Sep 7, 2003
Kakariko Village, New York
I have been playing DS3 for quite some time now. Believe it or not, this is my FIRST EVER role playing game. I have never played a true RPG before Dark Souls 3. I fell in love with this game upon the tutorial.

I didn't know what the Hell I was getting myself into when I signed up for this task, but by my will and love for this game, I have fought through and managed to progress up to the Grand Archives. I have been stuck on at least 3 bosses where I truly believed it was time to retire this game and move on. But no, I fought on and succeeded by the grace of God.

This time, however, is different. I cannot defeat this boss to be quite frank about it. I have leveled up FIFTEEN TIMES..... FIFTEEN TIMES in strength, vigor and endurance and I still cannot beat him. I used 15 embers and have 5 left. I have infused lightning into two swords merely slicing their power in half just for the sake of this boss. I have used lighting resin and nothing works. I have been stuck on this boss for 2 weeks and I need help. I stopped playing for 3 days and attempted to play Assassin's Creed Syndicate and by God it's just not the same. I miss my DS3.

How can I beat this boss? Can I summon help from a covenant? If so, How? I'm desperate and I am not ready to put this game down but I'm afraid it may be my only fate. I cannot beat this boss and I've tried nearly everything. Please help me.
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