Dec 4, 2011
I think all endings give the secret ending with dr. Reed, but the only ones I watched till the end are the suicide and sarif endings


Feb 23, 2011
InDaHoodie said:
I'd say Taggart's ending is probably the 'cannon' one, as the Illuminati play such a big role in the original Deus Ex... which is kinda the sequel now. :)
This kinda makes sense. Not that I would like that ending to be the cannon but it is a possibility.
Dec 25, 2012
I was disappointed in how you hae all these multiple paths to take and then the 4 endings are presented to yu in such lame fashion and then depicted thru a series of images of the real world and laughing kids starving in Africa adopt a child commercial and what not while Jensen Narrates all 4 in 3 different ways depending on how you play. But nothing is tied up as far as the plot and side plots with other characters no grand cinematic at the end and it was disappointing to behold.

I actually murdered Sarif Taggart and Darrow before choosing an ending. Its funny to hear Jensen say something good about one of these guys after you just shot them in the face. It has no consequene or repercussion if you murder everyone that isn't crazy including the three main ending characters. This was a gip. love the rest of the game tho. Id like to see another game like this but maybe a different story and universe or another Prequel or sequel to the original or and Episode or something that can give some climactic closure to the series so a sequel to the orifinal would be best.