Jul 1, 2005
does anyone have any tips?
I am playing solo.
I am using Axton the commando.
I am level 40.
I have tried several times to kill him, but each time I have died.
It is costing me a lot of money.
I tried to use a lot of grenades immediately at the start of the battle, and the one time I came close to killing him.
But as usual the witch doctor gave him a shield.
And the shield he then has is very powerful.
My electricity weapons do very little damage to it.
Thanks for the help!


Jan 16, 2012
I've only beaten him once solo (coincidentally as Axton), and I freely admit I just got lucky after multiple deaths. Best advice I've seen so far is to get a Trespasser sniper rifle (reward from one of Mordecai's side quests after the WEP mission): it doesn't look like much on the card, but it completely bypasses shields. Use it to take out the chief as soon as possible so he can't transfer his shield to Vorac. After that, it's mainly a question of keeping well clear and raining down fire... I'd suggest you try not deploying your turret until the chief is out of the way.