
No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
Welcome to the Hockey Board's annual Fantasy Hockey League! Unlike our counterpart, IGNHL, this league is for everyone who wants to participate!

Wait, League? What Happened to Tier II??

Welllllllll.... several years ago we had three tiers and unfortunately due to the nature of most forums on the internet, people have come and gone so the league shrank into two tiers. Tier II had a steady stream of participants until last year when we had a difficult time trying to get enough to participate. So the decision has been made to make a sort of super Tier I league unless we (somehow) get a resurgence of people who want to participate. Just to be safe, I have renewed Tier II if the resurgence happens but the max available teams is 20 for Tier I.

So how will scoring go?

The league's scoring settings are as follows:

Goals, Assists, +/-, Power Play Points, Shots on Goals, Hits, Wins, Goals Against Average, Save %, Shutouts. In the past we've had other categories, such as Game Winning Goals, Penalty Minutes, and I believe Blocks.

How will rosters go?

League's Roster are as follows

2 Centers, 2 Left-Wingers, 2 Right-Wingers, 3 Forwards, 4 Defense-men, and 2 Goalies on the active roster with 4 Bench spots, and 2 IR+ spots.

So how can I decide on changes?

Well getting everyone to comment on here can be a hassle, espcially trying to get everyone's opinions on scoring and rosters. So I made a Google Question form for you guys to answer.... assuming I didn't muck it up.

Click here to answer.

When's the Draft?

A date will need to be agreed upon by the participants. Most likely a Saturday/Sunday evening. Draft Order will be determined by our usual, yet unusual, method: the Italian Lotto site.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
Okay here's who we got thus far:

Me (answered questionaire)
Twisted (Answered)
Randal (answered)
TMG (Not Answered)
Anti (Answered)
Ted (answered)
DQ (answered)
Chris (answered)
Denkaas (answered)
HT (Not answered)

I'm gonna keep it open until the 21st, you guys can change it (I'll count the most recent one as I have the ability to see when you guys submit). Draft will be after. I'm assuming a Saturday or Sunday would work best for most.

Once upon a time we actually had four full tiers.

I only remembered 3. I think I got bumped to 1 from 3 one year due to a massive clerical error.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 30, 2010
Another rule change not mentioned, should we do same day add/drops?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
Questionaire closes Monday at Noon East. Sign-ups on Wednesday at 11:59PM East.

I have the following returnees from last year:

I believe Ingy is ewuoy (please correct me if I am wrong)

I asked PP and LL and Bob has been a no show, so I'm gonna assume he's out.

DQ, Ted, Denkaas, HT I will need your emails as soon as possible


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
The draft is tentatively scheduled for Sunday at 7E/4P. If this will not work for most I can change it.

Has to be done before Wednesday


No Longer a Noob
Jun 27, 2005
The draft is tentatively scheduled for Sunday at 7E/4P. If this will not work for most I can change it.

Has to be done before Wednesday

I can't do Sunday night, monday or tues work for me though. I'm fine with an auto draft if it stays sunday.