Jun 28, 2007
How do you get 100% in potions?

How do you get 100% in Entrance Courtyard? (I only have 1% left to get)

How do you catch the snitch, (other than just saying "get on a table and hit action until you catch it)?


Jul 5, 2007
I am near the begening of the game where you are looking for guys to get in to your meeting. But there is 1 guy that wants to know were all 5 talking gargoyles are. Could you Please tell me were thay all are. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 7, 2007
the gargoyles are located:
-transfiguration courtyard
-next to the DADA classroom
-4th floor outside by the hospital wing.
-in the paved courtyard
-outside of the viaduct
Jul 7, 2007
To get 100% in potions,

you need to cast various spells on the vials on his test tube.
I don't think theres an order but here is what i used.


For the Boathouse-

Cast Incendio to light torches on way downstairs to Boathouse (22 at 5 pts each)
Scare off first seagull on way down to Boathouse (just get close to it)
Pick up a F&G parcel (hidden on dock in lower righthand corner)
Scare off second seagull in front of Boathouse (righthand side)
Scare off third seagull in front of Boathouse (righthand side)
Cast Incendio to light 23rd torch in front of Boathouse (righthand side)
Examine chains inside Boathouse (Action or Enter button) - back righthand corner
Cast WGL on food basket to feed first seagull
Cast WGL on food basket to feed second seagull
Cast WGL on food basket to feed third seagull
Cast Incendio to light 24th torch in front of Boathouse (lefthand side)
Pick up second F&G parcel (on dirt road to Paved Courtyard)
Cast Incendio to light 25th torch (just before entering Paved Courtyard)
Cast Incendio to light 26th torch (just before entering Paved Courtyard)

For the second story:

This part starts at the top of the staircase going down to the library.

Cast WGL to reveal first Wizard's Chess piece (gold rook)
Cast WGL to reveal second Wizard's Chess piece (gold bishop)
Cast Incendio to light first Sorting Hat shrine
Cast Reparo to repair first broken urn
Cast Depulso to clean the dust out of first runner rug
Cast Depulso to clean the dust out of second runner rug
Cast WGL to reassemble portrait of the Grey Lady
Cast Accio to reveal first Sorting Hat plaque

This part starts from the stone bridge headed towards the viaduct.

Cast WGL to reveal third Wizard's Chess piece (silver knight)
Cast Incendio to light first flame pillar
Cast Incendio to light second flame pillar
Cast Incendio to light first torch
Cast Incendio to light second torch
Cast Incendio to light second Sorting Hat shrine
Cast Incendio to light third torch
Cast Incendio to light fourth torch
Cast Incendio to light fifth torch
Cast Reparo to repair second broken urn
Cast WGL to pull a chocolate frog from the second urn
Cast Depulso to clean the dust out of third runner rug
Cast Accio to reveal second Sorting Hat plaque
Cast WGL to reveal fourth Wizard's Chess piece (silver rook)
Cast Reparo to repair third broken urn
Cast WGL to pull a chocolate frog from the third urn
Cast WGL to reveal fifth Wizard's Chess piece (silver bishop)
Cast WGL to reveal fifth Wizard's Chess piece (gold pawn)

I got all of this from Daniel Park!
Jul 7, 2007
To Get 100% for the entrance courtyard you have to:

Uncovering first Hogwart’s symbol( WGL the broom and place levitate it over the leaves to uncover the Hogwarts symbol)
Uncovering second Hogwart’s symbol
Uncovering third Hogwart’s symbol
Uncovering final Hogwart’s symbol
Cast WGL to place benches on corresponding symbols
Cast WGL on logs to light 1st torch
Cast WGL on logs to light 2nd torch
Cast Incendio on first flame pillar
Cast Incendio on second flame pillar
Cast Incendio on third flame pillar
Cast Incendio on fourth flame pillar
Beat Hufflepuff Gobstones champion three times

To get the snitch, move the table in the middle of the room and when it comes near, push the action button!

Once again, I found this out by Daniel Park.


Jul 7, 2007
I need help with the Luna Lovegood belongings. I really have no clue where they are at, and I have looked everywhere with no luck.
Jul 7, 2007
can you help me with how to get collin's camera down? i've tried a million times and i cannot find the camera or even get to other ledges. please help!!!!


Jul 7, 2007
Ok I have several questions

1) Need to find the portrait with the "3 head" riddle
2) I need to find the rest of the flying creatures
3) Find the Gyrfindor champion of gobstones
4) I need to find the portrait password to the lady in the dungeons

thats it
thank you
Jul 7, 2007
Luna's belongings are located in the :

Viaduct Entrance, The Clock Tower, The Great Hall, The Library and The entrance hall.

The one in the entrance hall is hidden under some leaves. In order to get it, you need to WGL the broom and levitate it over the leaves.
Jul 7, 2007

by the start of that task, there should be two benches side by side or close by. You need to WGL the benches and stack them in front of the ledge to the left. You should then be able to climg up the ledges and just work your way up. His camera is all the way up top.

Hope this helps.
Jul 7, 2007
Go to the back of the Trophy Room. To the left should be a duster. Dust the two trophies near the duster. Then examine them. BAM! 100%

Jul 7, 2007
In order to get past the Three headed Riddle, ypu need to have talked to the portrait with the three voices.

2. There is no gryffindor champion, there is a hogwarts champion. She is standing behind the slytherin champion in the corner of the paved courtyard.

3. you need to tell me which flying cretures you have found in order for me to know which ones you have left.

4. Go to the Gryffindor common room and get your invisibility cloak. Go back down to the dungeon hallway and two slytherins should be talking about the password. follow them to the portrait to acquire the password.


Jul 2, 2007
For Luna's belongings in the Entrance Hall, earlier I swept up those leaves (before this task)..now there's now leaves...how do I get her thing?????

Ths XD
Sep 10, 2005
i'm 64% done with the game but i'm stuck after i destroy all the speakers and now i have no task or what so ever, and i am stuck on not knowing what to do, everytime i ask the girl and the guy they say i should look for other DA member to make sure they're save, but how the hell will i find them, i been looking and looking please help, any help would be good. thanks


Jul 8, 2007
I have harry potter on wii and it sez to start a fight i have to face someone and hold b. i do this but they either run away or carry on walking


Jul 8, 2007
I've found the most of the members from the DA and the map shows me 2 tasks.1)Transfiguration courtyard and 2)Gryffindor common room.I went there but i found nothing and Hermione keep saying that i must find the other members.What i have to do?PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jul 8, 2007
Luna Lovegood's stuff is:

Great Hall - Jumper
Entrance Courtyard - Sweep up piles of leaves to discover Luna's purse
Viaduct entrance - Luna's Newspaper
Library Table - Bear Mask
Clocktower Courtyard - Socks


Jul 8, 2007
Do you know where her things are i've found one of her things in the library the other in the viaduct entrance, the other in the great hall, and the other 1 well i don't remember where i found that. I need to find the last thing. Do you know where it is?
Jul 7, 2007

go to the library and get the potions book. the book is in the restricted section in either the last or second to last bookshelf to the left. read it and go back to snape.

Gregersu, not everyone is willing to fight you. point it at a slytherin!

Charjman, The PSP version of the game is way different than the other consoles. There is an Individual thread for that. Heres the link.

Scotsman, you're basicly done with the game. Check the Marauder's Map and check which rooms you have to discover 100%.

Julius, I can't help you with that. Put the game in the CD-R Drive, Go to the Start tab, Click Run ( it's on the right) go to browse, click the tab on the left that says my computer, and then lastly click on CD-RW Drive. and Run that. If that doesn't work, then I don't know what to tell you.

Krishh05, the last item is probably in the Entrance Courtyard under a pile of leaves. WGL the broom and levitate it over the leaves. IF not there, check the Clocktower courtyard. IT is right in front of the fountain.


Jul 8, 2007
does anyone know what to do after you find luna's things if you do know then could you help me,thanks.


Jul 8, 2007

go to the library and get the potions book. the book is in the restricted section in either the last or second to last bookshelf to the left. read it and go back to snape.

Gregersu, not everyone is willing to fight you. point it at a slytherin!

Charjman, The PSP version of the game is way different than the other consoles. There is an Individual thread for that. Heres the link.

Scotsman, you're basicly done with the game. Check the Marauder's Map and check which rooms you have to discover 100%.

Julius, I can't help you with that. Put the game in the CD-R Drive, Go to the Start tab, Click Run ( it's on the right) go to browse, click the tab on the left that says my computer, and then lastly click on CD-RW Drive. and Run that. If that doesn't work, then I don't know what to tell you.

Krishh05, the last item is probably in the Entrance Courtyard under a pile of leaves. WGL the broom and levitate it over the leaves. IF not there, check the Clocktower courtyard. IT is right in front of the fountain.

Thanks but now i need to know on what to do after you find her things. Do you know? If you do then thanks.

Jun 7, 2004
Do you know where all the portraits are? I have 91% in portraits and am at a complete loss as to where it could be. Also is there anywhere you can go to just duel? Everytime I point my wand at someone they run away.

Never mind! Stupid oversight mistake! Just got 100%!!!!!!! Thanks anyway though!
Jul 7, 2007
ok, i'm at the part where you have to help luna with the swamp thing and placing it in the centre of the courtyard, but i have no idea how to do this task. can you please help me?
Jul 8, 2007
How do you sabotage the clock tower... I mean I took the three cogs off and then rearranged them but it didn't work


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Yes there are two portraits that Im stuck on figuring out. One in the dungeon corridor and one on the fourth floor how do I get those passwords? One says I should talk to a slytherin or something and the other portrait says find the other me to get the password please help


Jul 2, 2007
When it says to find the other DA members, you have to select them from the tasks in the map. Just click their name and the footprints will lead you!

After finding Luna's belongings, that's it...u just have to discovery everything in the castle...get all the passwords, find all Fred and George's boxes, stuff like that...go to the start menu..game information..and it will show u what u still have to do. Go to the Marauders Map, and go left, and it will show you what % you have complete for each room. :D


Jul 7, 2007
brave35, have you gotten through the portrait with the three voices?

I have found the portrait with the three voices, but i don't know what to do after that.

thanks for the luna lovegood question


Jul 6, 2007
rite after the fight at hagrids you have to help luna with the weasleys swamp thing but im completely lost. what do you do? thanks.


Aug 24, 2005
I am stuck at 95% in the owlery. I have fed the 3 owls, and knocked all off the ledges that I know of. Can anyone help me find the last 10 points in this game?!?
Jul 8, 2007
Hey two questions:
(Both During the time when Professor Umbridge has taken over Hogwarts)

1)How do you do the clock tower task where you have to move the cogs around?

2) How do you mess up the 5 (or 6?) speakers around Hogwarts? Also where are the speakers?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Answer to the question about the owlery. Go around behind the owlery to the back side and you will discover that there are other ways to gain points. It took me a while to find this as well.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
The cogs will automatically go to there designated places once you lift them up there then there are other cogs laying around to do the rest of the damage.