
Jul 4, 2014
Hello, looking for some good pairings? What class should this person be? What skills should I pass down?
Well I've been playing FEA for quite awhile and I thought I might share some of my experiences! [face_tongue]
I'm looking for some feedback on my set-up below! Here's what I got.
For no confusion: Name(Class) x Name(Class) | Skill/Skill | Child(Class) | Child(Class)

skill/skill(what this?)
the skills the parents should pass down

example: Chrom pass down rightful king
Gregor pass down sol
Gaius pass down counter etc.etc

Chrom(Great Lord) x Olivia(Dark Flier) | Rightful King/Galforce | Lucina(Great Lord) | Inigo(Swordmaster)
Gregor(Hero) x Panne(Taguel) | Sol/Swordbreaker | Yarne(Taguel)
Gaius(Assassin) x Sumia(Falcon Knight) | Counter/Galeforce | Cynthia(Falcon Knight)
Vaike(Warrior) x Lissa(Sage) | Counter/Galeforce | Owain(Hero)
Stahl(Paladin) x Cherche(Wyvern Lord) | Aegis/Swordbreaker | Gerome(Warrior)
Ricken(Sage) x Miriel(Sage) | Aegis/Lifetaker | Laurent(Sage)
Henry(Sorcerer) x Maribelle(Valkyrie) | Counter/Galeforce | Brady(Sorcerer)
Libra(War Monk) x Tharja(Sorcerer) | Lifetaker/Pavise | Noire(Sorcerer)
Donnel(Hero) x Nowi(Manakete) | Aptitude/Lifetaker | Nah(Manakete)
Virion(Sniper) x Sully(Paladin) | Lifetaker/Aegis | Kjelle(Swordmaster)
Lon'qu(Swordmaster) x Cordelia(Falcon Knight) | Astra/Galeforce | Severa(Assassin)
Avatar(Grandmaster) x (Any 2nd gen. child)

This is the team I used for Paralogue 23
keep in mind my characters were maxed at 20 when I did paralogue 23
note: if you actually plan on doing all this your awesome(may frustrate you) lol
my difficulty was hard/classic
my game time is over 200hrs