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May 31, 2002

- Jocks
- Nerds
- Preps
- Gangstas (Hip-Hop)
- Goths (Emo)
- Rockers (Bikers/Greasers)
- Stoners


-o- Instead of a "Bully" group, Bullies can come from any of the Aggressive groups (Jocks, Hip-Hop, Rockers). Preps will shout insults in an attempt to bully, but will run from violence.

-o- Instead of living on campus, the protagonist must walk (skateboard, bike, rollerblade or drive*) to and from school.

-o- R* could build a small community in which every student has a home that can be egged or what-not. If the player makes enemies, they may try to beat you up on your way home (or YOU may be the one stalking your enemies as they attempt to get home safely ;) ).

-o- The protagonist should be able to progress from grade 9 to 12, so like in a real high school the freshmen is an easy target...but by grade 12 everybody knows you and the lower grades respect you (to some degree, depending on your actions during your school career).

-o- More diversity in clique relations, ie: Goths get along with Nerds, Rockers and Stoners but are picked on by Jocks, Preps and Gangstas.

-o- Dressing a certain way will help raise or lower your reputation with each clique.

-o- Non-linear storyline. Missions for a clique will only open based on their respect for you. Not every mission must be completed to progress through the story, so you can choose which clique(s) you will befriend and which will hate you.

-o- Ability to earn a Drivers Licence (however the protagonist must be in grade 10 or higher and have earned a lot of money, thus a player will likely earn it later in the game).

-o- More after school activities, like house parties, bush parties, skatepark, pranks (ect.) and more general exploration (perhaps a small forest with a tree fort?)

-o- Equal incentive to play as either a bad apple or a brown nose. More rewards for actually attending classes and such.

-o- Detention after school, thus if you get caught being really bad you'll lose precious after school exploration time.

-o- As the protagonist ages, his "bed-time" gets later (allowing further exploration options as the game progresses without the worry of passing out too early)

-o- Rockers and Gangstas may try and rob you instead of just knocking you out

-o- Stoners miss most classes, and can be found doing drugs in out-of-the-way areas of the school or neighborhood

-o- Aggressive cliques will not only pick on weaker groups, but will sometimes fight each other if provoked (ie: one bumps shoulders with another while passing, one insults the other, ect.)


Feb 23, 2011
I think that in bully 2 jimmy hopkins could get brought out of bullworth academy by his mother that is getting married again and she is putting him in a new bording school. In the new boreding school it can be even more corrupted than bullworth is. there could be different cliques: Nerds, Jocks, Drop-outs, etc.


Feb 23, 2011
and also the ability to go online with friends and start your own clique with people worldwide and do co-op missions would make bully 2 an excellent game.
Feb 26, 2011
big_mitch_baker the real game is called bully college edition.
ok here are my ideas
1.they should let you cumstomise jimmy and his hair but not his skin and his clothing.
2.bullying someone you can give them all the wedgies in the game and for swirlies
you can hide then close the bathroom door and wait for someone to come in and the boys bathroom door should be close so they can get in and out so you open the door then pick them on their legs and hang them beside their legs and there should be a list of swirlies.
3.your dorm they should let you cumstomise your own room and a refrigrator to eat food and
your own bathroom and cloest and locker to keep your stuff in to hide when you take
something from someone.
4.LOCKER IN COLLEGE:you can cumstomize your locker and have anything in there.
5.your health they should ethier let you kiss girls or eat food.


Jan 12, 2011
jimmy's mum turns up with his new stepfather mother saying jimmy i want you to pack your bags were leaving town jimmy saying i'm so sory i don't want to becausei've got freinds here
mother said please come father said come on james jimmy yells who asked you opinion you phoney mother asked be nice you two dr crabblesnitch came in and said what's going on here mum said wewant jimmy to leave town dr crabblsnitch said jimmy is the hero of the school he corupted two teachers and a poupler student (mad student) stepfather said what a mad student dr crabblesnitch said yes there is he is called Gary Smith stepfater said i know him he blackmailed my brother at one point mother asked jimmy said that a stundent was bothering him dr carbblesintch said he's the new head of the school mother said ok he can stay because of what happend to my new husnbend's brother russel came and said to jimmy that gary has forced his where to gethim sent down for his crime jimmy said to his mum and stepfather thaat he would love his stepfather to be the next gym techer and his mu to be the new headmisstress they bothed agreed to the jobs and dr crabblesnitch to be happy to take them on


Apr 14, 2011
i think the stroy should start off with jummy waiten for his mom at bullworth to pick him up but then the principal walks out and says your mother is not coming she thinks u should b promoted to bullworths high school and the principal laughs and the game starts
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