
Almost Not a Noob
Mar 20, 2003
I have a question about Bloaters that appear later in the game.
There's some (much later in the game) that are walking around, staggering like they're blind.

Are they basically Clickers and can't see, which means we can sneak up and shiv them?

If I can save some bullets and Molotovs, I'd rather shiv them, but I just want to know if anyone has been able to do that.

I saw one Bloater in the University level just standing there (asleep?).
I wanted to Shiv but I was afraid, so I played it safe (Molotov + flamethrower)

Anyone able to sneak + shiv these big, scary bastards?


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2012
You can't shiv them. Flamethrowers are your best bet; once fully upgraded, you can kill them in just two or three blasts.


Jan 20, 2013
Avoid them all together. You only need to fight 2 with each character. I think the one in the Dorm drops a pendant. Either way Clickers,Bloaters are the most annoying enemies ever!


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 1, 2011
Avoid them all together. You only need to fight 2 with each character. I think the one in the Dorm drops a pendant. Either way Clickers,Bloaters are the most annoying enemies ever!
I'd rather be in a room full of clickers than infected.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 20, 2003
For the tunnel section at the end of the game, two of the Bloaters are in that "sleeping state" and just walking around blindly and slowly, but not aware of me.

Is there any way to take advantage of this situation.
So we can't sneak up and Shiv?
We can't melee from behind? (probably wouldn't be a good idea lol)

In fact, it almost offers no advantage that I can see. Seems like you just Molotov/Nail Bomb/Flamethrower them just the same, as if they were in their Alert state.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2012
For the tunnel section at the end of the game, two of the Bloaters are in that "sleeping state" and just walking around blindly and slowly, but not aware of me.

Is there any way to take advantage of this situation.
So we can't sneak up and Shiv?
We can't melee from behind? (probably wouldn't be a good idea lol)

In fact, it almost offers no advantage that I can see. Seems like you just Molotov/Nail Bomb/Flamethrower them just the same, as if they were in their Alert state.

Nope, I tried it, no shivving allowed. I guess it makes sense he can't kill huge fungus guys with a scissor blade, but it was kinda disappointing nonetheless.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 12, 2006
They're pretty much the only enemies i pull the flamethrower out for. Though mostly i just Molotov and Nail bomb um.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
I just sneak by them if i can. The only one you HAVE to face is the High school gym bloater. The rest your able to sneak by or run from (that motherf***ing hotel basement)
Jun 5, 2013
I just sneak by them if i can. The only one you HAVE to face is the High school gym bloater. The rest your able to sneak by or run from (that motherf***ing hotel basement)

Dear God I ran like a bitch lmao.

Same here. Once i heard the screams from turning the generator on, i ran to the door like a fat kid after a donut.

hahaha, dude i placed like all three of my nail bomb before starting the generator, then, just wait till the sumbitch comes at me
it's freaking awesome!


Mar 13, 2017