Prime Member
Dec 29, 2007
Here's just a place to put anything you think should have been in DaH2.

In my opinion, you should be able to use psychic abilities on Blisk. Not being able to PK, or Free Love/Protect, a Blisk Warrior doesn't make sense. You should also be able to body snatch them. If they made Gene Blends for Blisk it would also make it more interesting.

The fact that Solaris only has one Odd Job (which would have made a better Mission, anyways) also disappointed me. Solaris should have had seven, like the other areas.


May 17, 2008
i personally dont think they should even have had Solaris as an invasion site in the first place all they got there are blisks and space men...i dont think the missions were very exciting on Solaris either.


Prime Member
Dec 29, 2007
I only like the "Moon" theme. They could have put in female Cosmonauts and Alert Levels like this:

Green - Cosmonauts patrol around
Blue - Cosmonauts come at you in troop transports
Yellow - Infectees come at you in troop transports, Cosmonauts carry bazookas and grenades
Orange - Blisk Warriors come at you, Infectees and Cosmonauts, Tanks and Lasers come
Red - Blisk Tanks?

I would rather seen a Blisk city on Earth or Mars.