Jul 19, 2001
Nobody here knows who I am but I've been a fan of PSO since the DC and migrated on over to the GC where I wasted hours among hours.

From what I've seen, its pretty much what I dreamed a sequel to PSO would look like.

As for the PC, does it have to be a desktop for this game to run smooth? Can it be a laptop?



No Longer a Noob
Aug 9, 2000
I don't know anything about spec requirements, but from the looks of it, it's not exactly on the cutting edge, graphically. It's a bit disappointing, really. I'd guess most any new laptop with a dedicated graphics card would be able to play PSO2.


Fuwa Fuwa Time!!
Aug 9, 2001
Yea, its not to demanding looking, theres a list of specs from the alpha testing around some where.

Great graphics or not tho, the game looks fun, and I plan to be there.

Aug 12, 2012
same here, I'm looking at desktops with 8gb ram, 720gb memory and GeForce gt 610 graphics cards, and laptops with 6gb ram, 500gb memory and radeon hd 6-7000 graphics cards. not trying to have best connection, like say theres 4 bars, 1 is bad, 2 is fair 4 is good and 4 is awesome. I just want 3= GOOD.

Is what I'm looking at good?
Feb 24, 2013
^ with lowered settings, you should have no problems.
Although not so sure on my side since I have an alienware FX with default options, etc.
But you should be fine with lowered settings


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
I have a Dell Inspiron M5030 with an AMD Athlon II P360 Dual-Core Processor. I got it off the shelf in summer 2011 at Best Buy for about $300, not worrying about graphics that much because I just needed something for school and wanted to save money at the time. It runs the game fine on lowered settings. The Forest is a little choppy or slower, and the sandstorm in Desert causes slowdown, but apart from that, it runs well enough for me. Only time I have problems playing online is when there's a lot of traffic in Japan at the time (mid- to late evening), and sometimes when an Emergency Quest comes up.

Striker, you should be running the game better than me. [face_tongue]
Aug 12, 2012
well I ended up getting a desktop with 8gb ram, 500gb hard drive, radeon 7770 1gb graphics card and a AMD quad core fx-4100. hopefully it will be good enough to run game.
Aug 12, 2012
well I ended up getting a desktop with 8gb ram, 500gb hard drive, radeon 7770 1gb graphics card and a AMD quad core fx-4100. hopefully it will be good enough to run game.

My laptop is barebones from 2011 and it's good enough to run the game. I'm thinking almost highest settings for you. You're fine.
Sweet, now all I have to do is wait, according to information I have I will get my computer on March 29 so I should be on PSO2 on 30th. everyone is on Universe 2 right?
Aug 12, 2012
alright I've got game and I'm on ship 2, I'm not used to using keyboard and mouse and its gonna be awhile before I get controller for computer


Fuwa Fuwa Time!!
Aug 9, 2001
That purple thing hes talking about is a question mark, I'm a little worried he forgot what a question mark is [face_tongue]
Aug 12, 2012
alright I sent request to Plocoon, if anyone wants to add me, My character's name is GundamWing. so far I'm lv.13 and could use all the help I can get because I have no idea what I'm doing, LOL
Feb 24, 2013
ID: strikerhunter (main) and strikercypher (new alt)
And lol.

Edit: new character can level up along with you also.

Final Edit: Tell me the timing in which you are playing so I can give you some help, etc.
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Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Oh, wow, so that's 7 pm to midnight my time. That's pretty much perfect. Evening's the main time I have to get on.

EDIT: I play a Hunter, so if we quest together, you can hang back and pick 'em off while I rock them with my mad Partisan skills. :D
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Aug 12, 2012
Oh, wow, so that's 7 pm to midnight my time. That's pretty much perfect. Evening's the main time I have to get on.

EDIT: I play a Hunter, so if we quest together, you can hang back and pick 'em off while I rock them with my mad Partisan skills. :D
yeah I'm a night owl, I work graveyard shift, when everyone in United States are asleep. 7am is when I get off work.
yeah that emergency quest was fun
Feb 24, 2013
Bullet I just sent you a friend request so you should be receiving one from "strikerhunter" and "strikercypher"
I got and accepted it
You know I find it surprising that your character's name is the only one with that name in the entire ARKs search on the visiphone, lol normally nearly every good name possible is already taken but not yours. (including the cap sensitive part.)

Also, whenever I'm on and you need help or just want another person to make missions more interesting just send me a tell and I'll come. (click name on friends list and first option to send message if they are online.)
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Aug 12, 2012
That IS surprising. With all the robots, you'd think it would have been one of the first.
I'm sure theres a few characters named Gundam but I figured none would be named GundamWing, I like to stick out and be easy to find. on PSu I was also a big Blue cast but my characters name was Gundam GT
Feb 24, 2013
I'm sure theres a few characters named Gundam but I figured none would be named GundamWing, I like to stick out and be easy to find. on PSu I was also a big Blue cast but my characters name was Gundam GT

According to my friends list, you are still under my friend request. Did you accept one from strikerhunter or did you accidentally blackmail?
Aug 12, 2012
I'm sure theres a few characters named Gundam but I figured none would be named GundamWing, I like to stick out and be easy to find. on PSu I was also a big Blue cast but my characters name was Gundam GT

According to my friends list, you are still under my friend request. Did you accept one from strikerhunter or did you accidentally blackmail?
I accepted requests from both names, no I didn't blacklist
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Feb 24, 2013
I'm sure theres a few characters named Gundam but I figured none would be named GundamWing, I like to stick out and be easy to find. on PSu I was also a big Blue cast but my characters name was Gundam GT

According to my friends list, you are still under my friend request. Did you accept one from strikerhunter or did you accidentally blackmail?
I accepted requests from both names, no I didn't blacklist
Got it!


Fuwa Fuwa Time!!
Aug 9, 2001
There was an update tuesday night, seems a few have had issues with it, you might try doing a file check if its giving problems still.
Aug 12, 2012
Third option down on the launcher.
okay, so now that I've done that I can get to where I select ship screen but my translation patch isn't working. I downloaded new one and put it in data file but doesn't seem to work. tried redownloading it and that didn't work either