
May 26, 2012
I used to play WoW, I have a level 70 Warrior toon, but I started late and didn't really do much of the vanilla or TBC raids. I have GW2 and I've tried literally every other MMORPG, and I keep thinking about WoW. Is it worth it for me to go back to WoW now, with it on the decline?
Dec 10, 2012
I used to be an Orc shaman lv 46 or so back in the Burning Crusade but left when they started the Pay to Play crap. Although i would like to go back but whit all the shit i have heard about how it has declined and things i have seen myself through youtube im as scared as you to go back. Would have to wait if a recent player can answer this


Nov 24, 2013
WOW is best game...but now is just so so...I just hope my group can be back.I so miss them!


Nov 27, 2013
i used to play wow but i had no other life. No social life nothing. so i quit wow.
I had lvl 80n elf warrior , lvl 80 human mage.

But wow is the best mmorpg game.


May 19, 2014
I get bored after 2 years, but looking forward for December this year for the new expansion. I am only concerned to restart all the instances/equip/drops roll out but this is WoW


May 29, 2014
Getting to level 90 just seems like a chore at this point. I've been thinking on and off about getting back into it, but every time I start leveling my toon I don't feel like continuing. IMO, if you don't have good friends to play with, it's not worth it.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2011
Fort Worth, TX
I think it's reasonable to expect that WOW will be around for many more years.

Sure, they'll wind up merging servers like crazy as the numbers dwindle, but right now they've still got what, 6 MILLION subscribers? That's down about 50% from five years ago? That's a lot! Even if 50% of those quit in the next five years, there's still more than enough to keep the game alive.

Not to mention the inevitable percentage of casual players that will perk up and come back temporarily whenever a new expansion is released.

Plenty of time to play and make friends and have fun, IMO.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 2, 2010
Hicktown, TN
I think it's reasonable to expect that WOW will be around for many more years.

Sure, they'll wind up merging servers like crazy as the numbers dwindle, but right now they've still got what, 6 MILLION subscribers? That's down about 50% from five years ago? That's a lot! Even if 50% of those quit in the next five years, there's still more than enough to keep the game alive.

Not to mention the inevitable percentage of casual players that will perk up and come back temporarily whenever a new expansion is released.

Plenty of time to play and make friends and have fun, IMO.

Yeah and I also think that when the numbers drop more Blizz might go the route of Star Wars and make it free to play generally but only make you subscribe to get good stuff.
Jun 3, 2011
San Rafael, CA
I used to play WoW, I have a level 70 Warrior toon, but I started late and didn't really do much of the vanilla or TBC raids. I have GW2 and I've tried literally every other MMORPG, and I keep thinking about WoW. Is it worth it for me to go back to WoW now, with it on the decline?
wow is totally worth it. Don't worry if you never got to do any old raids. I didn't do my first raid until pandaria. Plus when you buy Warlords of Draenor you get a free lvl 90 character, so you can immediately start playing the expansion. I'd say just go for it, I've been playing like crazy lately.


May 13, 2015
I think talk of WoWs decline is pretty overblown. It may not completely dominate the market anymore, but that's because it actually has competitors now. It's still the biggest (or one of the biggest) MMO out there.