Jun 26, 2008
I'm a huge fan of the Castlevania series and have been since the late 80's when I played the first game. I'm also a big fan of action/hack and slash games as well. Ever since LOS1 was released, I never understood why everyone, from fans to critics, compares LOS to GOW as if GOW started the genre. Just to be clear, I'm a fan of the GOW series too, but there are games that came before GOW. Games like:

Onimusha 3 (I say the 3rd game felt more like a hack and slash game, but the first one is also cool)
Ninja Gaiden
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
Metal Gear Rising (haven't played it yet)

These are games that I've played and mostly completed, and I'm sure there are more games in the genre that I missed. The only one that I can think of at the moment that I never played is Chaos Legion, but I do think that it belongs in the genre.

So what is it that makes it a, "GOW ripoff?" The QTE's? "If" that's the case, then by logic any game with QTE's is a ripoff, but they're not. RE6 and Puppeteer are two different games with QTE's, so that can't be the reason for a game being a ripoff. Is it because Kratos uses chain/whip like weapon? Well in Rygar and Castlevania:LOI the protagonist uses whips/chains and those titles were released before GOW. Is it the Titan battles that makes it a rip-off? But isn't it more accurate to say that GOW took inspiration from other games? Is the comparison to GOW simply because GOW is popular? I suppose that works, but why dismiss other games in the genre?

I am not trying to convince anyone to like LOS. If you don't like it, then that's cool. Anyways, excuse me for making this a long post.


Mar 19, 2011
I'm a huge fan of the Castlevania series and have been since the late 80's when I played the first game. I'm also a big fan of action/hack and slash games as well. Ever since LOS1 was released, I never understood why everyone, from fans to critics, compares LOS to GOW as if GOW started the genre. Just to be clear, I'm a fan of the GOW series too, but there are games that came before GOW. Games like:

Onimusha 3 (I say the 3rd game felt more like a hack and slash game, but the first one is also cool)
Ninja Gaiden
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
Metal Gear Rising (haven't played it yet)

These are games that I've played and mostly completed, and I'm sure there are more games in the genre that I missed. The only one that I can think of at the moment that I never played is Chaos Legion, but I do think that it belongs in the genre.

So what is it that makes it a, "GOW ripoff?" The QTE's? "If" that's the case, then by logic any game with QTE's is a ripoff, but they're not. RE6 and Puppeteer are two different games with QTE's, so that can't be the reason for a game being a ripoff. Is it because Kratos uses chain/whip like weapon? Well in Rygar and Castlevania:LOI the protagonist uses whips/chains and those titles were released before GOW. Is it the Titan battles that makes it a rip-off? But isn't it more accurate to say that GOW took inspiration from other games? Is the comparison to GOW simply because GOW is popular? I suppose that works, but why dismiss other games in the genre?

I am not trying to convince anyone to like LOS. If you don't like it, then that's cool. Anyways, excuse me for making this a long post.

I completely agree! LOS is like just the natural evolution of gameplay for a castlevania title. It's just like Lament of Innocence just without some of the RPG elements.
Jun 12, 2012
They compare it to GOW because it got similar fighting style , platforming was similar and some other stuff maybe. BUT that doesn't mean its a bad copy or clone or something , LOS is again its own beast and some of the best games i ever played.. Shouldn't mind some casuals comparing it to GOW at all :D

EDIT: BTW Metal Gear Rising did not come before GOW , it started on PS2
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Jun 26, 2008
Yeah, I was just listing games, but I'm aware the Metal Gear Rising is from Feb 2013. I just brought it up to bring up the point that there are other games in this genre that came before and after GOW. Also, when I originally made that thread a few days ago, my intention was not to convince anyone to like it nor am I bashing any game. I suppose comparing it to GOW can be seen as a compliment, but the confusion I have is how a lot of people seem to treat GOW. There are all these games within the genre, and in my opinion, at least for the ones that I've played throughout the years, are great.

Around the internet, the impression that I've received, from those that either like or dislike LOS, treat GOW as something completely original. To me that is false. Now, I will not argue that GOW isn't popular, because it is, and it's a damn fun game. But to treat it as the first of its kind when there are plenty from before and after is weird to me.

For example, if someone says that GOW has puzzles and so LOS copied GOW, then that's where I get confused. Then my question is, how is that a rip off when countless games from other genres have puzzles. The hack and slash/action genre is an evolution from different tittles. I would never say that either one is a rip-off. It's better to say that influences were taken from past games to create something new. DMC - 2001, Rygar - 2002, Chaos Legion - 2003, Castlevania: LOI - 2003, Onimusha 3 - 2004, Ninja Gaiden - 2004, Nanobreaker - 2005, God of War - 2005.

So to me, it also seems that if we go another five years without a single GOW title and a new and amazing hack and slash game comes out, are you still going to compare it to GOW(in this case Ascension since it's the last to comeout) and is the comparison solely based on popularity? In a case like that, it's fair to compare a new game to the most recent of the genre, LOS2, or a new Ninja Gaiden game, or a new DMC game.


Jun 26, 2008
I'm a huge fan of the Castlevania series and have been since the late 80's when I played the first game. I'm also a big fan of action/hack and slash games as well. Ever since LOS1 was released, I never understood why everyone, from fans to critics, compares LOS to GOW as if GOW started the genre. Just to be clear, I'm a fan of the GOW series too, but there are games that came before GOW. Games like:

Onimusha 3 (I say the 3rd game felt more like a hack and slash game, but the first one is also cool)
Ninja Gaiden
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
Metal Gear Rising (haven't played it yet)

These are games that I've played and mostly completed, and I'm sure there are more games in the genre that I missed. The only one that I can think of at the moment that I never played is Chaos Legion, but I do think that it belongs in the genre.

So what is it that makes it a, "GOW ripoff?" The QTE's? "If" that's the case, then by logic any game with QTE's is a ripoff, but they're not. RE6 and Puppeteer are two different games with QTE's, so that can't be the reason for a game being a ripoff. Is it because Kratos uses chain/whip like weapon? Well in Rygar and Castlevania:LOI the protagonist uses whips/chains and those titles were released before GOW. Is it the Titan battles that makes it a rip-off? But isn't it more accurate to say that GOW took inspiration from other games? Is the comparison to GOW simply because GOW is popular? I suppose that works, but why dismiss other games in the genre?

I am not trying to convince anyone to like LOS. If you don't like it, then that's cool. Anyways, excuse me for making this a long post.

I completely agree! LOS is like just the natural evolution of gameplay for a castlevania title. It's just like Lament of Innocence just without some of the RPG elements.
I love Castlevania: LOI, but hated their follow up, Curse of Darkness. I love the DS titles, and SOTN. Castlevania 1, 3, 4(never did finish, but it's cool), Bloodlines, Rondo of Blood or Dracula X Chronicles. LOS feels like what Castlevania was in the 80's, early 90's before SOTN. Just my opinion on it.
Feb 21, 2014
F**ck God of War !!I have played all the GOW games and they were just amazing,but Castlevania had such variety; from the enemies to the environments and an awesome storyline.I played the second demo of LOS2 ,oh god that game is so dark.The only game were Dracula is fighting for his survival and for the greatest good,that's why some people just cant like this ,because they are used to the old series where the knight who is trying to kill the mighty dracula.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 14, 2011
ehh I got Lord of shadows near it's release date got bored of it when reaching the 2nd disc have not bothered to give it another go
May 27, 2014
Yeah you don't hear Call of duty is a doom clone or 10,000 platformers are mario clones. Just another negative thing for people to say. i played LOS first and then finally played GOW in which both are great but I don't have near enough playing time into GOW the first game wasn't long at all.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 18, 2004
Felt like I was playing God of War 2 with sexier graphics. Not necessarily a bad thing.
Jul 5, 2014
Castlevania has introduced a whip as a weapon in video games, as far as I'm concerned, so if anything GOW was inspired by Castlevania and not the other way around.