Dec 30, 2011
I'm new to gaming. New to Fable 2. In the beginning, after I return from the hero's guild and meet Theresa in the marketplace, she takes me to an empty caravan and explains that Bowerstone is much better without Thag, etc. But after that I'm stuck there. What do I do to continue my quest? the glowing trail keeps leading me back to that empty caravan. Now, I'm just stuck doing nothing but exploring.... what now?


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
It's been quite some time since I played Fable 2. My best guess is that maybe there is something in the caravan that you need to do, still. Otherwise, perhaps youtube the beginning of the game, and see what you're supposed to do?


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 24, 2009
Welcome to Gaming.
Welcome to Fable 2.
Welcome to IGN Forums

Now that thats outta the way....

I believe Theressa will have you follow here to an old caravan trailer sitting in the city, once there you will be instructed to look at The Spire. Just follow the on-screen button command to pan your camera out to it.

Atleast this is how the quest is suppossda go...if you cant do that you may have to restart or revert to a previous save. Welcome to the wonderful world of gaming! lol
Jan 4, 2012
I believe you need to check your quest log and pick the quest so it will highlight where you need to go next. I think at that point in my game I had at least two side quests I could do as well.