
No Longer a Noob
Jun 25, 2011
I'll start off with giving some perspective and saying that I have not yet finished a play through of Inquisition, although I am very close, and that I really enjoy this game and think it's an obvious GOTY(though it won't win it).

However, there are certain aspects to this game that can be fixed. I feel with such a large game with such enormous ambition, it is natural for there to be a lot of places where improvements can be made. So, what are some improvements(whether from a game play or narrative perspective) that can be made in future installations?

I'll start off with an easy one and say the tactical camera. It's kinda broken, and in many circumstances just doesn't work; I don't know why the top down view isn't there, and I also hate how you can't focus on enemies either elevated or below your characters.


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
I don't understand your problem with the Tactics Camera.

i can move the camera into a Top Down View

as well as the enemies above or below?


May 19, 2013
Tactical camera: The issues with environmental collision should not be happening. Should be beneficial, not a struggle to use.

Horse Riding: Spend more time fleshing it out. Controls, animation, nearly everything about it seems half-done.

Storage chest: First two games had it, DA:I really could have used it. Return it.

Romances: Cannot put my finger on the why, but something is missing in the romances. Party members are interesting enough, I love the field banter between various members, but they don't transition to romance partners well.

Default Key mapping: While it is easy to fix with customizing, the default key binding, especially in console versions could have been rethought. Cannot count how many times I jumped when I wanted to loot or talk, before changing the mapping. In a word, awkward.

Inventory: Research items sold when you hit "sell all", crafting mats take no space but weapon/armor mods do... a lot of bad decisions that shouldn't happen, or could have been avoided if we had storage chest.

PS3/360 ports: If you are going to port, don't half-ass it. Issues like NPCs, resources, chests... should not be getting stuck in walls or spawn underground or low-res/black out textures. At this point in the industry... unforgivable.

Explaining details: Minor, personal hang-up, but for folks that like to finish every quest out there, could you PLEASE point out that some quests (requisitions) are endless, repeating quests, so we don't go crazy trying to do 1,000 of them.

Ability limits: Inquisition perks are/were an interesting feature. I really enjoyed trying various ones out. But, there needs to be better in-game notification about how many you will get. Too many people thought they would unlock them all, or most, before the internet told them otherwise. I don't like games hand-holding me through everything, but a new feature should have better run-downs than I-perks did.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Storage chest for sure. I can't believe a game this size offers none. Shouldn't happen these days, especially when the predecessor had one and was an exponentially smaller and shorter game. I also don't like potion system. Go back to the way it was. It's quite tedious having to go back to camp to restock healing potions after every tough fight. Also, bring back the healing magic. When you can only carry 8-12 healing potions for the whole party, your health doesn't refill between fights like the first 2 games, AND there's no healing magic? That combo of changes is what is really bad to me. To much ft-ing back to the nearest camp, and then retreading the same route ya just set out upon. It's a less than ideal mechanic for a game this size to say the very least.

Tactics suck too imo. Can't set up specific scenarios for skills anymore. Just use it, use it a lot, or don't use at all for each skill basically. It's lame, and it's another area they need to go back to more of the way it was in the last 2 games. Romances need more choices. There are 8 romance options, but for example a male Inquisitor only has 2 choices regardless of sexual orientation. 2 outta 8. That's bad. Period.

I dig the game overall, but it just seems to me that BW tried to get too cute with some stuff(like my list here for example), and it hurt a little actually instead of being innovative in a good way.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 25, 2011
I don't understand your problem with the Tactics Camera.

i can move the camera into a Top Down View

as well as the enemies above or below?

Like, say I have someone on a cliff, and I want to scroll down to an enemy to cast a spell on them? The camera doesn't move below the cliff. you get it? This is for a fairly steep cliff as well, not like a little bump.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 25, 2011
Storage chest for sure. I can't believe a game this size offers none. Shouldn't happen these days, especially when the predecessor had one and was an exponentially smaller and shorter game. I also don't like potion system. Go back to the way it was. It's quite tedious having to go back to camp to restock healing potions after every tough fight. Also, bring back the healing magic. When you can only carry 8-12 healing potions for the whole party, your health doesn't refill between fights like the first 2 games, AND there's no healing magic? That combo of changes is what is really bad to me. To much ft-ing back to the nearest camp, and then retreading the same route ya just set out upon. It's a less than ideal mechanic for a game this size to say the very least.

Tactics suck too imo. Can't set up specific scenarios for skills anymore. Just use it, use it a lot, or don't use at all for each skill basically. It's lame, and it's another area they need to go back to more of the way it was in the last 2 games. Romances need more choices. There are 8 romance options, but for example a male Inquisitor only has 2 choices regardless of sexual orientation. 2 outta 8. That's bad. Period.

I dig the game overall, but it just seems to me that BW tried to get too cute with some stuff(like my list here for example), and it hurt a little actually instead of being innovative in a good way.

I agree with most everything here, namely the lack of romance options, the storage chest, and to a degree, the potions. I think to balance the fact that it is a pain to have to travel back to camp to refill potions, to then retrace your steps, there should be more of those storage crates that refill your potions. I think I only see those in story-scripted areas, like Adamantine Fort and the quest in the Redcliff Castle. Or, allow more fast travel points in tough to reach areas. However, in a way, i do like the cap on potions, because I'm a perfectionist in these games, and I hate having people lose health, so it's even more of a challenge to keep my party maintained and make sure I don't have to blow a lot of potions(because that also bothers me. idk, I'm weird). In essence, it keeps me on my toes.

Also, I don't mind not having healers. I feel the damage prevention over healing approach is better for this game, as in DA[face_shock]rigins, to me, healing was too simple and easy. maybe if they brought back healing and increased its complexity(like, cast healing ability 1 and healing ability 2 heals for %more between 1 and 2 seconds of healing ability 1 being cast) I'd be alright with it. But all in all, not a huge deal either way for me.

The horse riding was god awful


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
Like, say I have someone on a cliff, and I want to scroll down to an enemy to cast a spell on them? The camera doesn't move below the cliff. you get it? This is for a fairly steep cliff as well, not like a little bump.

ok.. yes i agree. its been fairly annoying... the only sorta work around i've found is basically finding a walk able path up or down.... i have yet to come across a battle that i couldn't target someone.. not overly far though...

my biggest issues

the lack of Tactic options for your Party... like someone above said why limit it to use alot or don't use alot...

i ended up just turning it off.

the menu system is a bit annoying as well....

the healing potions is a catch 22 for me... if you auto healed after a battle i think it would be better.... or giving a healing spell (but make it one of the last spells you can learn in the tree)

but i agree with above the buffs for defense really make up for it... my Tank barley ever gets health taken down..once a Taunt has cooled down,, i use it right away.. the barrier spells help as well..

for me I still lean towards origins as the best... but I think DAI is a step in the right direction from 2... and hopfully the next will address many of these issues... while annoying havn't kept me from enjoyed the hell out of it.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I agree with most everything here, namely the lack of romance options, the storage chest, and to a degree, the potions. I think to balance the fact that it is a pain to have to travel back to camp to refill potions, to then retrace your steps, there should be more of those storage crates that refill your potions. I think I only see those in story-scripted areas, like Adamantine Fort and the quest in the Redcliff Castle. Or, allow more fast travel points in tough to reach areas. However, in a way, i do like the cap on potions, because I'm a perfectionist in these games, and I hate having people lose health, so it's even more of a challenge to keep my party maintained and make sure I don't have to blow a lot of potions(because that also bothers me. idk, I'm weird). In essence, it keeps me on my toes.

Also, I don't mind not having healers. I feel the damage prevention over healing approach is better for this game, as in DA[face_shock]rigins, to me, healing was too simple and easy. maybe if they brought back healing and increased its complexity(like, cast healing ability 1 and healing ability 2 heals for %more between 1 and 2 seconds of healing ability 1 being cast) I'd be alright with it. But all in all, not a huge deal either way for me.

The horse riding was god awful
Well it's in terms of the potions it's really the combo of the cap on them, no healing magic, and you don't regen between fights. In DA2, your healing spells had quite the cooldown(30 sec). Gimme a Heal and a Group Heal with that cooldown, and I'd be happy. OR gimme regen between fights back, OR gimme more potions. Any one of the three, and I'd be happy. While I too like the damage prevention in this game(LOVE Shield Wall/the guard system in this one btw), the party AI is terrible, and the terrible tactics here hurt all the more as a result. Why oh why does Vivienne feel compelled to run right up to that giant(next to me, a sw/sh warrrior), and get whacked around? Even with Barrier up she's dead in 2-3 hits. Faster if there are other enemies around. Why do my ranged characters run right into the middle of the chaos next to me? I'm the tank aggro-ing the enemies for chrissake lol! I always liked to let my tactics do the talking in the last 2 DA games, and only pause on occasion when necessary. The set up in DAI is not conducive to that at all sadly.

I guess that last part is a long winded way of saying the whole potion thing would be better if the party AI was better. Can't set up tactics to protect squishier party members anymore, and it hurts in terms of potion consumption.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 25, 2011
Yea, the AI is really annoying, and it's even more disappointing how limited your options are for customizing this.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 9, 2001
Romances could use some work. As it is, you basically just use the flirt option every time and it eventually leads to things happening. I flirted with Josie like 3 times and got her... Just didn't seem that romantic. I miss the days of Baldur's Gate 2 and KoToR where relationships took time to build and grow.

More stuff to do in huge environments they made. Finding camps, astrariums, landmarks, etc. in each map is all well and good... But it's shallow. I'd prefer the multitudes of side missions to actually have more story to them and less "go here and kill these guys or go there and find this item". Let them have some real impact on the story and the world around you.

I also feel the war table is a wasted opportunity to imploy an element of strategy. You can't fail the missions-- just take up more time. It'd be nice if they introduce a way for each advisor to have different outcomes on each mission-- for example, sending Cullen opens up different missions than Leliana, leading to different story paths and rewards.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 25, 2011
You know, these boards seem a hell of a lot more positive then the Bioware forums. You would think that Bioware published a pile of horse shit and called it a game over there...

Out of curiosity, did any of you wish they kept the option to chose what type of fort you would set up(military, espionage, trade), and some of the more dynamic choices they seemed to have in pre-alpha footage(like, save the crestwood village or help break the siege on your castle?). My general feeling with forts is that they did not really seem to effect things enough, or at least as much as I would have wanted them too; that's a more general complaint with the game. I was told my inquisition was really powerful(an army that all of Thedas fears), but I never really saw any examples of that. That is actually probably my biggest overall complaint of the game; I think they should have made your choices and you gaining influence more tangible, outside of just unlocking some new areas. I kinda wish we could do something more with power as well; I was just stockpiling crazy amounts of power later in the game, with nothing to do with it.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 9, 2001
You know, these boards seem a hell of a lot more positive then the Bioware forums. You would think that Bioware published a pile of horse shit and called it a game over there...

Out of curiosity, did any of you wish they kept the option to chose what type of fort you would set up(military, espionage, trade), and some of the more dynamic choices they seemed to have in pre-alpha footage(like, save the crestwood village or help break the siege on your castle?). My general feeling with forts is that they did not really seem to effect things enough, or at least as much as I would have wanted them too; that's a more general complaint with the game. I was told my inquisition was really powerful(an army that all of Thedas fears), but I never really saw any examples of that. That is actually probably my biggest overall complaint of the game; I think they should have made your choices and you gaining influence more tangible, outside of just unlocking some new areas. I kinda wish we could do something more with power as well; I was just stockpiling crazy amounts of power later in the game, with nothing to do with it.

I've got like 400 power right now (found a trainer for unlimited gold and then found out you can buy power/influence from a vendor... sort of regret it now because I wasted some perk slots that could have been taken up by agents... I'll know better next time).

I do wish you could change Skyhold around some. I'm nowhere near done with the game, but the upgrades to the castle you get through Inquisitions doesn't really seem to change it all that much and doesn't have a huge effect on gameplay at all. Sure, I can plant more herbs in my garden, but that's about it. The rest is just slight cosmetic differences. I was hoping for a much more customizable keep than just a few banners and windows (of which, I'm still stuck with the same two). The main hall still has a bunch of scaffolding holding it up and it just doesn't seem complete. Not sure if it gets better as you progress in the story, but I'm spending too much time in side areas to really advance it that much.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
You know, these boards seem a hell of a lot more positive then the Bioware forums. You would think that Bioware published a pile of horse shit and called it a game over there...
Yeah, some of the vitriol spewed there is absurd. Their forum is a better target for attention seekers though so you'll see a lot more trolling whereas we have a lot less activity here.
I also feel the war table is a wasted opportunity to imploy an element of strategy. You can't fail the missions-- just take up more time. It'd be nice if they introduce a way for each advisor to have different outcomes on each mission-- for example, sending Cullen opens up different missions than Leliana, leading to different story paths and rewards.
That is actually a case with some of the quests. For example, if you choose Josephine for one of the Alliance quests, it opens up different missions than if you choose Cullen. Also, the Trevelyan quests branch out depending on what advisor you choose to send.

I do wish it had a bigger impact in general but it is there.

Completely agreed on the Skyhold customisation though. Cool, I got a Mage Tower. Can I at least talk to some mages within? Can I have some quests based on this? No? Ok...
Speaking of Skyhold customisation though. Those gorram pyjamas, man.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
You know, these boards seem a hell of a lot more positive then the Bioware forums. You would think that Bioware published a pile of horse shit and called it a game over there...

Out of curiosity, did any of you wish they kept the option to chose what type of fort you would set up(military, espionage, trade), and some of the more dynamic choices they seemed to have in pre-alpha footage(like, save the crestwood village or help break the siege on your castle?). My general feeling with forts is that they did not really seem to effect things enough, or at least as much as I would have wanted them too; that's a more general complaint with the game. I was told my inquisition was really powerful(an army that all of Thedas fears), but I never really saw any examples of that. That is actually probably my biggest overall complaint of the game; I think they should have made your choices and you gaining influence more tangible, outside of just unlocking some new areas. I kinda wish we could do something more with power as well; I was just stockpiling crazy amounts of power later in the game, with nothing to do with it.
I agree. I spent damn near 100 hours putting this massive Inquisition army together, ANNNND....they did nothing for me. Literally nothing. Kinda made me wonder wtf I just spent 90+ hours doing lol. Remember in Origins when you actually deployed the armies you gathered throughout the mq in your combat scenarios through Denerim? I was totally expecting that here, and on a grander scale too given the size of the game in general. Well we got nothing on that front in this one. In fact, the army wasn't even there at the end at all, when ya REALLY need them the most, even thought it's literally impossible for that to be the case and make any sense whatsoever. Disappointing imo.

Those gorram pyjamas, man.
Amen brutha. Amen.They should've made it like Shepard in ME2/3 where you had a few options for your Normandy/non combat attire.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 21, 2006
I might be a minority here but I think it would've been cool to have missions on the war table where you played as the agents carrying it out. Like in Denerim when you switched to the companion you left in charge of holding the line. Maybe play as Cullen in some instances.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 25, 2011
Totally, I felt this game and Mass Effect 3 missed awesome opportunities to reward their players directly for putting in so much work to build a bad ass army. I always pictured for Mass Effect 3, depending on what allies you gathered, it would fundamentally change the game play of at least the final mission. For example, if you allied with the salarians, in one area they'll provide sniper cover fire, if you recruit the krogan you actually have some commandos help you clear a certain area. Honestly, it doesn't have to be huge interactions; just small things like this, even being able to actually see your infantry doing something bad ass, seeing a column of your soldiers marching around, seeing them fight off and actually kill random enemies, being able to order them directly, it makes a world of a difference.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 21, 2006
Totally, I felt this game and Mass Effect 3 missed awesome opportunities to reward their players directly for putting in so much work to build a bad ass army. I always pictured for Mass Effect 3, depending on what allies you gathered, it would fundamentally change the game play of at least the final mission. For example, if you allied with the salarians, in one area they'll provide sniper cover fire, if you recruit the krogan you actually have some commandos help you clear a certain area. Honestly, it doesn't have to be huge interactions; just small things like this, even being able to actually see your infantry doing something bad ass, seeing a column of your soldiers marching around, seeing them fight off and actually kill random enemies, being able to order them directly, it makes a world of a difference.

This. At least in the cutscenes. 3 games of buildup to this epic final battle and the other races were nowhere to be seen on earth other than the FOB.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003

I agree with you guys.

I mean your army STILL isn't back from the Arbor Wilds in time for the final battle? party made the same journey back, convened a war council, went BACK to the same Wilds, talked to Flemeth/Morrigan, fought a dragon, came BACK to Skyhold again, and the army STILL isn't back yet? Seriously? GTFO! That's literally impossible time wise.
A big hole in the storyline, no?


No Longer a Noob
Jun 25, 2011

I agree with you guys.

I mean your army STILL isn't back from the Arbor Wilds in time for the final battle? party made the same journey back, convened a war council, went BACK to the same Wilds, talked to Flemeth/Morrigan, fought a dragon, came BACK to Skyhold again, and the army STILL isn't back yet? Seriously? GTFO! That's literally impossible time wise.
A big hole in the storyline, no?

I mean, the plot kinda shot itself in the foot at this point. Correphy was pretty much screwed at this point and had no shot at actually taking your army out single handily. He was all out of tricks, and as far as I'm concerned, they'd have to have either a.) given correphy some sort of new power to either decimate your army or infiltrate to get directly to you, which is an asspull, or b.) give your army another pressing issue to distract it and keep it stalled. Honestly, I would not have particularly cared as much about this plot hole if the fight itself with Correphy was not so bad.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I mean, the plot kinda shot itself in the foot at this point. Correphy was pretty much screwed at this point and had no shot at actually taking your army out single handily. He was all out of tricks, and as far as I'm concerned, they'd have to have either a.) given correphy some sort of new power to either decimate your army or infiltrate to get directly to you, which is an asspull, or b.) give your army another pressing issue to distract it and keep it stalled. Honestly, I would not have particularly cared as much about this plot hole if the fight itself with Correphy was not so bad.
It did shoot itself in the foot, and that's not the only place the story did that lol.

In terms of that finale though, I just feel the final battle wasn't nearly as epic feeling as it should've been. Like Origins finale felt to me. A lot of that feeling came from actually deploying your armies you had spent all game gathering together. It really felt like I was leading all of Ferelden against the armies of the Blight. Here? It feels like you're leading your party of 4 against the villain, and that's it. It completely undermines your efforts all game to build up this powerful Inquisition when they aren't even there when it really counts imo. Especially when that's due to a porous plot point. I was expecting an Origins-like finish in that regard, but even bigger given the scale of the rest of the game


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
Aside from everything already said; I hate that we only have access to 6 abilities at a time. In DA[face_shock] you could access any ability from the tactics wheel, I'm not sure if it was in II but it certainly would have been useful in Inquisition.
I feel the dialogue wheel suffers the same issue as II, options being way too vague compared to what is actually said. It's not nearly as bad, but it could certainly do with some tweaking.
I also wish they'd flesh out the specializations, give the Inquisitor abilities that aren't cloned from another companion. Everyone in II had their own trees, even if some of the abilities were the same.