Jul 17, 2006
Is it just me, or does Driver get really really really hard nearing the end. I was beasting the first half of the game, but I am very lucky to beat a mission on my first try now.

There are some dares that seem impossible to do...


The Driver King
Dec 12, 2003
No, it's not just you. They do get harder, I just wish that they made it so the game has difficulty settings (easy, medium, and hard) so then you can play it the way you want to. I'm not a fan of hard games; I'd rather play a game on easy than hard any day.

I'm a little over 66% done and just over 9 hours into the game. I unlocked all garages and 79 cars, it's a great game, but I find myself screaming and wanting to throw my controller through the TV too much now. The most recent missions I do not like is the one race to get your team in 1st and 2nd. It was to unlock the Dodge Viper (one of my favorite cars) it took me at least 6 tries, with all of them ending with a 1st and 3rd for my team, so I had to quit and play other missions to get enough WP to unlock the Ford GT 40 (100,000 WP). Then it took me another 3 tries to finally beat it. The other ones are the final 3 challenges with the school bus (stay above 70 and get to the location in a certain amount of time), Shelby (get your heart rate to 180), and finally get a certain amount of cars to the cops. I almost had it on the first try but got confused on where to turn and lost a lot of time then got boxed in by enemy cars, so I quit and drove around.

If it wasn't for all the times I found myself screaming at the TV this would have easily been a 10 out of 10. I just wish when people make a game that they have difficulty settings, and not just make the game harder towards the end.


The Driver King
Dec 12, 2003
I feel like an idiot. I was doing the mission with the Shelby wrong. I thought I had to get the heart rate to 180 in 1:30, but all you need to do is keep your heart rate above 30 for as long as you can.
Jul 17, 2006
Haha. Well, I thought the 1st and 2nd races were easy. All I did was shift into oncoming traffic to take out the other drivers. If you take them all out, you don't even have to finish the race and you win.

Shifting saved me a lot of the time. The only problem I have is when you can't shift. The very final boss is kinda ironic in me getting used to shifting too.


The Driver King
Dec 12, 2003
I klnow I can thake them out, but I'm a racer at heart, I want to win with all 4 still going at the end. The only tactical thing I do is use ram on the other racers.

I'm not that far yet. And another update, the other 2 missions I mentioned before I did beat them. It took 2 tries with the bus (messed up on the route to take) and 1 try with bringing the 4 cars to the trucks. I don't know what was wrong with me yesterday but I did beat them. Now to go on with the rest of the story, dares and activities :)
Jul 17, 2006
I beat the story and called it quits. Some of the races, like Speed Race 8 were getting on my nerves way toooo much. Seemed almost impossible after 20 tries...


The Driver King
Dec 12, 2003
After completing my session for today I made a spreadsheet of my stats, I also made one for all the cars I own, but I'll post that on a later date.


Anything that would be a "-------" in the game for the stats I did not put in my spreadsheet.

So, what are your stats?


The Driver King
Dec 12, 2003
wildguy3922 said:
I beat the story and called it quits. Some of the races, like Speed Race 8 were getting on my nerves way toooo much. Seemed almost impossible after 20 tries...

I just beat that one. Is it the one where the points drop by 500 and there are 17 checkpoints and it starts on dirt and ends at the Golden Gate Bridge?, if so then it only took 4 tries for me. I used the wrong cars for the 1st and 2nd attempt. I used the Nissan GTR for the 3rd attempt and lost it by a matter of inches, but then on my 4th try I got 45,000 WP by beating it. So, if you do that mission again (when/if you buy it) use the GTR, it worked for me.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 23, 2009
The game is easy when you know the car's handling. I know the McLaren F1 handles like crap on dirt and the Ford RS200 may solve all that. The best car for me is the RUF CTR3. Fast, great handling and it eats a lot of cars for breakfast. Be careful when handling on dirt, it doesn't go full throttle as needed.


Jan 23, 2008
Most games worth their salt get harder as they go and especially ramp it up at the end. It's the way of things in video game land. Otherwise you'd get bored half way through the game.


Jan 22, 2011
The game does get difficult in places, but with a bit of luck all the missions are possible. the key ive found is to save up to get the income multipliers, as you start to earn some serious money. ive got over $2m in the bank, and i own over 20 cars, all the mclarens, the RUF CTR3, ford GT, and all the lamborghinis.
the hardest mission ive found is the cross city race against the pagani zonda. the best car in the game i think is the lambo murcielago LP670 SV, as its 4 wheel drive, so it handles alright on the dirt as well as being one of the fastest cars in the game.