Feb 22, 2012
Okay, so I'm playing this game for the first time in months. Beat it on Good and Bad Karma and just for the fun of it decided I wanted to play it again like last week. Well, I'm just now getting a lot of bugs for this game. I just finished the level where I had to get the power transfer device and now I'm about to take down Bertrand as the big monster. The game won't let me do any side missions, whenever I go and click start mission, it doesn't show the cutscene where the person is talking to me. I tried to do the main mission, it did the same but I waited a few minutes and finally the main mission began. However, I lost all audio from Cole and just heard the sound effects. After I beat Bertrand, the screen went white and I could move Cole around and do stuff (I could hear it) but the screen was still completely white. Is this a game problem? Or is it a PS3 problem? Has anyone else encountered this? I'm going to reinstall the game and see if that helps.