
Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
C_Flores said:
I gotta know which Onimusha games to get

Blade warriors is not, Dawn of dreams is debatable.

You ought to play them in order, that is:

Onimusha Warlords
Onimusha 2- Samurai's Destiny
Onimusha 3- Demon seige
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams (this seems to be more of a spin off, rather than a continuation.

Blade Warriors is a fighting game, thus encorporates no real tale.


Aug 25, 2007
I gotta know which Onimusha games to get

Blade warriors is not, Dawn of dreams is debatable.

You ought to play them in order, that is:

Onimusha Warlords
Onimusha 2- Samurai's Destiny
Onimusha 3- Demon seige
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams (this seems to be more of a spin off, rather than a continuation.

Blade Warriors is a fighting game, thus encorporates no real tale.



Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I don't need Capcom to tell me Blade Warriors isn't canon. The first three core games tell a complete story with no conflicts. Throwing Blade Warriors in as "real" just makes the whole thing inconsistent to the point of laughable. Remember, this is the game where story mode lets Kaede fight Nobunaga. Heck, everyone gets to fight Nobunaga! How many times did that man get resurrected anyway? :^O

I admit that some of the plot points brought up are interesting--the revelation of Yumemaru for one, but I think it's just meant to be fun.
Oct 3, 2007
Some people have said that Onimusha Blade Warriors is not part of the Oni story…but it is. It has to be because you see Oni: Blade Warriors explains where Samanosuke was after the events in Oni 1.

In Oni: Blade Warriors Samanosuke says that he hid himself away from everyone. After Samanosuke destroyed Fortinbras he couldn’t remember what had happen to him when he woke up and saw Nobunaga looking down at him. He saw that Fortinbras had been killed but not by human hands. He then feared that if he was in his full Oni form again that he wouldn't be able to control himself if he started hurting the people he loved, mainly Kaede. Samanosuke went away for 10 years until Kaede found him. Samanosuke discovered that Marcellus was once an Oni-Warrior during the Oni-Genma Wars and killed in the battle resulted by treachery, that Guildenstern took Marcellus's dead body and modified him into what he is. Samanosuke feared that if he didn’t find a way to understand the Oni powers inside of him then he could have become what Marcellus was.

Oni:BW is part of the storyline but only for a few characters in the game. Mainly Samanosuke and Kaede.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Of course, it contradicts the original game which says quite clearly that Kaede never found him. Indeed no one knows what happened to Samanosuke.

Personally, I find BW to be an adequate fighting game, but when the sources clearly collide I reserve the right to choose. The more fingers in a pie, the more inconsistencies. Even the most tightly controlled universe (Star Wars) conflicts with itself, and in the movies no less.

The problem with accepting BW as canon is that you have to take it ALL as canon or non of it, and there's just too many problems with it timeline wise and story-wise to reconcile itself with the other three games.
Oct 3, 2007
They say that Kaede died 14 years later after Oni 1. Oni 1 takes place in 1561 but 14
years from 1561 would have been in the year 1575 at the Battle Of Yamazaki??? But you see the Battle Of Yamazaki didn’t happen until 1582. The same year that Oni 3 takes place. So you see that was a mistake made by the people who made the first game. The people who make the Oni games simply must have seen that and they chaged the storyline a bit. They made the game of course and they have the right to change it. Like I said Oni:BW gives us the answer as to where Samanosuke was after Oni 1 from Samanosuke himself because there's too much of a gap between Oni 1 2 and 3. That's too much of an answer not be be taken as part of the Oni storyline. They say no one knows what happen to Samanosuke.... but yet we do in BW, 3 and DOD.

It also seems that when they made the first game they didn't know if they were going to do another one. So they needed a reason for Samanosuke to come back since he did come back.

Also before Oni 3 came out, there was an interview that was posted on Game FAQ's website that said that Kaede was killed by Garaganto. So she was still alive in Oni 3 in 1582 but she still dies.
Oct 3, 2007
Well Keiji Inafune the Producer of Oni 1 and 2 and the Executive Producer of Oni: Blade Warriors, Oni 3 and Oni: DOD says himself that Blade Warriors is part of the storyline.


Oct 9, 2006
Wouldn't that be difficult to say, whether Samanosuke did hide away from everyone else?

As to BW being Canon... I guess I could see it being that way. But where, in all this fire and flames of battle does Megaman, Musashi, Kojiro and Keijiro come in? If Keijiro is in warlords, I don't remember it.

As for Dawn of Dreams being a spinoff... hmm. I could say it was a continuation, based off one fact. If anyone remembers the first time in warlords Samanosuke encounters Tokichiro. I don't know who it was not being able to see the screen but someone clearly said, "This man will later rule under the name of Hiteoshi Toyotomi." So going by that, then, Tokichiro turned out to be Hiteoshi in DOD. But that's just my opinion. And speaking of DOD, could someone describe the intro movies for two of the games for me, that is Oni 3 and DOD as well? I could follow the first two well enough but the third and forth have me confused.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
ConsularJediVulcan said:
Well Keiji Inafune the Producer of Oni 1 and 2 and the Executive Producer of Oni: Blade Warriors, Oni 3 and Oni: DOD says himself that Blade Warriors is part of the storyline.

And we're winning the war in Iraq because George Bush says so.

Honestly, just if Keiji can't pay enough attention to the prior games to see how BW contradicts what's gone before, why should I trust him?
Oct 3, 2007
Oni BW is part of the storyline but only for the Oni characters, the rest in the game are just to play for fun.

There’s proof that says that Blades Warriors is part of the storyline (more like a side-story) from someone who has worked on the games... but that’s just not enough for you and you use Bush and what he has said over the past few years as an example that Keiji is lying? So your right and anybody who says differently are wrong?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Like I said:

The problem with accepting BW as canon is that you have to take it ALL as canon or non of it, and there's just too many problems with it timeline wise and story-wise to reconcile itself with the other three games.

IMO, it's a nice little fanfiction, a lot of what-ifs with enough info to be believable, but too many points that don't fit in with the other games to make it canon. I see no reason to ruin an otherwise compelling and consistent story with little vignettes created for BW. The fact someone "tells" me it's canon doesn't change that fact that so much doesn't jive with the other games.

I mean, you really think that if Jubei and Sam met, they would have gone on their merry ways to fight Nobunaga alone?