
No Longer a Noob
Jun 6, 2008
The potential of a sequel is tremendous!

With that being said I really want to play this game but it doesn't look like it is worth $60, but I am definitely picking it up when it is in the bargain bin!

Just felt like sharing my thoughts. [face_peace]
Nov 8, 2008
I didn't necessarily like it. The movie had some strong points, but overall, it wasn't very good. I just REALLY need this movie to generate enough money to warrant a sequel. The thought of Jordan vs. Sinestro is making me salivate.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 9, 2001
According to comicbookmovie.com, despite making less than they wanted, WB is going to go ahead with a sequel anyway. Which will be fine if they get new writers and a new director. The script needs to have better character development, focus more on building Hal's and Sinestro's relationship, before it all comes crashing down. More action, more characterd development, less Hal/Carol scenes, more overall epicness and a longer film to fit it all in. And Campbell, despite being a great director, is more suited to more down-to-earth action films like James Bond than a super hero space opera. Obviously, he didn't have a great script to work with, but the Hal and Carol scenes were painful to watch sometimes with how long they were drawn out.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 20, 2010
KLGChaos said:
According to comicbookmovie.com, despite making less than they wanted, WB is going to go ahead with a sequel anyway. Which will be fine if they get new writers and a new director. The script needs to have better character development, focus more on building Hal's and Sinestro's relationship, before it all comes crashing down. More action, more characterd development, less Hal/Carol scenes, more overall epicness and a longer film to fit it all in. And Campbell, despite being a great director, is more suited to more down-to-earth action films like James Bond than a super hero space opera. Obviously, he didn't have a great script to work with, but the Hal and Carol scenes were painful to watch sometimes with how long they were drawn out.

i love martin cambpell but i think wb forced there way around the script sadly.

the film started great but they really added way to many story archs in this 1 hr and 45 minute film.

the big mistake was adding parallax when they couldve made hector the big villain by having him stalk carrol and add additional training scenes for hal on oa.

the cast blew me away

the cgi was awsome

as a fan of the gl books i left my first viewing with mixed feelings but after 3 more viewings i thought it was a fun film.

i just hope for the next one they get duncan jones ( moon director) to direct it

keep the original cast

make the movie about sinestros downfall and beef with jordan ( dont have him go yellow to end of film)

Feb 7, 2011
Not very impressive I'm afraid.

But I didn't hate it and I don't like that people make it out that this film was supposed to carry the entire future for DC superhero films in the future... seriously what is the matter with you people.