
No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
In the oreview for s2e2 we see Clem see someone and she says "I thought you were dead". Who is she refering to? My guess is either:

Kenny (we never did aee him die in s1e5, we now know the man who looked like kenny was someone else)
Perhaps someone from her past never seen before

Which do you think makes sense?
Apr 9, 2012
I'm kind of hoping it's Kenny. I've been holding out hope that he made it out of there since he disappeared. I'd also like to throw out Molly (the Savannah ninja) as a possibility. I'm always worried that Lilly is going to make a return and hold Clementine responsible for (my) Lee sending her away.


A guy.
May 23, 2003
I don't think it's Kenny since Clem isn't there to see him "die" nor is there any conversation about it afterwards. Just a thought.
Lilly seems like a sure bet since Clem witnesses her abandoned and left for dead. Maybe Clem finishes the job for Lee? [face_mischief]


Sep 24, 2013
Since only Clem, Christa and Omid are left at the beginning I think we can all assume that Clem thinks that Kenny didn't make it out alive. But personally, I think it might be someone from the "lost" 16 months (and maybe its a character from 400 Days).


Aug 25, 2013
I don't think it's Kenny since Clem isn't there to see him "die" nor is there any conversation about it afterwards. Just a thought.
Lilly seems like a sure bet since Clem witnesses her abandoned and left for dead. Maybe Clem finishes the job for Lee? [face_mischief]

I agree with you about Kenny. It is possible for him to be alive, but Clem was never told that he died, although it has been 2 years since she saw him, and Christa and Omid saw Kenny disappear so, maybe, they told her something? There's a lot of info we didn't get with those 2 years gap, that only further we may know about. It could be Christa, but I don't think that Clem's reaction would be the one seen in the Episode 1. She witnessed Lilly being left behind (or leaving, depending on your choice), but she never saw a situation where Lilly would've died, and the same goes for Molly. Someone from her past... I think it would've been mentioned before, in season 1, or in this last Episode. It's though to tell, putting everything into perspective. A part of me still denies that Lee really died, and maybe he could've survived the bite, with his arm being cut. But he could've been shot by Clem, or could've not cut the arm, and, unfortunately Telltale won'te be so good with playing with my choices... None the less, whoever it is, it's gonna be a good twist.
Oct 21, 2012
Theres a high chance it's Christa. From people Clem thought was dead, she was the closest to her now position when Clem last saw her.Also one of the bandits that attacked Christa was found dead at the lake so Christa might be alive.I'm hoping for Kenny,just like you guys but his last location is just too far away...Molly?Like 0.01% chance because Clem didnt think she was dead and she was kidnapped when Molly left.


Sep 11, 2012
Don't forget that in the TV series, Herschel survived a bite BY AMPUTATING HIS LEG. Lee's "blackouts" and bad state *COULD* have been from simple blood loss. Lee's death was not shown,


Dec 30, 2013
I Highly doubt its Christa because when she was taken to the cabin with the other people she said that Her friend (Christa) is out there and she wants to go and find her, so she knows that she's not Dead, and know that she's just out there surviving...... WHO IS IT !?


Dec 30, 2013
I think it's Christa, but I could definitely see Lily surviving. Of course, we all wish it was Lee, but I think if it was Lee then Clem would have a different reaction. She would be crying and hugging him, not just saying, "I thought you were dead."

Did anyone find any versions of the game where it gives any information about what happened to Christa's baby?

It would be great if it was Kenny though. I didn't like the way that the game really didn't give any information about his death. I didn't like him at first, but then his character sort of grows on you.


Jan 1, 2014
Has anybody even considered the fact that it could be Glenn? Think about it. Glenn left for Atlanta to search for his family and took the walkie talkie with him, but he was never heard from again. The guy in the trailer wearing a hat could be Glenn! (Glenn did have a baseball cap in season one) Also in the final choices for episode five of season one, it says that Kenny was lost to the horde of walkers, so I don't think it's Kenny.


Jan 2, 2014
Has anybody even considered the fact that it could be Glenn? Think about it. Glenn left for Atlanta to search for his family and took the walkie talkie with him, but he was never heard from again. The guy in the trailer wearing a hat could be Glenn! (Glenn did have a baseball cap in season one) Also in the final choices for episode five of season one, it says that Kenny was lost to the horde of walkers, so I don't think it's Kenny.

Kenny was lost, not killed.
Glenn is a character from the main TV series, him going to Atlanta is the last we're going to see of him unless somehow we run into the entire group from the show (unlikely).
The only people I can think of would possibly be her dad (since her mom obviously died), Kenny, Christa, Lily, or maybe someone from Vernon's group, since one of the dead bodies in the riverbank was Roman (bald head, 5 o'clock shadow, same back on his jacket of whatever band he was in), and another was the body of Clive (the younger of the two black men from Roman's group), but those were the only two bodies I recognized from the group so any other from the group that Clem would recognize could be alive (Boyd and Joyce).

In my opinion, here is a percentage list of who's more likely to appear in S2E2.
Joyce - 1%
Boyd - 4%
Clem's Father - 5%
Christa 20%
Lily - 30%
Kenny - 40%
Jan 2, 2014
It can't be Lilly because Lilly is in the comics. The game is in the comics universe as well. Lilly was in Wood bury and met Rick and the group at the prison. That's the reason no matter what you do with her in S1 E3 she always leaves.
Jan 2, 2014
Don't forget that in the TV series, Herschel survived a bite BY AMPUTATING HIS LEG. Lee's "blackouts" and bad state *COULD* have been from simple blood loss. Lee's death was not shown,

I say that anybodies fate is determinate is not gonna be there. You have a choice for the amputated arm, you have a choice if you kill Lee or leave him. If you leave him and he's there, then who's gonna be there for someone who did kill him?
Jan 3, 2014
Theirs a Higher chance its Kenny, and there is a lot of evidence that show that the possibility is Kenny.

1. In Ben Survives Crawford situation, you see Kenny shoot Ben (Killing him) and Runs off, then complete silence from Kenny, even if Kenny was Killed (or Bitten) a sound from him would have been heard.
Plus the direction he ran, the Zombies would have been pretty close to Ben at that point when Kenny killed Ben, the zombies would have gone more for Ben, (but what about the zombies in the back?) well in that scene u hear a large "Drop" sound
it could mean that Kenny Pushed Some (or a) Zombie away from him and ran.

2. In Ben's Alley Death scene, Christa is looking seen looking into the Alley Kenny is nowhere to be seen (But Ben isn't seen either, But his Body could be Under that Huge Group of zombies at the bottom of the screen) and the Zombies in the back are very spaced apart Meaning that there was a possibility that Kenny Ran.

3. Same Scene, Lee Assumes that Kenny died, the assumption was probably right after he ran, and while the Zombies were crowding Ben (If u notice there are a lot of zombies when Christa is looking) Lee might not have actually seen Kenny die or run, and assumes the worst (Considering the conditions)

-Alternate Timeline-

1. In Ben's Death in Crawford timeline, Kenny goes down and helps Christa back up to the roof and he is stuck with all the zombies. and the sound of him "Dying could be heard" (well that's what i got from that scene anyway ._.) there is no sound, if he died zombies would pile onto his corpse and well eat him. (plus they say "where'd he go") Christa says "Maybe he ran away" when Lee was not taking the idea that Kenny was dead so good.


In the End after Clem either Kills Lee, or Leaves Lee to die, and After she saw her Zombified Parents, and after that small sequence at the end where she finds Christa and Omid, She must have noticed that Kenny wasn't around and Omid, and Christa most likely told Clem about Kenny's fate, Either way or told her, He might of "Ran away". Since she lost her "Child like Innocence" (its where she looks as if the world would get better, and everyone isn't "that" bad on the inside) she might have made the assumption that Kenny is dead since she never witnessed it herself to think of any other possibility.

Now for my Theory of Kenny's Fate, In the Aftermath of episode 1 Season 2 at the end, Alvin is trying to negotiate with a man "Hey put the Gun down man" and when the Camera looks through the "Bandits" none of them have they're guns raised, (Man) probably said something sounding familiar to Clem and that's why she moves to the front to see who it is, and Clem's possible assumption that Kenny's fate was wrong, shocked her a little. Kenny might have joined the "Bandits" after Savannah.

plus if it was Christa she wouldn't have gave that look at the end, it would have been with Relief that she isn't dead, not shock.
it couldn't be Lilly since she has trust issues with groups (Episode 2-3 season 1)
and No one from "400 Days" since Clem never met them (unless a Long disturbing flashback is involved to explain... which is doubted)
and its impossible for it to be Clem's Parents since they died in Savannah, (Evidence you ask? its in the phone message in Clem's house, Her dad was Bitten and you saw her mother in the ending of episode 5)
Vernon or the Cancer survivors? nope she never met anyone else accept Vernon, and Brie, Brie died, and Vernon is probably dead since he went to the ocean with the boat alone.
Lee? impossible, Same reason for Christa, Hershel cut off his leg not long after he was bitten, Lee didn't attend to it until his first blackout (that means the "Virus" has already reached a good portion of his body) Cutting it off at that point doesn't matter, unless they were to cut the "Whole" arm off there would have been the possibility he could have survived.

But its just a Theory... just had to throw it out there.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
For those who think its Lilly. We do know what happens to her after her leaving/being left behind. In the comics (where the game takes place) she is basically one of the Governor's Lts. She is actually the one who kills laurie, and the governor. Her fate though after that is unown as the her and the rest of the Woodsberry army were surrounded by a herd and out of ammo.

In the show, she does appear. She was combined with a character from the book "Rise of the governor" (which is set before the first issue) of a woman who is surviving with her sister and father. Like the comic she kills the gov. and her fate unknown.

So I doubt its her clem refers to. By now she should be with the Governor (or close to the point). So if its her, thatll mean we get to see Woodsbery


Jan 10, 2014
I am thinking of Glenn, he went to see his friends, and that guy who was treathening the group seems asian, korean, whatever, i have a feeling it's glenn.


Apr 30, 2013
I am thinking of Glenn, he went to see his friends, and that guy who was treathening the group seems asian, korean, whatever, i have a feeling it's glenn.

can't be glenn he is dead the game follows the comics cannon


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Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I think it's either Lilly or Kenny and I mostly think Lilly. I don't think it will be Christa, because I don't think Clem feels she's dead at this point.

The reason I don't think it would be Kenny, is because although you can choose to play the game so that Kenny basically dislikes/hates Lee, there is also a possibility to have him and Lee be close good friends (Which is how I played it) and I would think if Clem ran into Kenny that he would want to take her under his wing and care for her, not only because of what happened w/ his family but because of his sense of friendship to Lee. This game is centered around Clementine. This isn't the Clementine and Kenny show. It's a possibility, but not what I think it will be.

I also tend to think that it being Lilly makes for more drama. Again depending on how you played, Lilly either Hates Lee for leaving her, REALLY hates Lee for killing her dad AND leaving her or Lilly jacked the RV and bailed on everybody. No matter what there's some awkwardness there. She probably doesn't really have an issue w/ Clem, but probably doesn't want to make her adopted daughter either.
Jan 16, 2014
IF anybody remembers when TellTale first revealed the walking dead season 2, they said they would finally be revealing Kenny's fate. Meaning that Kenny might not have died. If Christa and Omid told Clem about Kenny right after she found them, Clem would be saying "I thought you were dead" to Kenny.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
Lilly should be in Woodsbury by now. If she is in then the Governor will. Its Kenny or christie
Jun 14, 2014
There are many possibilities:
Less likely:
now that it is released we all know it was Kenny.