
No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2015
they were so smoooth and well-done and kept me guessing. i loved the flippers and that giant spikey ball thing.

it was so cash.


Almost Not a Noob
May 24, 2008
I thought Skyward Sword had the best dungeons. Fi was a bit too much and sometimes spoiled some of the puzzle elements, but in terms of design and features, I think Nintendo did a great job with SS.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2017
I still think OoT and MM had better dungeons than TP, but I will recognize it to be in line or perhaps better than TWW.

My favorite dungeons in TP (from best to worst):

City in the Sky
Temple of Time


King of TL;DR
Sep 21, 2005
This is something I've heard pretty often even from people who don't like TP much otherwise. And I do like all the dungeons (except that I feel City in the Sky is sloowwwwwww even though it looks cool).

But I sort of feel the game has the strongest dungeons on your first play, rather than replays. Like the dungeons look cool (Snowpeak Ruins) and have setpieces that look memorable (rotating staircase in Lakebed) and new items that leave an impression (Spinner), but the layout and pacing of the dungeons is probably not my favorite. I think OoT has dungeons that are more fun when replaying, plus I enjoy the mini-dungeons like the Well and Ice Caverns in that game that break things up a bit. I also in some ways like Skyward Sword's dungeons better, at least the ones that use that awesome time crystal mechanic.

I left out 2D dungeons because comparing the design of 2D and 3D Zelda dungeons is pretty difficult.


I give you a five minute window.
Apr 21, 2005
I think it has some of the weakest dungeons in the game.

The first four are all terrific (even the Lakebed Temple was enjoyable IMO) and the fifth was good, but not great. After that the dungeons all range from either mediocre to downright bad, IMO.


Termina Moon Society
Sep 10, 2000
Clock Tower
Yes and no. It certainly had great themes and great dungeons, but if I had to pick the overall Zelda game with the best dungeons it would be a toss between A Link To The Past and Ocarina of Time (ALTTP for 2D Zeldas and OOT for 3D Zeldas).


No Longer a Noob
Mar 9, 2008
TP really only had ONE dungeon, repeated about 9 times with varying classic Zelda visual themes. You go to the center room, go through one door, back to the center, through another door, back to the center all the way through to the dungeon's boss, rinse and repeat. The exception being Lakebed which used a pretty clever method of spatial reasoning using the main room's rotating stairway. It's understandable that TP's dungeon format so much, it's really good and makes for a fun Zelda "feel" of making the player feel like they're solving a complex puzzle even when it's a linear series of puzzles with little to no macro puzzle concepts.

The best dungeons in the series for me personally are still ALttP's and LA's. They're still the finest examples of Rubix cube-like puzzle boxes in the series and feel way more engaging than the more linear key > door > key > door pattern of later games. Other examples of non-linear macro dungeons in the 3D games include OoT's Water Temple, MM's Great Bay, of course TP's Lakebed and SS's Ancient Cistern, with the huge moving statue being a great spatially challenged dungeon design albeit ruined by the solution literally being given by a signpost inside of the dungeon.
Feb 9, 2011
Best? TP had the WORST dungeons since AoL. They were too damn long and a complete bore. I recently replayed most Zelda games and I found myself enjoying the shorter (and far more bearable) dungeons from ALttP and OoT much more. In fact, I'll even take the infamous Divine Beasts over TP's dungeons.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2019
TP is my favorite game in the series. You're right. The dungeons were amazing. I don't think Nintendo could ever make a game better than TP.